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Let’s first understand the need that led to the emergence of Video-conference apps?

The residents of this planet are confined to their homes, trying to save themselves from the wrath of the novel coronavirus. In such instances, people have shifted to video communication tools. With the video-based virtual house party or the game (kitty party) nights, people of all walks of life are seeking comfort and entertainment by the means of a video app.

Video-conferencing apps were no invention of 2020, they existed and mankind is using the same for ages. But here comes the plot twist. The pandemic made the people socially distant but digitally closer.

Now, for instance, you need to call your friend or organize a seminar which app would you consider. Well, you will be amazed to know that you will be flooded with a plethora of options like Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and many more. But, we still are considering Zoom.

The reason being it is easy to use provides a beautification app filter that helps you look at your personal best and offers an opportunity to add up to 100 participants to your big game night. And, in times like today, it has actually helped the business owners to improve team management and work remotely using video conferencing tools. Sounds fun, eh?

Due to such features, this led to an upsurge in the overall downloads of this app not only on android platforms but also on iOS. If the studies are to be believed, the video conferencing apps were downloaded nearly; 27 million times this month as compared to the figures of just 2.1 million downloads in January 2020. This can be because it allows the users to opt for a paid plan and connect with over 1000 participants.

And, if your internet connection is weak, then Zoom will start analyzing the same and will operate on a lesser quality level but goes on without any sort of disruption. Not only this, but it also allows you to schedule your calls and share the link with the concerned participants.

But, even with the upsurge, the ship for Zoom has long sailed! It is due to the breach of privacy encountered by the users operating the aforementioned software. This made people rely less on Zoom and stick to the existing video conferencing counterparts. The situational circumstances have paved the way for start-up enthusiasts who are looking for an opportunity to earn and thrive.

If you too are planning to create your own video conferencing app, with overcoming the shortcomings of the existing ones then this blog is a must-read for you.

Does Zoom have any competitors to be worried about?

Yes, it does have competitors who are a renowned name in themselves. And, these are none other than, Jio Meet, Skype, Google Hangouts, and many more.

Read Also: What Made Zoom Dominate the Video-Conferencing Market Despite its Shortcomings?

Please have a look at the step-wise guide to create an app like Zoom-

Please have a look at the step-wise guide to create an app like Zoom-

1. Start with choosing a particular platform

Before you start working on the app development, you should determine the type of target users as well as the platform you will be opting for. This creates another set of questions- will be it an app just for mobile or smartphones, tablets, laptops, or desktops? Once you figure this out, whether you want to target just one platform primarily or work on all of it, your half of the work is done. If you proceed further with not restricting to just one platform then you can use WebRTC.

Speaking of the same, it is a free and open-source project that allows the users with web browsers as well as applications with simple programming interfaces & real-time communication.

If the current scenarios are to be considered then it is recommended to opt for a native or web-based platform.

What are the native apps?

  • If you opt for a native route, then you will have to work separately for creating an application on Andriod and iOS. Moreover, the Andriod works on Java and iOS on Swift/Objective as their primary programming languages.
  • If you want to opt for smart work instead of tedious work, then you can employ a framework such as React Native that allows the developers to create native apps making them easy to run on Andriod as well as iOS devices.
  • On the other hand, WebRTC is known to be a web-based app, which further allows the developers to create fully functional applications using HTML, JavaScript, CSS, or even ReactJS, Angular, and Vue.
  • To add to this, making an app on the web-based interface is more advisable because it provides us with a feature to be included as default software’s for the ones using a desktop.
  • This works well for desktop or laptop users, but what if your main focus is on mobile-based downloads? Then you should opt for native apps.
  • Well, the simmering debate and discussion are indeed a never-ending one. But to save you from such a dilemma we have a solution. You can opt for a progressive web app that combines the best of the web as well as native features. Due to its convenience so offered, this approach is gaining more popularity.

After you have decided on the platform you want to target, let’s solve another mystery.

2. What are the technology stack and experts you will need to hire-

Zoom is one of the benchmark innovations in the world of the technology realm. And to create such an application you may require-

a. For Andriod,

  • Native apps

Firstly, you should need someone who is well versed in programming languages like Java.

And once it is sorted, you should opt for Android studio as your preferred tool kit. And if you want to incorporate the video chat feature, then WebRTC is one of the best options to go with.

b. For iOS

As mentioned before the programming languages so preferred will be Swift or Objective.

And the desired video chat tool- WebRTC.

c. Now the WebRTC further uses 3 API-

RTC data channel, RTC peer connection as well as a media stream.

  • For backend development
    This process involves creating a server that can help you to define a business for your app development. It is advised to build your server that allows the scope of customization.
  • UI UX design
    It is referred to as the most integral part of your website or application. It provides the aforementioned with identity, to differentiate as well as creates a flexible user interface.
  • iOS and Android compatibility
    Well, we are in a world where every business is in a rat race. To survive this competition we may need to increase the target market. If your app fails to support both iOS and Android then you might score less than your bottlenecks.
  • The cloud network
    For smooth working and operations, the Zoom has more than 15, data centers. The series of data systems are interlinked via a private connection that helps to maintain, monitor as well as improve the quality of every user experience.

Now, video architecture should be planned in a way that helps fulfill the increasing demands of video conferencing.

1. You might not know but the Zoom is based on a distributed architecture rather than a centralized one. It is due to this reason, that the zoom allows multiple users all around the globe to participate in the meeting.

2. Multi-bitrate encoding: Have you ever witnessed that Zoom allows its users to adjust to the quality of video automatically? This is due to the multi-bitrate encoding. It omits the part of continuous encoding and decoding which further removes the wastage of time and proffer seamless audio and video output.

The list of requirements is never-ending. But when it comes to developing such an app then it requires the logic and experience of a professional. The team that you should hire on this project should be-

1. Project Manager
2. Tech lead
3. iOS developers- 2
4. Andriod developers- 2
5. Backend developer-2
6. 2 Quality Analyst
7. 1 UI/UX designer

When you hire the right person for this job, then they know how to mold the requirements, the budget, and the skills of the team accordingly to create the best video conferencing app. If you are looking for such an impeccable offshore app and website development services provider then look no more and contact us!