About the Client

Came out of the innovative minds of the Founders, COZO is focused to care for Pet Animals. People love to have pets and care for them like their baby but often there are days when they have to get indulged in something else and Pet feels alone and distanced from their owners. COZO Founders spotted this gap and thought of solving it. Then comes the Idea of Pet Caring.

So, the client wanted to build a system that can help pet owners to give the best care to their furry friends despite their busy schedules so that their pet can have a healthy, fit and happy life.

According to the recent survey, 92% of the people admitted that they are extremely concerned about the health and well being of their pets. 60% of people try to plan a shorter vacation as they have no one to look for their pets.
According to Google Trends, the number of people searching for “dog walkers near me”, “pet caretakers near me” has increased rapidly over the past few months.

After the initial research, the team of GRAFFERSID performed a competitive analysis of the currently existing applications and services that offer pet care services. We downloaded a few of the applications and compared the features in terms of the services and features they offered.

The COZO has already raised the fundings of more than $10 million from Top Indian Investors are predictions of Sequoia investing into the Startup in the next few years are so high. COZO gained the attention of the startup community, not with just the fundings they received but the cause for which they work.

Features of the App and Website

The CoZo Pet Care app is a two-sided platform with benefits for not just the pet owners but also for expert Pet Trainers and Pet Lovers. There are two ways to register on the app and website of the COZO app. One is to register as Pet Owner and request services of Pet Caring on a required day(s). The second approach is to register as Pet Trainer and Pet Expert and provide services of Pet Caring for the Pet Owners.

Website and Mobile App Development of the Pet Care App have to be very well planned and strategically perfect to combine both sets of features seamlessly. In addition to this, Establishing a connection between both sides was another challenge that GRAFFERSID overcame creatively.

For pet owners:

Pet Profile

Pet Information

After creating a profile on the app, pet owners have to create a profile for their pet. Pet profile includes the type of pet you have i.e. Dog or Cat, then choosing the Breed of the pet, its Name, its Gender, Age, and Weight. These details help in providing enough information to pet caretakers before they opt to provide service. It also automates the first step of communication between Pet Owner and Pet Caretaker. Each pet on the app or website is given a unique username which makes it easy for anyone to find the pet through it.

Elements of Pet Profile:

1. Routine


This user has to include every detail of the Pet Profile such as walk timing, feeding timing, training timing, sleeping timing, and also the activity level. Users can put the walk timing, time to feed the pets, when they sleep and what is their training time, and also the activity level.

This ensures that pet caretakers know everything before they accept the services, and they are ready to perform all the duties for the pet according to their routine.

Routine for every pet can be different and therefore users are given complete rights to customize it. 

2. Dietary

We added the feature that lets pet owners share the eating style, food, eats, and prescription diet in the application. With this, the client ensures that the pet care provider has all the required dietary details about the pet. This will not only make their job easy but also make sure that your pet is getting the diet at a specific time.

With guidance from the Pet Caretakers and experts, the development team of GRAFFESID found the right questions to ask from Pet owners to give more details. Ultimately, it helped the platform to quicken the process.

We added all the essential elements that will make pet caretakers in taking proper care of your pet.

3. Medical Condition

Suppose you are going for a business trip and you are looking for someone to take care of your pet, till the time you back. In such a condition, it is crucial for your pet caretaker to understand the medical condition of your pet.

4. Medical Condition

We included fields for all the crucial medical conditions such as Allergies, Issues, Fear, Vet Name, Vet number as well as notes where you can add any special thing that you want to add.

Here are complete details of the pet that pet owners are required to fill in the application:

5. Pet Information

Upload Photos and Videos

The Process for Pet Owners

  • In the “Home Screen”, you will find the options to select the type of services, “Walking, Sitting, Boarding or Day Care.” After, which you can select the pet and click on continue, then you can book the date of the services, timing and put your address.
  • Next, select the Trainers. In the Trainers profile, you can see the name of trainers, for which pet they are mostly preferred for, years of experience they have and for how many pets they have cared for so far.
  • Once you click on “Book Now”, the pet care services are booked and the trainer will reach to your desired location.

For Pet Caretakers:

Pet Caretakers need to fill in complete details about them such as their name, services they offer such as walking, sitting, day boarding, and more. The caretaker’s profile also shows how many pets they have cared for. Apart from the personal information, pet caretakers are also required to upload their resume in the application.

1. Profile Creation

Profile creation is a vital and first part of the app for Pet Experts. Just like Pet Profile is created with required details, Pet caretakers have to upload their profile picture, fill in mandatory information like Name, Number, Location, Age.

Along with this, details about their professional career as Pet Caretaker are also required. For novice pet caretakers, the COZO app firstly suggests them for undergoing training and acquiring certain certifications before they start delivering services.

For experts holding verified certifications, they can start providing services after 24 hours of registration.

2. Open for Providing Services

To reduce the efforts for Pet Owners in connecting to the right Pet Caretaker, a team of GRAFFERSID advanced a feature to showcase whether the expert pet caretaker is available for providing services or not.

The unique process of Mobile App Development Services at GRAFFERSID always explores possibilities of refining the journey of users in smaller steps and reducing this number.

So, the pet caretakers are asked to choose one out of the two options every time. Either to show “Available for Services” or “Not Available for Services.

3. Preferences of the Pet

So, the pet caretakers are asked to choose one out of the two options every time. Either to show “Available for Services” or “Not Available for Services. This feature was to show that for COZO, everyone involved in the process is a valuable resource. Giving a comfort zone for the Pet Expert, we ask them about their preferences of the Pet they would like to care for.

The search results are aligned to the preferences set by the Expert.

4. Previous Experience

To bring out the competitor among the pet experts, the Mobile App Development team of GRAFFERSID has inventive features in mind. We gave a section for Pet Experts, to showcase their previous experience. It can be in form of images, well-designed graphics or text-based.

Pet Experts can also have testimonials of previous clients in that section.

5. Certifications and Validations

Winning the trust of Pet Owners was never going to be an easy task. In this digitally thriving world, it is very tough to evaluate the authenticity of the documents. Therefore, COZO has strict Validation Algorithms that verify the credentials and certifications submitted by Pet Experts.

Though experts can submit any document but not all are accepted. For experts with certifications that are not listed in COZO app, they have to go through a test to gain the certification.

This feature is very crucial for the success of the app because Pet Owners rely on these certifications for trusting the unknown person taking care of their pet.

6. Training Process for Pet Lovers

COZO has a vision of enriching the community of Pet lovers with a connected network that helps each other and grows together. Caring for Pets and Caring for Pet Lovers, COZO does not completely deny pet lovers without any certifications to stay away from Pet Caring.

Instead, such pet lovers with a passion for Pet Caring are offered a course on Pet Caretaking. After the course, they undergo tests to gain the certifications and become a valid Pet Caretaker.

Pet caretakers will see the details, for which pet they have been booked, they can go through the entire profile of pet, their routine and dietary habits, day and time for which they have been booked, before confirming for the services.

Graffersid operates on to believe that truly successful software solutions come out of close operation between the client and the development company.

We worked with the technical advisor, paid close attention to the client’s business needs and requirements, and developed an app that helped people in finding the best pet care services available near them.

With the hard work of our development team, we managed to build a stable, scalable, responsive pet care application that is easy to navigate.

What do Clients Say about the Efforts of Team GRAFFERSID?

Our innovative idea was a tough challenge for any team to implement and turn into a digital product. But working with GRAFFERSID, we realized why they are termed as Best IT Company for Startups. Each member of the team is highly professional and communicates instantly.

The experience of the developers always solves any challenge posed to them. This trait shows that we took the right decision to work with GRAFFERSID. I would recommend them to all startups who want to disrupt the industry.

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