About the Client

Personal Branding is becoming more and more powerful as the world of digital advances. Everybody knows how Elon Musk has attracted success to his brands with Personal Branding.

There are opportunities everywhere for leveraging the influence of personal branding for connected businesses. Shezad Shafiq is a Career Transformer with highly skilled experience in Helping Individuals shape careers for incredible growth and businesses to grow quickly with improved efficiency.

Started in 2018 as LetsAskShaz.com, Shezad was able to clock revenue of $1 Million by helping businesses in strategy and planning for increased ROI. Shezad came with requirements focused on Uniqueness and Customer Experience.

The team of GRAFFERSID crafted a strategy to develop the Personal website with a huge emphasis on over-delivering captivating customer experiences. The website was able to pass all the tests and performed exceptionally well after the launch. 

Features Of Personal Websites

In this era of digitalization, all of us are familiar with professional websites and e-commerce portals, but it’s not necessary that a website has to be business all the time.

Personal websites allow the user to customize their personal interests, achievements, likes and dislikes accordingly. It helps us to create a personal brand in the form of a digital portfolio to showcase our skills. Let’s have a look at the major features of personal website development :

User-name Logins

What is the first thing that creates a good impression on your visitors, is the user-friendly login process. The login page facilitates the users to create their accounts which allows them to uniquely identify themselves within the website.

This helps the website to keep track of the user data and their preferences. On the other hand, users can view their profiles and can modify their personal information. In order to assist our users, we have offered many login options including, emails, mobile numbers as well as google accounts to make the process simpler.

Account Verification

Account Verification acts as extra layer protection to the user account. It is one of the most crucial mobile app development features which is done to verify whether the account is owned by the individual or any organization before creating an account or giving him access to personal websites.

In this era of modernization, we understand that digital security is amongst the most crucial things. Keeping this in mind we design our websites, in which we only allow authentic users to access the personal websites to value their privacy and digital security.

Smart Lock Security Feature

The smart lock security feature saves and syncs your passwords across computers and mobiles. Due to this feature, if the users want to save their passwords they can easily save them. The entire process is extremely safe and offers ease to the users.

In addition to this, GRAFFERSID a mobile app development company allows you to save your usernames on these websites which will ultimately save them time and effort.

Two-Way Verification or Dual-Factor Authentication

These are amongst the most important features to keep your data safe from hackers and other cyber attacks. This safeguards the user credentials and the website that the user is about to access.

Two-way verification offers higher-level security when compared with single-factor authentication methods, in which users only logins the website using passwords or OTP.

On the other hand, double-factor authentication relies on the user’s password and uses a security question, biometrics like fingerprints, face scan, or asks for an OTP on the registered mail ID or mobile no.

Refer and Earn Points

A referral program is a word-of-mouth advertisement tool where you will reward your customers to refer your digital portfolio to businesses or companies. It is a marketing tool that can help you to multiply your business, raise your brand awareness and your market ROI.

You need to plan it out in a proper manner to encourage your clients to spread the word for lead generation. The referral program is capable of generating high-qualified, niche-specific potential leads that are more likely to improve your career prospects. This the best way to retain your customers as these rewards will encourage them to promote and advocate your brand.

Premium Accounts

A personal website is mainly developed for growing and building business relationships. In order to assist you GRAFFERSID a UX/UI development company has introduced a premium account on our websites, this will boost your rankings and sets you apart from other users.

Along with this, it works well with the search results and improves visibility, which means that your accounts can be fetched easily on the website. In addition to this, premium accounts show the details of people who have viewed your profile in ghost mode.

It will also offer some insights into the most viewed feature of your website. Besides, you can also take advantage of the premium messaging feature to grow your network.

Social Media Sharing Icons

Social Media Sharing Icons

Whenever any visitor shares your website or its content with a new set of people it increases the brand exposure of your website. If some of them find your content appealing then it will automatically grow your network. Website traffic goes hand in hand with the UX/UI designing and exposure your website’s content is receiving.

Therefore, continuous sharing of new social media platforms can result in new business prospects for your brand. In addition to this, it is a form of free advertisements for your brand or services which can help you to acquire potential clients.



Videos work wonders for businesses and when you are a personal brand then your Face has a value bigger than any other marketing hack. Understanding the pattern of trends, we crafted a separate page of Vlog in the website where Shezad Shafiq was able to upload the videos regularly.

Daily uploading of videos enabled users of the website to get updated daily. Also, we put sharing options to social media there itself 

Interactive Chatbots

interactive chatbot

Apart from UI/UX Design and Development, the online chat feature is one of the most crucial tools for improving user engagement on your website. They are similar to third-party receptionists who offer relevant information about your services.

This ultimately helps you to retain your customers by spontaneously answering the queries of the visitors and helping them to make informative decisions. All this guarantees high-level satisfaction to your customer base.

Search Bar

According to the research conducted by a search engine journal, 40% of people feel that the search bar is the most important feature in a website. The search bar in your website helps the users to find a particular section or blog quickly.

GRAFFERSID is a website development company that offers an inbuilt feature to calculate the analytics of your search bar. You can use the searched analytics of your website to keep an eye on the most searched section of your website. As a result, you can modify the page content, hierarchy, or design of that section to ensure better user engagement.

Analytics Dashboard

A very important feature in the website is tracking users and their activity for a better understanding of user behavior. Through the use of APIs, we enabled the Google Analytics dashboard with every required insight available.

Google analytics helped Shezad to find the information about users visiting the website regularly and track them back. Also, users were tracked through different navigational channels on the website. It also helped us identify the weak pages and work on them. 

Comment Section

The Comment Section is very useful in boosting the dwell time of readers on your website. Dwell time refers to the time a person spends on your page before returning back to the search engine. This offers another route for social media engagement and attracts new visitors to your website.

It has been recorded that comments bring users back to your website, to read the replies to their queries. This generates new content on your website and ensures a better experience for your potential customers which can ultimately lead to SEO benefits.

Quick Endorsements

Personal websites act as a digital resume and can lead to a better job or career opportunities. All of us are familiar with the benefits of getting a skill endorsement tag from our colleagues. These endorsements are the key to showcasing your skills in order to ensure your personal growth.

This will allow the people to validate your strengths and can ultimately lead towards building your professional brand. On the whole, it acts as evidence of your skills and can boost your rankings in the search results of personal websites.

Upload Media

Images are appealing in nature and help the users to enhance their visual content. They are highly popular and widely used by people on all social media platforms. It helps the users to convey their messages in a better and interactive manner.

They are also used for describing a story of a situation in a virtual form to build a strong connection with the audience. Whenever any user posts any image with the comment it captures the attention of visitors.

If handled properly it can increase the traffic, interaction as well as subscriptions on your website. It acts a free content for your website which can build community support and create conversions for you.

Incognito Mode or Ghost Mode

This is one of the most powerful features to ensure online privacy while browsing personal websites. This will help you to keep your identity private and access the websites. We at GRAFFERSID understand your concern and respect your choice to keep your identity hidden.

We have enabled two ghost modes in this website which facilitates our users to seek the same profiles repeatedly without crawling too much on the website. All this can ultimately help our users to navigate all around the website without leaving behind them.

What does the Client say about Collaboration with GRAFFERSID?

I had a good experience of working as a Business Strategist and now wanted to take my work completely digital. GRAFFERSID helped me in digital transformation and made the website awesome.

I am just impressed with the technical knowledge of developers and the thought process behind so many new features. Now, I feel more equipped with these features and websites. Thanks to the team and I am going to work with them for a longer time.