About the Client

The Client wanted to leverage the power of digital technologies to advance their hospital and be more accessible to people. Creating digital solutions helps the entire ecosystem of that Industry. Our aim was also to enable the Doctors, Medical Staff, Patients, and associated people to feel more empowered and control their processes.

The hospital management system website was launched well within the dedicated timeline and attracted massive success. The team of GRAFFERSID overcame the challenge of managing the dynamic database with powerful back-end development integrated with modern technologies which are using cloud storage.

Positive feedback from the Doctors’ community in the testing phase verified the prototype and it became an instant hit. The software was managing more than 150 doctors and hundreds of patients every day.

The delays in report, review, and information processing were eliminated with real-time processes. The hospital was awarded “Best Hospital for Doctors to Work”.

Features of the Healthcare Management System Dashboard

Creating a complete healthcare management system requires the topmost technical expertise and diligence on the part of the development team. GRAFFERSID took this as a challenge and delivered the system within record time.

The hospital management system website is loaded with exceptional and unique features to cater to both patients and doctors. Apart from that it also presents an easy navigation system for third parties to check various treatments and services offered by the hospital.

The website acts as a digital front of the hospital and that is why it required all the needed features.

Here we present some of those features.

1. Responsiveness

The hospital management system website was supposed to work on various devices such as PC and phones while being responsive on all operating systems. This was made possible by GRAFFERSID through the collaboration of our various teams such as mobile app development, website development, and UI/UX development.

The next step was extensive testing on various platforms and bug fixes, and in the end, we were able to achieve a smooth operation of the platform.

2. Dashboard

dashboard for hospital management system

Our creative UI/UX designers created an interactive dashboard for the hospital management system and our development team converted it into a highly user-friendly platform using trending technologies.

We made sure that the admin covers everything right from the doctor list, to the patient list to add a doctor, add an appointment, and add patient options. Over the dashboard only, the user can get details of total appointments, total patients, and average patients per doctor.

Apart from this, in the midsection of the dashboard for a hospital management system, users can find Patient Details, Date, and Time of the Appointment, and the Doctor with whom the appointment is booked.

3. Chat and Feedback

In an age where service aggregation is a booming trend, the medical sector has also joined this bandwagon. There are a lot of apps and services now that offer online consultations through digital communication.

To keep up with the trend, the hospital management system website allows the patients to have an initial consultation on the website itself with the doctors. While the feature is also laced with video and voice calling to provide a more personalized experience to users while having the consultation.

4. Different Color Codes to Represent Different Branch of Medicines

Our UI/UX designers suggested representing different branches of medicine with different colors and we did the same. We used “red” to represent “cardiology”, “blue” to represent “endocrinology”, “yellow” to represent “dermatology”, and so on.

This helps in maintaining an overall pattern within the system and better identification of doctors and patients. Further, the color schemes follow a dynamic pattern and present a more vibrant color on the selection of a particular patient tab to make it more visually appealing. This made the dashboard for the hospital management system even more interactive.

5. Reminders and Notifications

As a healthcare management website, the website needed to have a swift reminder and notification system. This serves various purposes at the same time as appointment notifications, chat notifications, medicine reminders, etc.

These reminders and notifications can be customized from the settings dashboard as per the personal preference of the user. The settings also include an option regarding the blocking of notifications for a certain period of the day to avoid disturbance.

6. Admission by Division on the Dashboard

In the right-hand side corner, users can find several total patients currently admitted in the hospital and various branches of medicine to which they are admitted. The information is present in the form of an interactive pie chart draped with different color patterns, this helps the visitors to recognize the information about the patient.

Further, the visitors can also access more information according to various departments with just a click on different portions of the pie chart.

7. Barcode Scanner

The counterfeiting of medicines is a big headache for law enforcement agencies in the country. To ensure that the patients only get the original medicines from the stores, the website is laced with a barcode scanner that scans the medicine barcodes and tells whether the product is original or not.

Additionally, the feature also helps in checking the expiry dates of the medicines so that the patient can purchase the remedies without any confusion.

8. Doctor of the Month on the Dashboard

At the top right corner over Dashboard, users will find the “Doctor of the Month” which displays the name of the doctor who has performed well over the month, along with the number of operations he/she has performed and the patient he/she has provided consultation.

Doctor of the Month, appearing on the dashboard is an excellent way of appreciating a Doctor who has performed well and this motivates other doctors as well.

One more exceptional feature of this dashboard for hospital management systems is it lets users find the patient details simply by entering the Patient Name or Patient ID.

9. Personal Vault

Carrying your medical history physically every time a patient goes to a doctor is quite a hassle. To counter this problem our custom website development team included the Personal Vault feature.

Under this, the patient’s complete medical history and documents can be kept in this digital vault, and the next time the individual goes for a checkup, they can let the doctor access it with an OTP. For ensuring that the vault is completely secure, it is laced with an encryption system matching the highest security standards.

10. Doctor List


dashboard for hospital management system

As the name suggests, in the Doctor List you will find the name of the Doctors, the Department in which they are working, their specialty, age, phone number, and the number of recent appointments.

11. Doctor List-Health Management System

When the user clicks on the arrow on the right side of the Doctor’s details, you can find comprehensive detail of doctors.
As soon, under the personal details section, you will find “Date of Joining”, “Specialties”, “Designation”, “Department”, and “Work Experience”, here you will also find the attachment of certificates.

12. Prescription Manager

To facilitate the purchase and usage of medicines by the patients, the app comes with a prescription manager. Here it lists all the medicines under different categories and the reason why they are prescribed.

This feature also reminds the user about refilling the prescription and the nearest medical stores where this might be available.

13. Appointment List


dashboard for hospital management system

In the appointment details, you will find all the recent appointments of doctors, their status, whether the appointment is pending or canceled, and also the related attachment.

Users can also “Add Doctor” and their complete details without any hassle in the hospital management system. Users can also add specialization, department, designation, and work experience and attach the related documents.

14. Emergency

Many a time, there are medical emergencies in which the patients need immediate assistance. The Emergency feature is a crucial feature within the app that is provided to help with the handling of emergency medical conditions.

This provides first-aid measures for various serious ailments and problems. At the same time, it has options to send an SOS to the hospital and also the option to call an ambulance.

15. Patient List

Patient List

In the Patient List section, you will find the list of patients who have visited the hospital for diagnosis. The List includes the Patient’s Name, Age, Phone Number, Address, City, and also the number of visits.

Also, as the user clicks on the arrow present in the right corner, one can find the complete details about the patient such as Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prescription, Attachments, and Notes. The patient details also include attachments like reports and prescriptions.

Users can share the entire patient details with other doctors and also download the details. “Add Patient” options enable users to easily add all the Patient details and attach documents.

16. Add an Appointment

Add Appointment

“Add Appointment” features let you add the Patient’s Name, Patient Phone Number, and Symptoms, Assign Doctor, and Select Date and Time. With the Add Appointment feature, users can easily maintain all the records of appointments without much hassle.

This makes users to have a glance at all the appointments in a day and get an idea of who all doctors are going to remain engaged for the day. This makes all the hospital systems more manageable.

17. Payment Gateway

With the digital revolution, our ways of payment and receipt have also changed drastically. This change has also penetrated the medical sector, to avoid any kind of confusion and hassle while making a payment, the app has a swift payment system.

It offers various payment options to users as per their personal preferences. Further, it also provides an auto-generated bill to confirm the transaction and provide proof of payment to the user.

Want to Build Responsive Healthcare Management System With High Performance and Scalability? Get in Touch With GraffersID Team Here!

What did the Client say about the Partnership with GRAFFERSID?

We came with so many requirements for our software because of our complex processes. The Healthcare Industry has to be very sensitive to digital technologies. A small error can result in big losses which are not recoverable.

Therefore, we looked at a lot of options and went with GRAFFERSID after we saw their success stories. Sidharth has been a good listener and an expert in the technology domain. The team of GRAFFERSID understood the value of our software and hospital. Their experience helped us overcome several challenges and we never compromised on the qualities and user experience.

I would highly appreciate the work done by GRAFFERSID. The software is running smoothly without any flaws. Thanks to their team!

Understanding Hospital Management System Websites:

A hospital management system website is a comprehensive online platform that combines various software applications to automate and facilitate hospital operations. These systems are designed to manage patient information, appointments, medical records, billing, inventory, and more. By centralizing these functions, hospital management system websites offer a holistic approach to healthcare administration, resulting in increased efficiency and improved patient outcomes.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Efficient Appointment Management:

Traditionally, booking appointments could be a time-consuming task for both patients and hospital staff. With management system websites, patients can easily schedule appointments online, and staff can manage these appointments seamlessly, reducing waiting times and optimizing resource allocation.

  • Streamlined Patient Information:

Hospital management systems store and manage patient medical records securely. This not only saves physical storage space but also enables quick access to patient history, aiding healthcare providers in making well-informed decisions.

  • Accurate Billing and Insurance:

Billing errors can lead to dissatisfaction and financial losses. These systems automate billing processes, ensuring accurate invoicing and streamlined insurance claims, resulting in improved revenue cycle management.

  • Inventory and Pharmacy Management:

Keeping track of medical supplies and pharmacy inventory is vital in a healthcare setting. Management system websites monitor stock levels, reorder supplies, and prevent overstocking, reducing wastage and ensuring availability.

  • Enhanced Communication:

Effective communication is essential within a hospital. These systems facilitate communication among staff members, enabling coordination in real time and leading to better patient care.

  • Data Security and Privacy:

Patient data confidentiality is a top priority in healthcare. Hospital management systems implement robust security measures to ensure compliance with data protection regulations and prevent unauthorized access.

  • Analytics and Insights:

Data-driven decision-making is facilitated by the analytical capabilities of these systems. Hospital administrators can gain insights into operational trends, patient demographics, and resource allocation, aiding in strategic planning.

Challenges and Implementation:

While the benefits are undeniable, implementing a hospital management system website comes with its challenges. The transition from manual processes to digital systems requires thorough training for staff members. Additionally, the initial financial investment can be significant. However, the long-term advantages, including cost savings and operational efficiency, far outweigh the initial hurdles.

Future Possibilities:

As technology continues to evolve, so will hospital management systems. The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) can further enhance predictive analytics, assisting in proactive patient care and resource management. Additionally, telemedicine integration could enable virtual consultations and remote patient monitoring, making healthcare more accessible and convenient.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a Hospital Management System (HMS) website?

A Hospital Management System (HMS) website is a digital platform designed to streamline and automate various administrative and operational tasks within a healthcare facility. It assists in managing patient information, appointments, medical records, billing, and other essential functions.

2. Why is a Hospital Management System website important?

An HMS website improves the efficiency and accuracy of hospital operations by centralizing data, reducing paperwork, enhancing communication between departments, and providing quick access to patient information. It also enhances patient experience by enabling online appointment scheduling and reducing wait times.

3. What features can be included in a Hospital Management System website?

Common features include patient registration, appointment scheduling, electronic health records (EHR) management, prescription and medication tracking, billing and invoicing, inventory management, staff scheduling, and reporting/analytics.

4. How does an HMS website benefit patients?

Patients can easily book appointments online, access their medical records, receive appointment reminders, and view test results online. This improves convenience, reduces waiting times, and empowers patients to take an active role in their healthcare.

5. How does an HMS website benefit hospital staff?

Hospital staff can efficiently manage patient information, appointments, and medical records in a digital format. It reduces administrative burden, minimizes errors, and improves communication between departments, leading to better coordination of care.

6. Is data security ensured on an HMS website?

Yes, data security is a top priority. A well-developed HMS website employs robust security measures, such as encryption, role-based access control, and regular security audits, to protect patient confidentiality and comply with regulations like HIPAA.

7. Can an HMS website integrate with existing hospital systems?

Yes, a custom HMS website can be developed to integrate with existing hospital systems like laboratory information systems (LIS), picture archiving and communication systems (PACS), and billing systems, ensuring smooth data flow between different departments.

8. How long does it take to develop an HMS website?

The development timeline varies based on the complexity of features, design, and integration requirements. A basic HMS website might take a few months, while a more comprehensive system could take six months to a year or more.

9. What technologies are used in HMS website development?

HMS websites often use a combination of programming languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, along with back-end languages like PHP, Python, Ruby, or Java. Frameworks like Angular, React, or Vue.js might be used for building user interfaces.

10. Can an HMS website be customized for specific hospital needs?

Absolutely, an HMS website can be tailored to suit the unique requirements of a hospital. Customization ensures that the system aligns with the hospital’s workflows, specializations, and operational preferences.

11. What ongoing maintenance is required for an HMS website?

Regular maintenance is essential to keep the website running smoothly. This includes security updates, bug fixes, performance optimization, and occasional feature enhancements as the hospital’s needs evolve.

12. How can I get started with developing an HMS website for my hospital?

To get started, you can reach out to professional web development companies or software development freelancers with experience in healthcare solutions. Clearly outline your requirements and collaborate to design, develop, and deploy a tailored HMS website.

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