About the Client

Kratos is the world’s first Blockchain and Cloud-based Hybrid ERP for effective trade and finance management. Founders are experts in Blockchain technology and they build a solution completely dependent on it. The vision of the Kratos is to disrupt the commodity trade with the concept of Hybrid and Power of technology.

Solving the challenge of getting funding’s, and enabling trader growth profit, Kratos explores and gives more opportunities for SMEs in Trade Sector to get funds.

Giving the service with the highest level of customization and personalization required the development of a web application that is 100% user-centric and aligned with the goals of an organization.

The web application had to deal with huge transactions, loans, and finance management details, so the team of GraffersID worked closely with Blockchain experts and Industry experts for ensuring an easy experience for the users. 

Features of the Kratos Web Application

The commodity and Trade finance industry has been working with traditional methods and it brought unwanted delays in the processes. Document verification, Funding attraction, the process of agreement, and many other tasks took time more than expected leading to a smaller number of fundings getting approved.

Using blockchain technology to quicken the process and at the same time, builds trust with the audience was the challenge. Keeping the minimalistic approach and seamless UI/UX made the design and development of web applications easier. 

1. Registration and Login

registeration and login

Being an application working in the fintech sector, it was important from a point of view of security to keep the users secure. The app has an encrypted registration system that has been coded with a KYC confirmation system to make sure there is no space for fraudulent imitations of people through fake accounts.

Likewise, the login system is laced with security measures like OTP and password protection to protect the user from any unwanted access by any third party.

2. Chat Functionality

To ensure that the platform remains adequately interactive, the application has been strapped with private chat functionality. The GRAFFERSID website development team has worked extensively on this feature in various previous projects.

However, this time the chat feature required additional security which was fulfilled through extensive research and consultations with cybersecurity experts. Moreover, the chat functionality has options like document sharing and visibility control to ensure a better user experience for the users. 

3. Notification System

notification system

In commodity trading markets, time is of important essence, and to take full advantage of opportunities, it is necessary that the user remains notified at all times. Thus the swift notification system works with the changes made during trade sessions.

Any changes made are notified to the user without any delay while the users also have a separate notification dashboard. From here they can access all the previous notifications and also see a bifurcation between the read and unread ones.

4. User Permission Control

The application puts a great emphasis on the automation of various functions to save both time and financial resources for the user. However, the custom app development team at GRAFFERSID understood that it was necessary that there is no unnecessary or wrong transaction due to this automation system.

That is why the team created a separate User Permission Control dashboard that lets the user decide what permission they want to grant to the system. In case of any confusion, the user can simply convert everything to manual function by clicking just one button post id confirmation.

5. Modular Dashboard

modular dashboard

Due to its high range of functionalities, the platform was prone to the cluttering problem. Sensing this problem early, the UI/UX designing team put up the idea for a modular dashboard design which was well received by the clients.

The modular dashboard design provides a clean and decluttered look to the application. Additionally, it gives great freedom of personalization to the user while deciding the position of various elements.

6. Speed

Markets change every second especially when it comes to the commodity market. That is why the users consider the speed of the platform to be a top criterion while choosing a trading platform. The backend team at GRAFFERSID studied and understood the intricacies of commodity markets before starting to code.

This provided a new perspective as well as important insights which later proved worth it after the exceptional performance speed of the application.

7. Profiles


Profiles are considered a common or basic feature among tech circles. However, when it comes to creating such a feature for a fintech company, these assumptions are proved completely false. The basic reason is security, any transaction carried out through the user’s profile has implications.

Thus the dedicated developers’ team at GRAFFERSID placed a detailed identification system and alert systems to notify the user of any suspicious activity happening with the account.

8. Security

The security aspect of the application was the single most important aspect of creating a web application. From the payment gateway to digital contract everything is covered by multiple layers of security protocols. This was ensured by following the highest international standards of cybersecurity.

The integrity of the system is evident from the fact that there hasn’t been a single security issue with the platform since its launch. This has again proven why a startup needs to hire dedicated developers.

9. Intuitive Design

The platform is a complex amalgamation of various functions, this is a great advantage point for the application. On the other hand, this might also cause a lot of confusion for the user, thus the UI/UX design and development team created an intuitive design structure.

This makes it simple for users to understand the various functionalities without any unnecessary distractions and popups on the screen. That is why the platform has got outstanding reviews from both the team and the users.

10. Cloud-based

Cloud computing technology has come out to be the topmost technical trend in recent trends. This is mainly due to the flexibility it provides to both the user and product providers. The ultimate advantage of cloud computing is its resource pooling capabilities, where the organization does not need to maintain its own server spaces and the users also don’t need to care about storage issues.

With the help of this technology, GRAFFERSID has been able to cut costs for the organization to a great extent while maintaining the quality of services.

11. Blockchain Encryption

When it comes to commodity trading platforms, there have been numerous of them trying to expand their market share. This required the Kratos platform to stand out among the competitors. That is why the developer team at GRAFFERSID leverage the power of Blockchain.

The developers have integrated useful blockchain APIs to the platform to create something one of a kind. This ensures the encryption of contracts and various data files removing the possibility of any kind of duplication and fraud. 

12. Payment Gateway

Working with a payment gateway for a trading platform was a different challenge for the team as it required handling a large number of transactions at once. Being a website development company, we worked on a modern design payment gateway with auto invoice generation capabilities.

Additionally, the team incorporated the highest encryption standard to keep the banking and personal information of the users secure at all times. 

13. Digital Contracts

digital contracts

To make the process of contract creation and execution fast and secure, GRAFFERSID created a unique and optimized digital contract system. This completely digitizes the process of entering and executing a contract.

The user doesn’t need to need to worry about any manual work while creating a commodity trading contract. The automation system fills all the required information by itself and confirms the confirmation and rejections in real-time.

14. Trade History and Detail

With the large volume of trades taking place, it was important to create a dashboard that contained all the information. Being a UI/UX design company, the team at GRAFFERSID leverages their previous experiences to create a dynamic and hassle-free where the user can access all the trade details.

While the dashboard also gives the option to export these details as word and excel documents to third-party apps with editing or simply viewing options.

15. Trade Status

After studying a decent number of the trading platform in detail, the team at GRAFFERSID understood the importance of a dynamic trade status dashboard. Hence both the front and backend team collaborated to create a dynamic status system that shows the execution and completion status of various contracts.

This system uses a color scheme of green, yellow, and red to show completed, under process, and canceled contracts respectively. The whole process is conducted in real-time to ensure that the users remain informed in real-time about their contracts.

16. Automatic Documentation

The process of commodity trade comes with a heavy volume of documentation and a large part is done manually. This takes both time and financial resources from the parties to contract.

The automatic documentation system created by the GRAFFERSID brings a new disruption in the field of commodity trading. The swift system takes care of every documentation requirement from the creation of the execution of contracts.

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17. Digital Signature

The process of digital documentation requires strict verification standards to maintain security and safety. Signature is one such verification step, to facilitate the digital signing of documents, the developer team integrated third-party functionalities like DocuSign.

This system makes it easier for users to attach their digital signatures to important documents without worrying about any cybersecurity dangers.

18. Analytics Dashboard

With a great volume of numerical data, comes the problem of confusion and wrong conclusions. Hence the UI/UX design team at GRAFFERSID incorporated a custom analytics dashboard that lets the user see their data more clearly.

This included functions like graphs, charts, and data filters. While the analytics algorithm also ensures the real-time update of data to present the most accurate picture of the market.

What did the Client say about Collaboration with GRAFFERSID?

Building a unique and first in Industry solution requires a team that is passionate and experienced about helping the users. Our main concern while finalizing the development team was how they work with Startups and Unique Ideas.

GraffersID: Top Web and Mobile App Development Company is an excellent partner to discuss your ideas with.

With 100% confidentiality and Dedication of the team, we received the product within our timeline. Kratos web app is working absolutely fine and we are happy with the efforts of GraffersID.