ArtFetch has grown to be one of the biggest marketplaces in such a domain. This one of its kind application lets viewers pay the artists for their artwork. As an artist, you can upload or create a live streaming session for your artwork and your followers can then access the art piece from your channel.

There are thousands of talented artists and individuals who have unique art but very limited exposure to specific audiences. It is tougher for artists to pursue their talent as a career without having a fixed income or a fan following. ArtFetch empowers true artists to explore their passion and simultaneously earn money at the comfort of your home.

ArtFetch also built an opportunity for art lovers to discover new forms of art, talented artists and support the talent they like to follow. The viewers can silently contribute to the artists they appreciate. Every time a user subscribes to the artist or joins a live session they add some funds to the artist’s profile. These funds can then be transacted by the artists as per their convenience.

Features of ArtFetch that make this platform a ROCKSTAR:


The art forms are highly diversified with categories spanning over a wide range. Yet, there still remains a lot of uncategorized form of the artwork. Hence, making sure the right art form goes in the right category was the artwork of the developers. There are 2 show-stoppers feature here let’s see them in detail :

  • Wide range of category to display art:

Art is based on multiple formats and each format needs a unique platform which can cater to its need. If we have a singer, they would need a video, audio-based platform. In the case of a sketch artist, he will need an image and tool-based platform. A street performer will need the ability to host the video so that he can interact with his audience as per convenience.

ArtFetch has the ability to handle all the mobile possible art forms right from using motion sensors to as basic as a selfie stick, ArtFetch has covered them all.

  • Live Video streaming with chatting facility:

The art thrives when there is an audience to appreciate it. Hence ArtFetch enables artists to showcase their work live to their audience and at the same time communicate via messaging facility in real-time. The audience could write their comments and the artists have the ability to revert individually to each interaction.


ArtFetch remains ad-free and delivers high-quality content because its users are art enthusiasts. ArtFetch users contribute financially every time they view or support an artist. Depending on the type of art viewers have different trial opportunities to test if they like the artist or the art form. Once they are sure they start to contribute to the income of the individual artist. Hence, making it a great incentive for Artists and Art enthusiasts. Viewers also use this opportunity to chat and offer different incentives to the artist, to which artists can respond personally.

Technical Masterpiece for the startup:

Segregating the talent:

One of the biggest challenges on the development end was to map the right category to the right talent. Each talent also needs a unique set of features to demonstrate their art. It was crucial as it determined how well are the customers able to perceive the art in its natural form. Since customers are paying the artist we needed to make sure that they have the best experience to keep them coming back for more.


For the initial few months, we emphasized highly on the feedback cycle. Therefore, at each point viewers had very easy access to the feedback section. To encourage viewers further, every time a visitor gave a suggestion ArtFetch gave some brownie points. These brownie points also made sure that viewers keep revisiting the application. It worked like a charm and in no time all the categories were perfect.

Retention Rate and Customer Acquisition:

Each country and location perceived different art forms differently. What might work in London may not necessarily work in Singapore. It is a trivial issue when we talk about user acquisition and retention rates. To understand this the best example is Youtube. Just retrospect and see on average how many videos do you see minimum before stepping out of the site. As per the research, as to this day, a minimum of 3 videos, not even an average but a hard number of 3. Crazy right and all thanks to just one feature “Relevant Suggestions”. It is a power that could make an average startup, highly successful one.


Hence, the A/B testing model was deployed and had a different suggestion for different people based on their demography or language. A fairly complicated logic to implement but a tremendously useful one when it comes to the overall success of the application. Revenues jumped the roof, it was a proud moment for all.

ArtFetch is one of the fastest-growing and most appreciated platforms for its ease of use and beautiful UI. ArtFetch is able to grab a lot of investor attention because of such a high user retention rate. Moreover, It is a true example of what a powerful UX can do to a brand when supported by strong technology on the backend.