About the Client

The client approached Graffersid for a hybrid app, running a renowned logistics, which is based out of Australia. The provision of tailored IT logistics at a cost-competitive price has a key differentiator which has set apart our client from other logistic service providers in the same region.

The Founders of the Kargologic app were passionate to simplify the processes of logistics with the power of technology. 

Upon approaching Graffersid, the client wished to develop a highly functional logistic app with a lot of features, but at the same time, wanted it to be user-friendly. The hybrid Android and iOS applications are needed to offer an easy for tracking consignments and manifests.

Upon development of Prototype, the Founders pitched the idea to top Investors across the Globe and it acquired Fundings from Coca-cola successfully.

Other investors like Sequoia also funded the idea after going through the prototype. After this, the fully-functional app was derived from keeping in mind the number of users and its uptime. 

About the App

During the creation of a hybrid mobile app specified by the customer, one of the biggest challenges faced by our Mobile App Development team is the time factor. Not only the client’s requirement defined a limited timeframe but also required the implementation of robust GPS features for real-time consignment-related updates.

The mobile app also includes a system that could quickly and effortlessly locate consignments and manifests and should also include an easy-to-navigate interface for faster truck reporting (damages, loss of consignments, consignments recipes, delivery details)

Our team developed a flawless hybrid mobile application that could be used on iOS and Android effortlessly. Our developers combined HTML, CSS, and Javascript web technologies. Not only this ensures a short development time, but also helped in unifying the UI for both Android and iOS operating system.

Features of the App

Major tasks that can be completed through this app are: 

  • Directly contact truckers which consignment is ready for pick-up.
  • Consignment damage, delivery features could be updated through the mobile application.
  • Consignments could either be rejected or accepted by a trucker who is having a mobile application.

1. GPS Functionality

GPS Functionality

Our team devised an advanced GPS functionality for the mobile application through which consignment and trucker movement could be tracked in real-time.

The app was also equipped with barcode functionality in order to make sure that all the consignments could be easily traced whenever required. At the close of the project, our customer was completely satisfied with the mobile application that we built.

Not only did the application meet customer specifications, but we also made sure it is incorporated seamlessly with the current business of the client. Here are some highlights of our achievements: 

2. User Profile Creation and Login

User Profile Creation and Login
For customers of the app, we enabled the creation of dedicated profiles. Users can make an account and track their previous orders there. The creation of a user profile is a mandatory option in the app. Since this app has 3 different approaches, the other side of drivers needs to know some important contact details of the user.

To simplify the first step as Login, we integrated APIs to introduce options like Login with Google, Login with Email, log in with Social Media Account. This feature also helped Kargologic to trace the user on different platforms. 

3. Google Maps for Navigation

Connecting people digitally has several advantages for a business but for a logistics business, it comes with uncertainties also. Users from across the country use the Kargologic app and locations can be anywhere. For drivers, they needed a supporting arm and Google Maps was there.

We connected live google maps with the driver’s dashboard which helped in navigation. Also, users can track their shipments all the way. 

4. Set Pick-Up and Drop-Off Location

Set Pick-Up and Drop-Off Location

Making the orders easy for customers, we made sure that filling details like Pick-Up and Drop-Off locations are embedded with popular names already. Search options were having filters with text and city names which helped users fill in details quickly. 

5. Select Vehicle Type for Relocation of Goods & Commodities

Users are given the option to choose the type of vehicle for the transfer of goods and commodities they want. There are a variety of vehicles available every time a user wants to ship any goods. 

6. Display Estimated Fare Based on the Distance

Users are shown the estimated cost of shipping the goods to the desired location before they confirm the order. The fare is calculated as per the market prices and entirely depending on factors like distance and weight of the good. 

7. Invoice Received After Successful Attempt

Authenticity is loved among the users and they need to develop trust over the digital products. Understanding this need, the Mobile App Development team of GRAFFERSID came up with an idea of creating digital invoices which can be printed also. Digital invoices had every detail of the order needed by Client. Registration number and Taxes details were enough for the user.  

8. Ratings and Reviews

Among so many drivers available and requesting for the order, we helped our users with ratings and reviews of drivers for their service. As a user, you can put a detailed as well as a short review of drivers you have got services of.

This also pushes drivers to deliver a customer experience of high quality. Since this app has drivers as well as customers as users and therefore, reviews and ratings work two ways. Drivers can also review the customers.

Review of easy payments is also done by drivers which makes other drivers feel easy while taking orders from that user. 

9. Pop-Up notifications

Drivers, Users, and Involved persons may be at work most of the time therefore the Dedicated Developers of GRAFFERSID developed a feature of push as well as Pop-Up notifications. 

10. Manage Customer Profiles


Manage Customer Profiles

As the owner of the application and website, there is a dedicated dashboard designed to manage all users’ profiles divided under the category of Drivers and Customers.

The admin has complete rights to change almost everything in the app like Fare price, delete or temporarily ban drivers or users profile, go through the sales analytics and understand the performance of the app. This feature was only for the Admin and neither customers nor drivers had the access to it. 

11. Heat Scanning

If a particular area has numerous requests, the admin can find the busy area and ask drivers to find service from that particular area. Depending on the timings and events happening around the city, some areas had more traffic than the others. Therefore Heat scanning helped the owner serve customers and drivers easily with an eye from the above. 

12. Easy Status Update

The logistic service management system shows the status of the orders in the dashboard itself such as tasks that are unassigned, tasks that are in-progress, assignments that are delivered. This makes it easy for users to have a look at the status of the order.

13. Auto-Generated Quality Analysis

The application provides an auto-generated quality analysis report, where you can find the percentage showing the quality of delivery. If the package is delivered on time and in proper condition, it receives a maximum percentage, whereas the package which is delivered rate, receives a minimum percentage.

14. Delivery on Time

This enables the admin to determine the quality of delivery.

15. Easy Order Tracking

Easy Order Tracking

The app enables easy order tracking and lets users get an app update of easy order tracking. The app provides an update on where the order has reached if the delivery is still pending, canceled, or unassigned.

16. Route Optimization

The app constitutes a route optimization feature that helps the drivers as well as the companies to select the optimal route for delivering the goods. This also ensures the lowest cost of transportation.

In addition to this, route optimization takes into account real-time events such as the condition of traffic, personal loading/unloading, and availability of equipment.

17. Pre-planned Routes for Drivers

We included a solid pre-planned route feature, through which our client is able to assign pre-planned routes to your driver. This feature helps in saving delivery time and helps the client in taking the desired action against the driver if the driver digresses without a valid reason.

18. Vehicle and Driver Tracker

This feature enabled the client to track vehicle and driver accurately and in real-time. Installing GPS in a logistic application is a mandated feature that you need to look into.

It not only aids you in tracking your own vehicle but the driver as well, which helps you in maintaining strong control over fleet performance.

19. Timely Driver Login Info

Managing driver’s whereabouts streamlines your logistic service to be more efficient and effective at the same time. Keeping a daily log provides an overview of how the business’s most elemental unit is functioning, and how to replace the non-functional units with functional ones.

Driver’s daily log automated through an app reduces human intervention and tampering.

20. Dynamic Menu Integration

The menu inside the app was also controllable and changes were visible in a dynamic time. Adding, removing, and editing items were the prime features in the dynamic menu integration feature. It allowed anyone to see the most updated set of items without any delay.

21. Real-time Notification from Merchants                           

The logistic app developed by our team provides timely notifications from the merchants that would serve informative purposes. The app notifies you instantly about the delivery status. Once the shipment is delivered at the destination, you receive instant notification about the delivery.

22. Customer Feedback Portal

We included the customer feedback portal, which enables customers to reach out to our clients and help with a better review of the functioning of the logistic business.

We integrated customer feedback support software, which helped our clients manage all the important data regarding surveys, delivery reports, customer satisfaction, and achieved benchmarks all in one place.

23. Customization and Minimalistic

Business changes with evolving times and thus it was accepted of us to build an app that is dynamic. A static app that is not able to evolve with changing business needs is bound to fail.

For a logistic app to continue delivering the services for a long time, it is required to involve a considerable amount of adaptability into its core.

We have added one of the features that lure people into reaching out for your application, without having to face inconvenience.

What did Client say about Tech Collaboration with GRAFFERSID?

We are absolutely satisfied and feeling overwhelmed with the amazing services of team GRAFFERSID. With the help of dedicated developers of the team, we attracted the world’s best investors and got the huge fundings needed.

Sidharth understands the vision of a startup founder and helps them in one and many ways. I would love to get more services from GRAFFERSID in my future projects and grow more with them. 

Choose Graffersid for Logistic Mobile App Development

If you are looking for an exclusive application to manage logistics and improve the company’s visibility across the supply chain, then Graffersid is here to assist you. Our team of developers has extensive experience in creating a wide range of mobile applications, be it for entertainment, business, or lifestyle. 

The best part of working with us, we customize our services to provide your requirements at cost-effective rates.

Get in Touch With GraffersID


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