CRM Software

(Customer Relationship Management system)

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Transform your approach to customer relationship management by working with our top CRM developers. We offer customized work that ensures you can easily communicate with your customers and increase sales significantly compared to the competition with the help of our team. Improve your customers’ satisfaction, optimize your processes, and make your mark in your field.

Are you ready to take your company’s CRM strategy to the next level? Fill out the form below to start a partnership that's more than just software. We know that every business is unique, and that's why our dedicated CRM developers are always here to implement solutions that meet current and projected future needs. It's time to create a unique CRM system that effectively supports the development of your business. Are you ready to get started? Call our team for free.

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Introduction to CRM

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CRM SaaS industry has reshaped the business-to-consumer or business-to-business interface. Originally it was just a database for storing data with pretty names. Now, CRM software has evolved into the primary solution for customer retention, revenue generation and organizational functions. It enables a company to respond to customer needs as they arise, helping to build sustainable business partnerships and enabling real-time decision making.

For this reason, CRM SaaS solutions can no longer be considered a luxury today; rather, they have become a primary necessity that helps an organization operate effectively in a competitive market. In this case, this article highlights many facets of CRM software's impact on numerous organizations and how it addresses the key issues.

Statistics of CRM

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  • The CRM SaaS industry has been growing at an incredibly fast pace as far as yearly growth rates are concerned, which are more than 15% of the total.
  • CRM Market has reached $50 billion which has set up the bar of market presence in the software industry.
  • The companies that adopted the CRM SaaS system have estimated a minimum of 30% reduction in the operational expenses.
  • More than 70% of CRM solutions are cloud-based which gives it the largest slice of the CRM market pie.  
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Customer Challenges We Solved

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Retention Rate

The customer retention rate in this particular year has reduced to 68%, which is rather low compared to the other industries that have an 80% rate. Such a sharp decline also means a great threat to our company, as it is clear that we gradually lose our most valuable clients, who generate a large share of the income. The impacts of this shift are loss of sales and fewer profits earned. There is a requirement for an efficient CRM solution that could be further used for the active follow-up of customer interactions.

Improve Sales Conversion

Our sales department has been having a poor performance, securing only 25% of all the leads it generates. Such low success rates are equal to considerable costs of selling because many resources are invested in fulfilling contracts that fail to happen. This inefficiency has consequences, and one of them is direct financial loss, thus being an important issue to raise.

Data Driven Decision Making

Alas, even though many of us possess significant experience, a large share of organizational decisions are made not based on the analysis of facts and controlling indicators but on trial and error, feelings, or intuition, depending on the capacities of the team members and the experience of their leader. This has led to poor decision-making, especially on strategic issues, and therefore performance is impaired. For such reasons, we have noted that this practice denies organizations the ability to make ideal decisions and grow. Our key strategy will be to seek to use data analysis as a means of making informed decisions.

Increasing Customer Retention and Upselling

Surprisingly, when it comes to decision-making in the organizations to which we belong, a significant proportion of such decisions are made using various instincts or hunches rather than analytic and data. To my knowledge, the absence of comprehensive analyses of the data collected and our experience is evident in our strategic decisions and the company’s performance.

Efficiency and Automation

In our organization, a large percentage of everyday tasks are accomplished manually continue to be a thorn in the organizatio. It is because of the several reasons that originate from them at both organizational and personal levels. People spend a lot of time stuck doing repetitive tasks. We have realized that it is causing the congestion of funds in other activities within our operations and inhibiting our capacity to reallocate resources on development projects. This creates the need to have a proper CRM system to enhance the efficiency of these activities through automation. In this way, we expect our efficiency to rise, operational costs to decline, and staff members to dedicate their time to more important activities, like strategic planning and customers’ communication which results in improving organizational performance.

Key Features of CRM

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  • 1

    Contact ManagementEffectively store and manage customer data, including data that is collected, interaction with customers, and past interactions. An effective method of reaching out to individuals that are within a firm’s network opens up a way of developing a complete picture regarding each and every customer, hence improving the sales and marketing strategies in the process.

  • 2

    Lead ManagementLeads management undergoes acquisition, scoring, assistance to sales departments and converting prospects into clients. Lead management within the sales funnel makes sales easier by offering information on the lead, means by which one could contact them, and increase the chances of converting the leads into clients.

  • 3

    Opportunity Management Monitor those sales prospects from the beginning to all the way to the point of conversion or sale. When you have a look at your sales opportunities, you can then decide where to place your resources in order to deal with the likely close prospects.

  • 4

    Pipeline ManagementSales funnels help in envisioning and managing complex sales processes and the progress that prospective buyers go through before converting to buyers. In pipeline management, it is easy to highlight an area that hinders the transition from one stage to another, besides enabling accurate forecasting.

  • 5

    Customer Segmentation CategorizeDivide the actual or potential customers into groups using factors such as demographic, behavioural, or buying practices. This way, marketers will be able to channel out the right messages to their stakeholders while at the same time creating specific segments to address specific needs.

  • 6

    Email Integration Emails should flow within the framework of the chosen CRM so as to monitor and coordinate conversations. It is this aspect that allows the sales and support personnel to record the email they are handling, create reminders, and document all the email communication with customers, so they do not leave out anything.

  • 7

    Task and Calendar Management Some of the features of customer relationship management include creating appointments and meetings, setting reminders, arranging tasks, and assigning tasks to the members of the team. Calendar and task management enable groups and individuals to be particular with their schedules and never miss important schedules such as meetings and other activities.

  • 8

    Automated WorkflowsOptimize routine activities and procedures with the help of automation. These patterns of work can be set to send notifications, approvals, and data updates, thus helping to reduce paperwork across organizations.

  • 9

    Reporting and Analytics Create informative reports and visualizations to develop a profound comprehension of the results of sales initiatives and customer activity. Marketing and sales analysis and reporting provide information on sales and marketing strategies and reveal trends that forecast business success based on current statistics.

  • 10

    Sales Forecasting Forecast possible revenues and sales, taking into account historical data and the existing potential. Thus, sales forecasting gives businesses a chance to predict demand, manage resources, and set realistic sales goals, enhancing general planning and strategy.

  • 11

    Document Management Organize all the key sales documents, contracts, and proposals into one reference point, integrated into the CRM system. This not only maintains the documents with proper labeling but also makes it easier for one’s team to locate the documents they require to seal deals and serve customers.

  • 12

    Team CollaborationEnsure all the team members are on the same page in CRM and across all organizational units of the company. The interaction tools offer capacities for communication, cooperation, and the sharing of tasks and information throughout the team, fostering cohesiveness and awareness of communication with customers.

  • 13

    Customer Support Ticketing Deal with customers’ requests and complaints by generating and handling the support tickets within the CRM. This also enhances the customer support system since it makes it easy for the company to solve problems faced by the customers.

  • 14

    Social Media IntegrationClosely track customer engagement through social media, interact with the customers, to obtain better insights for marketing. The incorporation of the social media platform into CRM allows you to engage with your audience, follow up on the inquiries, and even understand the perception of your customer’s on the specific platform.

  • 15

    Call Tracking and RecordingRecord calls, review call logs and history, to know more about the customers and agents. Some noteworthy features of call tracking and call recording which include, better sales and customer service, strict adherence to the legal requirements.

  • 16

    Mobile Accessibility Access CRM data and functionality on mobile devices, so that the sales and support personnel can work on the move. Since mobile access is allowed, the teams are capable of working and responding even if they are not at the workplace, which directly enhances customer relations and service.

  • 17

    Sales Quote and Invoice GenerationMake and dispatch quotes and invoices from the CRM to lower administrative work and increase the speed of selling. The feature enhances the processing of financial transactions for easy buying by customers.

  • 18

    Lead ScoringGive a score to the leads depending on how they engage. Depending on how you score these leads, you are likely to concentrate on the hot leads. Lead scoring helps the sales teams target their efforts at the right prospects, thus increasing the chances of converting them to customers. .

  • 19

    Marketing Automation Integration Integrate with other applications and tools for lead synchronization, campaign tracking, and overall marketing efficiency reporting. This enables synchronization of the sales and marketing processes as well as proper follow-up of the generated leads using the funnel.

  • 20

    E-commerce IntegrationEnsure compatibility with the E-commerce platforms that particularize order information integration, customer details, and sales processing. Integration of E-commerce ensures that there is a constant exchange of data between the CRM and the online store to enhance the tracking and interaction of the customers.

  • 21

    Custom Fields and Data Customization To enhance the functionalities of your CRM, you can add the fields, forms, and data points that are needed for your particular business. This feature allows making changes to the interface to meet specific organizational needs and collect data most pertinent to the company’s processes.

  • 22

    Multi-channel CommunicationCommunication through email, phone calls, live chat, and social media is all in one application. The multi-channel communication system makes certain that customers get adequate and timely responses any time they choose to use a given channel of communication.

  • 23

    Customer Survey and Feedback Use replies from customers, feedback, surveys, and reviews to enhance the customer's products and services. It is possible to estimate the main benefits of conducting surveys and collecting feedback to identify customer attitudes and primary expectations, which in turn contribute to the improvement of business conditions and the segmentation of suitable customer populations.

  • 24

    Contact Duplication ManagementEnsure that all the customer records are not duplicated and that all the records are clean, straightforward, and accurate. The main advantage of duplicate management is to eliminate confusion; customer information is therefore coordinated and updated.

  • 25

    Sales Territories Management Design the responsibility for each of your employees and divide the sales regions in such a way that no salesperson is overburdened. Territory management enhances the strategy of selling by properly allocating leads and accounts among the salespeople.

  • 26

    Email Marketing Integration Improve communication with the email marketers in order to create and deliver email promotions and track them within the CRM. Compatibility with other e-mailing solutions enables easier administration of e-mail campaigns and control over the effectiveness of the campaign.

  • 27

    Lead Source Tracking Determine the sources that provide leads for securing business, which in turn assist in utilizing the available resources efficiently. Knowledge about leads enables businesses to fund the particular marketing methods that produce the majority of leads and, hence, more initial interest.

  • 28

    Event Management Schedule and monitor the events, conferences, and webinars with the integrated event management tools. Event management makes the processes of planning and holding events more efficient, thus allowing businesses to provide good experiences to guests.

  • 29

    Integration with Third-party Apps Integrated with many other third-party applications, which enriches CRM capability. A third-party app connection is an opportunity to enhance CRM functions and optimize the work of companies by integrating with the applications and services business people use.

  • 30

    Contract Management Store and manage contracts and be aware of the contract renewal dates, as well as having to implement different contractual provisions and terms. Contract management studies, thereby decreasing the chances of non-compliance and increasing the likelihood of business agreements being honored.

  • 31

    AI-driven InsightsUse artificial intelligence and machine learning for experience, predictions, innovation, and data mining. The analysis produced by artificial intelligence gives a competitive advantage by allowing businessmen to come up with decisions based on facts as well as perform repetitive tasks or operations.

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Frequently Asked Questions

From Security to Code Quality we have got your covered

GraffersID concentrates on IT staff augmentations by delivering top managers and developers to create customized CRM systems for your business. It’s known that every business is different from one another, that’s why our team of experts takes the extra step to learn your workflows, sales procedures, and customer management internal processes. Afterward, we design and build a CRM solution that integrates people and systems, fosters customer relations, and promotes the growth of the business.

The team at GraffersID places a consultation at the onset of any project in order to understand the needs and goals of the client business. Thereafter, a requirement document with timelines and expectations is constructed for approval from the client before the developers move to any designing or coding. For the entire stage of the project, we adhere to a proactive communication norm, which offers you a status report, allows for comments and corrections, and makes changes where necessary. When the development stage is over, we carry out an extensive quality check by means of testing and the implementation assistance from our team takes place after that.

When you engage in GraffersID’s IT staff augmentation model, you are provided with the professional developers all through the course of the CRM project. You have the freedom of increasing or decreasing the composition of your team depending on the requirements of the project without the concern of permanent employment. Our developers interact with your team directly, which means more effective communication, quicker development cycles and a product that meets the needs of your business. We have a talented pool of professionals, you get the right skills for the timely delivery of quality solutions.

As a company, GraffersID understands that post-development support is as important as the development process itself. As soon as your custom CRM tool goes live, we have a whole team to maintain your system and support you with dealing with any technical issues that might arise, upgrades, and incorporation of new features. No matter whether it is about performance optimization, troubleshooting, or introducing advanced features, we make sure that your CRM remains current and operates efficiently as your business expands.

Absolutely! When building a tailor-made CRM for your business, we focus on scalability as one of the important aspects of the software. With the ongoing development of your company, the CRM system should also be able to develop and grow. Whether it is the integration of additional tools, the increase of the number of users, or the entry into new markets, GraffersID’s developers will make sure that the CRM system is amenable to any future needs.

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