Prestige Institutes are one of the most trusted institutional brands of India. Prestige has multiple colleges namely Engineering, Law, Commerce, and Management, to name a few. It has won many awards and accreditations at the national level. It also enrolls one of the highest numbers of students in an academic year within central India.

Prestige Group wanted to revamp its website to make it a single point of reference for all their college activities. The website was intended to be become more appealing and represent the pride and values which are associated with the Prestige Group.

Prestige brings big brands with it for the placement. With the number of students and branches growing on a year on year basis, it gets tough to manage the process of identifying the best talent and student accomplishments. And Prestige Group wanted to highlight their student accomplishments proudly to the companies coming in for the placements. After a lot of brainstorming, these were the features we settled for.

PIEMR Home Page

College’s internal Job Portal with added features

It is a huge challenge and a time-consuming process for companies and for colleges to filter the candidates fit for a specific position. The traditional way of campus recruitment was to organize tests and individual 1-1 interviews. With such big companies coming for the placement, management becomes a huge task. While the college wanted the companies to hire the best candidate, the companies wanted to move away from academic achievements and focus more on a holistic profile of individuals. Hence we settled for a platform where the students can create their own profiles which can be viewed and filtered by these Companies’ recruiters.

PIEMR placements

Student Specific Notice Board

On day to day basis, there are many updates that need to be communicated with the students. However, not every update needs to be shared with all the students. Hence we designed a platform where the admin can publish a notice and broadcast it to a specific target audience based on the college, branch, and sections. The Notice board could broadcast multiple updates like the release of exam schedules, assignments, tests, conferences, events, etc. Upcoming deadlines, New Assignments, and Projects could be updated and reminded to the students.

PIEMR current events


One of the most anticipated and anxious events in a college is that of the exams. Every students keep a copy of the timetable stuck to their study desk for continuous view. In case there are some changes in the schedule it is something that needs to reach each student immediately irrespective of their location and presence. Hence section was dedicated to exam schedule which also marks the course and other relevant details for each date.

PIEMR programmes


Prestige is one of the biggest institution chains in central India hence students from all around come to the state and even outside come here to study. With so many tenants, not all parents are comfortable traveling to the city or giving that much cash/cheque to their kids. They want an option where the financials are in their control. Be it for college Fee, some trip, or any other official expense. They want to take care of it from where they are located. We really enjoyed the challenge and tried to make the most of the data we already had available. Interactions with college placement officers, students, and company recruiters were extremely helpful to identify the pain points and with solutions that were user-centric.

PIEMR admission