Hire Typescript Developers from India

Augment the Power of Development Outputs with best statically typed language For front-end web applications.

Facilitating the creation of large and Complex platforms, Typescript development services Offers 2X reduction in overall bugs

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About Typescript Development

Microsoft built Typescript to produce ease for developers

Designed by Microsoft in 2012, Typescript is a superset of Javascript used to scale web applications. The Static typing feature allows dedicated typescript developers to catch errors while typing.

It’s noteworthy to mention that even being the superset of JavaScript, it provides all the solutions to java’s limitations. With its built-in auto-complete feature, Typescript automatically completes a line of code with full accuracy of statement definition.

Support for Typescript is continuously growing. The team of Microsoft is constantly working on their next version to include typescript.

Hire Typescript Developers
Microsoft built the Typescript for front-end frameworks. Google used the opportunity to built AngularJS which is one of the most popular and best frameworks today. AngularJS is built on Typescript to use the modern features of it. Asana, Lyft and Slack are other technology giants who use Typescript development services. The expert dedicated typescript developers are equipped with the knowledge to quickly adapt to any technology. Companies with Typscriped developers have more versatility in their development outputs. Hire Typescript Developers in India from GraffersID to grow by 6X.
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Benefits of Typescript Development Services

Leverage the features of the Most popular superset of Javascript

Big brands like Microsoft and Facebook back typescript because of its ability to simplify the development of complex projects. Being a compilable language, Typescript can be used in front-end and back-end also. Dedicated Typescript Developers are increasing in number every year with a shift from Javascript developers to this versatile technology


Websites are using

The Typescript In front end


Errors Reduced

in complex projects with Typescript development Services


Cost of Development

Reduced with Typescript Dedicated Developers.

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Benefits of Typescript


Optional Static Typing

TypeScript is a superset of Java, which offers an optional static type system. Typescript helps the dedicated typescript developers to understand the mechanism of API while working with libraries and functions. Hence, it allows types to be added to variables, functions, and properties which ultimately offers a great advantage.


IntelliSense and Code completion is the most popular advantage of TypeScript. It offers active hints to the developers and helps in code completion. Basically, it saves them time and efforts of the developers.

High precision while typing

In case of any syntax or compilation errors, developers are made aware beforehand to prevent the code from getting crashed. It also offers CI/CD systems that check the types of code before getting published.

Increased team performance

TypeScript boosts the performance of each and every developer and leads to better profits. It allows developers to introduce new members to their team and finish the project with efficiency in less time.

OffersType inference without

TypeScript offers implicit typing so that the developers can code the entire program without declaring the type of variables. The compiler automatically predicts the data type, which ultimately makes the entire process hassle-free.

Enhanced code management

TypeScript offers an amazing feature of code reusability which prevents the developer from writing long codes. Along with this, TypeScript provides the entire information about functions and libraries on its panel itself, this saves the time of the developers.

Benefits of Hiring from India


Typescript Development in India

Hire ReactJS Developers in India
Hiring a dedicated Typescript developer from India is 5 times more affordable from Singapore. The above chart depicts the comparison of per hour charges among top countries across the globe.

With Microsoft being the most popular technology giant in India, there are obvious reasons why Indian developers are part of large Typescript community of the world. IT is a leading industry with over 12% contribution to India’s GDP and a major employment industry for the talented youth in India.

Globally leading brands hire dedicated typescript developers from India leveraging the deep technology experience and expertise.

Usually, the cost to hire a dedicated Typescript developer is around $10-$30 per hour depending upon the years of experience of developer and complexity of work.

Benefits of Hiring the offshore Typescript Developers from India


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Do you have a Question for us?

We have worked with Startups turned into Brands with 100% Confidentiality of each and every detail. GRAFFERSID signs a Non-Disclosure agreement with you to abide by the laws and maintain proper confidentiality.

Generally, we take full advance payment for each month per resource. Suppose you did a contract for 12 months with a contract price of $3000 per month then we will take $3000 at the start of the month for next month.

Typescript is a superset of Javascript encompassing all the features of Javascript. Many frameworks of Javascript including Angular.js are built on Typescript. Another important difference is that Typescript is a statically typed language.

We have listed the advantages of TypeScript:

  • It offers the feature of Optional static typing
  • It provides access to ES6 and ES7 features
  • It facilitates the users with great tooling support of IntelliSense
  • Fewer bugs and faster processing

TypeScript is used in many tech companies like:

  • Google
  • Microsoft
  • Airbnb
  • Shopify
  • Mozilla
  • Asana
  • Adobe

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