What exactly is TasteMade?

TasteMade was founded in 2012 by Larry Fitzgibbon, Steven Kydd, and Joe Perez in Santa Monica, California. In the short time of just 6 years, it is one of the most loved and trusted sources by the millennials in more than 200 countries. With well over 100 million visitors per month, it is undoubtedly one of the dominant TV Networks.

TasteMade curates content for Food, Travel, and Home related products and services for its digital audience. TasteMade.com is the company’s official website that handles its gigantic view base and enables it to make purchases swiftly.

Let’s look at the features of the websites?

Live Show :

Live Show feature basically means live streaming of the shows on the website. Hence the shows are aired in real-time and could be viewed by the viewers with internet access. Although TasteMade has its own channel, however, the traditional cable system is not sufficient when we talk of a global audience.

TasteMade makes sure that it is well connected with its viewers irrespective of the country, origin, or language barriers. Therefore, the website lives streams all the shows with subtitles hence making it easily accessible to the vast global audience. TasteMade has some really ambitious plans with the live streaming feature.

Repository :

With such a powerful website, TasteMade made sure that it’s viewers have access to all the content as per their convenience. Therefore, it has a repository of all the shows it has AIRed which can be viewed by anyone, from anywhere and at any time. You can consider it a Youtube of its own. Although it can put a huge load on the server with the help of some good tools and a great development team it felt like a piece of cake.

E-Commerce :

The youth loved TasteMade and TasteMade wanted to give it back to them. Hence they added an e-commerce section to their website where they could easily find the products they were looking for in order directly to TasteMade.

E-commerce also has a very high acceptance for TasteMade the content on their website often gives suggestions for different items. These suggestions could then be easily linked with the relevant product already available on the website. The website features a full-fledged E-Store with features like:

  1. Inventory Management
  2. Order Management
  3. Ads Management
  4. Invoice Management
  5. Delivery Management


CMS stands for Content Management System. This feature empowers the Admin of the website to change/add any content pages on the website with a mere click of a button and with 0 technical knowledge. TasteMade has a very active blog section where they add new content multiple times in a day.

It would be highly inconvenient to have a developer keep creating a new page for each blog, hence the CMS was created for the core team to manage it without any external support requirement.

Unlike most of the CMS websites, TasteMade is a custom-built website. Hence, it is far more powerful and has a superior User Experience. The reason to not choose WordPress or other such CMS was the high traffic and the lack of customization offered by such systems.

For such sophisticated websites, custom development is always recommended, while the template-based CMS is more suitable for early-stage and low traffic websites.

Wanna know about the Technology behind:

TasteMade is built with some of the best in industry technologies which makes it really fast and scalable. It is not an easy task to handle over 100 million visitors per month and the decision-maker for the company was well aware of it. Below is the technical stack of the website.

  • Language: React Js
  • Image Handling: Imgix
  • Server: Heroku
  • Hosting: Digital Ocean

To conclude:

We are proud of the present TasteMade, it is a masterpiece for more than 1 reason. We have had so much to learn from the complete team and so many wonderful experiences to share from our development site. If you are at an early stage and confused about how to become the next TasteMade then some of the below articles may prove to be of some help.

5 Non-Technical ways to hire the right technical team

Things to prepare before reaching out to a developer

7 ways on how UI could increase your sales