“Dairy Management System”

Dairy is one of the oldest industries and is very stably placed in the day to day diet of people for centuries. And due to milk being perishable in nature it needs to be acquired on a daily basis. Therefore, making the milk industry a high demand market with logistics taking place on a daily basis. The communication, to date, has been happening over calls or Whatsapp. Generally, an excel is maintained to keep things managed and tracked. Barcode based Dairy Management portal is aimed to assist dairy owners in managing their day to day business.

Which provided better connectivity with their customers. The Dairy Management system can easily manage the distribution system and automate tedious manual processes. With automation, the company will be able to reduce the losses, control damaged goods and time wastage. While increasing profits, productivity, timely delivery, customer satisfaction, and tractability.

The Dairy Management app also provides a way to connect seamlessly with the customers to be it the same city or otherwise. Customers get to choose to enroll for monthly or on-demand services from the brand. Hence allowing the company to easily handle the dynamics of the business.

Features that made the Dairy Management application interesting:

  • Barcode based equipment tracking:

    The milk industry has multiple containers for carrying different quantities of milk and at the time of delivery, they made changes in them. Which becomes a huge cost to the owner.
    We place a barcode on each equipment and tracked the delivery personnel carrying it.
    By 30% the damages were controlled.

  • Control of theft:

    At the time of delivery, there are loses while reaching the destination. While taking the delivery the customer can mark if the quantity is acceptable or there are issues.
    The Dairy Management system generates a report to pinpoint the specific delivery boy with whom there are repetitive issues irrespective of the route or customer.
    Up to 4%, theft and complaints were reduced.

Other Features of Dairy Management system help the owner to run his business smoothly:


  1. Manage Distribution Partners

    The dairy owner can add new partners. This will create an account for them where the system keeps a track of the amount of business done, quantity sold, invoices raised and the timely payment of the invoice. Hence giving a real-time insight on how beneficial is the partnership and what the areas of improvement are.

  2. Inventory Management

    The Dairy Management system will keep a track of per day total production of the milk and the subsequent by-products. This will help in calculating the relationship between the supplied milk and the quantity of the received by-product.

    Moreover, information like total milk sold, total milk distributed and total wastage in terms of quantity and money on a daily basis will be readily available. We can also use this data to process and to generate a monthly and yearly report for deeper analysis.

  3. Manage Invoices and Salaries

    After all the deduction this software can automatically calculate the amount to be received and the amount to be paid to each partner for each month. Owners can anytime view old invoices and track the payments without any dependencies or having to shuffle between heavy paperwork. And one can also track the payment of the employee. The payment modes tracked made it easier for one. Our smart apps have the capability to take daily attendance and track different types of leaves and holidays based on which it can calculate monthly payable salaries on the defined date.

  4. Performance Tracking, Theft Tracking:

    The performance of the employee varies on multiple factors in this industry. Each employee’s performance is auto-calculated based on the feedback of the customers, daily attendance, theft percentage, and damage percentage. In this way, true performance analysis could be made to understand which employee is most productive.

  5. Take orders online:

    Customers can place an order as per their convenience from the customer app. Be it a last-minute requirement of extra milk or a monthly subscription, our app can handle it all. When the daily distribution list goes to the Delivery boy.

  6. Allocation and tracking of delivery:

    There is 2 option to allocate the order to the delivery boy. First, where the Admin manually assigns the order to the delivery boy. Second, where the delivery boy’s area is geo-fenced and any order coming from that region on the map is auto-assigned to the respective delivery boy. The delivery application can then give the owner a live tracking of the parcel with an estimated time of delivery.


  1. Receive Orders:

    At a specific moment, we can fix the delivery schedules of the delivery. He will receive the information of all the deliveries with the quantity for the day. As a part of the daily update, we can add information about the pick-up point also. These daily updates are helpful in knowing about when you are going to receive your order.

    Owners can directly push the scheduled delivery and even the last minute delivery to the delivery boy. Delivery boy will get notification update, after clicking on it. He can see the delivery details and pick up the parcel from the collection center.

  2. Marking the pickup and delivery:

    Delivery boy can mark the parcel as “Collected” from the collection center post which the tracking starts. For making the report for sending to the owner and end customer post-delivery the delivery boy can mark it as delivered after the delivery of the product.


  1. Orders, Payment, and Offers,

    Customers have the option to choose between a monthly subscription or a demand-based milk delivery. However, Customers always have the capability to place orders on the go. One can make payment in both ways online as well as offline to the dairy owner. In the case of offline payment, the Admin needs to update the status as paid. The app also maintains a track record of all the previous payments with an option to download a digital invoice for the same.

  2. Adjust pick up and drop timing,

    Customers can easily update their pickup and drop timing through the app. Without having to make the tedious call and coordinate with the delivery boy and the dairy owner. For the updated timing of the delivery, the boy will get the notification. And it reflects in his schedule re-arranging the order of delivery. The system also tells the delivery boy the amount of extra time we will have to travel to meet the new timing. The adjustment, therefore, is easy in pick and drop.

  3. Track Orders,

    Customers can track where their order is at the moment, at any time. Hence enabling easy coordination and hence this becomes a very essential feature. This feature helps the customer a lot and manages time also. Customers can easily be occupied in their day to day work and be available as per the estimated time of delivery. And we can also ensure that the delivery will not miss by making arrangements. It helps us to track.