Client’s Business Requisite

The client approached us with the requirement of building a Hospital Management System, which is aimed to maintain the day to day records of the patients, list of doctors and their performance, medical history of patients, appointments and more. The client was seeking an easy-to-use and user-friendly hospital management system with which complex data that emerges from patient-doctor interaction can be managed.


The hospital management system is aimed to maintain day-to-day discharge/admission of patients, a list of doctor’s report generation, appointments, and more.

The system was designed to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Computerize all the details regarding doctors which includes their specialties, the number of check-ups done in a month, the number of operations done in a month and more.
  2. Scheduling appointments with doctors.
  3. Management of patient appointments.
  4. Management of patient’s appointment history, the disease they are getting diagnosed for, prescription, reports and more.
  5. The information of patients should be kept up to date and their record should be in the system for historical purposes.


Let’s have a look at the features that we incorporated in this Hospital Management System:


Our creative UI/UX designers created an interactive dashboard and our development team converted into a highly user-friendly platform using the trending technologies.


We made sure that admin covers each and everything right from the doctor list, patient list to add doctor, add an appointment and add patient options. Over the dashboard only, the user can get details of total appointments, total patients, and average patient per doctor. Apart from this, in the mid-section of the dashboard, users can find Patient Details, Date, and Time of the Appointment and Doctor with whom the appointment is booked.

Our UI/UX designers suggested representing different branches of medicines with different colors and we did the same. We used “red” to represent “cardiology”, “blue” to represent “endocrinology”, “yellow” to represent “dermatology” and so on.

Different Color Code to Represent Different Branch of Medicines

This made the dashboard even more interactive.

In the right-hand side corner, users can find a number of total patients currently admitted in the hospital and various branches of medicines to which they are admitted.

Admission by Division on the Dashboard

At the top right corner over Dashboard, users will find the “Doctor of the Month” which displays the name of the doctor which has performed well over the month, along with the number of operations he/she has performed and patient he/she has provided consultation. Doctor of the Month, appearing at the dashboard is an excellent way of appreciating Doctor who has performed well and this motivates other doctors as well.

Doctor of the Month on the Dashboard

One more exceptional feature of this dashboard is it lets users find the patient details simply by entering the Patient Name or Patient ID.

Doctor List:

As the name suggests, in the Doctor List you will find the name of Doctors, Department on which they are working, their specialty, age, phone number and number of recent appointments.

Doctor List-Health Management System

When the user will click on the arrow on the right side of the Doctor’s details, you can find comprehensive detail of doctors.

As soon, under personal details section, you will find “Date of Joining”, “Specialties”,  “Designation”, “Department”, “Work Experience”, here you will also find the attachment of certificates.

Appointment List

In the appointment details, you will find all the recent appointments of doctors, their status, whether the appointment is pending or canceled and also the related attachment.

Appointment List

Users can also “Add Doctor” and their complete details without any hassle in the hospital management system. Users can also add specialization, department, designation, work experience and attach the related documents.

Patient List:

In the Patient List section, you will find the list of patients who have visited the hospital for diagnosis. The List includes Patient Name, Age, Phone Number, Address, City and also the number of visits.

Also, as the user clicks on the arrow present on the right corner, one can find the complete details about the patient such as Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prescription, Attachments and Notes. The patient details also include attachments like reports and prescriptions. Users can share the entire patient details with other doctors and also download the details.

“Add Patient” options enable users to easily add all the Patient details and attach documents.

Add Appointment:

“Add Appointment” features let you add Patient Name, Patient Phone Number, Symptoms, Assign Doctor, Select Date and Time. With Add Appointment feature, users can easily maintain all the records of appointments without much hassle. This makes users have a glance at all the appointments in a day and get an idea of who all doctors are going to remain engaged for the day. This makes all the hospital system more manageable.

Add Appointment

Final Thoughts

Graffersid operates on to believe that truly successful software solutions come out of close operation between the client and the development company.

We worked with the technical advisor, paid close attention to the client’s business needs and requirements, and developed a health management system which meets the client’s need in the best possible manner.

With the hard work of our development team, we managed to build a stable, scalable, responsive and interactive healthcare system that is easy to navigate.