About the Client

There are a plethora of e-commerce businesses around the world but most of them are facing the challenge of maintaining consistent traffic and sales. This has been the reason for the failure of hundreds of online e-commerce stores.

After doing deep research of the market and identifying the gap, the Founders of the Zahomy app thought to solve this issue with a platform which is also an app that helps online store owners to track users, visitors and increase the size of conversions. 

Zahomy is a well-thought mobile app that has deep insights into the interaction of visitors with a website. Tracking the source of visitors to follow the user to capture more data for it was one of the important features in the App.

After the 3 months of the launch, the app was used by more than 8,000 businesses across the globe. The success of the app skyrocketed the revenue of Zahomy by 150%

Features of the Lead Tracking App

The challenge for the development team was to simplify the technical dashboard for business owners to understand simply. Making the app usable for such business users was our top priority. 

1. Registration

Maintaining the authenticity of the sellers within the lead tracking app was an important responsibility for the GRAFFERSID mobile app development team. Hence, the registration page provides the options to the users to login either with their phone number or email id.

After registration, the app asks the users to create a profile by inserting basic information about them and the store. This later assists the app in creating the virtual store and lead tracking for the business.

2. Catalogue creation


To help the resellers on the app to present their products more professionally, the lead tracking app comes with the Catalogue creation option, which enables the user to group various products in virtual bundles.

The user can later share these catalogues as images, pdf file, or an image collection.  The feature also comes with various editing options to let the resellers add details of the product to the catalogue.

3. Stock Manager

Stock management is a very crucial part of the reselling business, that is why the app comes equipped with inbuilt stock tracking calculators based on advanced cost accounting formulas.

A process that can take hours is completed by the app with a couple of clicks. Further, it includes various pricing tools to help the user set prices for the products after taking account of all the costs, discounts, and profit percentages.

4. Customer Reach

While spending on various marketing campaigns a store owner wants some key performance indicators to check whether the investments are giving any return. The lead tracking app is laced with the customer reach feature to let the user track from which marketing means are the leads coming from.

Here the user can see the number of users who have seen the product and through which passage did they come to the virtual store.

5. Catalogue sharing

Reaching a wide base of customers is of paramount importance for any seller to grow their business further. While the offline advertising methods are costly plus offer a less return on investments, the online method of marketing offers great reach with lower costs.

That is why the GRAFFERSID mobile app development team added the option of catalogue sharing both within the app and outside the app on social channels.

6. Coupons


Discounts and coupons are proven to be great tools for attracting customer interest. Understanding this the GRAFFERSID came up with an automated coupon generator designed by the custom mobile app development team.

This lets the user automatically generate coupons for their customers, these coupons can be further gifted or even sold to be used later. In addition to this, the app includes a coupon submission dashboard for shoppers to use their coupons while making a purchase.

7. Shopping Cart

For any e-commerce app, a virtual shopping cart is a must to facilitate the shopping of multiple products. But the shopping cart added by the GRAFFERSID mobile app development company team is carefully designed by UX/UI design and development team to give it a minimalist look.

The app development team has also laced it with features like multiple carts and one-click checkout to keep the user experience hassle-free.

8. Notification and Alerts

To ensure that the store owners are always updated by any new orders along with lead developments, the app comes with an advanced notification and alerts system that is tested thoroughly by GRAFFERSID mobile app development company team to ensure that the synchronization of the changes and notification takes the minimum time.

Further, the notification and alerts come with customization options to give better control to the users.

9. Subscription

Keeping in mind the revenue model of the app, the GRAFFERSID team researched various methods through which the app can be financially viable. Later, the team added the subscription feature to the app.

In this feature, the user can subscribe to one of the different plans by paying a listed amount, after the payment the users get to maintain the stores on the app on completion of the free trial. 

10. Working With Team

The GRAFFERSID mobile app development team has been working together for a long time, that is why we understand the importance of team collaboration. In case there are multiple members in a store, the app facilitates working with the team by providing a special team member dashboard.

Here all the members can discuss their strategies, or share records of the business. It also comes with an integrated chat feature to facilitate remote working and swift sharing of media files with colleagues.

11. Statistics Dashboard

Analyzing raw data and coming up with meaningful statistics is a back-breaking job if done manually. To make this process easy, the app is included with an interactive statistics dashboard with intuitive UI/UX designing that helps the users get valuable insights from all the data.

Further, it also offers the option for users to analyze their past records and performances of individual products. This greatly helps business owners to form strategies for the future.

12. Order Tracker

Order Tracker

While advertising and sales are important factors for the success of a business, it is even more crucial to have exceptional after-sales service.

To assist the sellers, the app comes with an order tracking dashboard, which notifies the sellers about the orders in transit, delivery status, and after-delivery opinions of the shoppers.

Further, it also helps the sellers to ensure that the right orders are delivered to the right people with timely receipt of payments in return.

13. Lead Tracker

The success of a digital marketing plan can easily be gauged by how many leads are generated by the plan and how many of them are actually converted into sales.

But a lot of time the lead doesn’t convert instantly and needs to be tracked to ensure a successful conversion. The lead tracker dashboard helps the user by constant reminders about contacting leads and sending them offers on a regular basis.

14. Wishlist

Being a lead tracking app, it is essential that the app offers the user and shoppers assistance in saving the products for purchasing later. The Wishlist offers the option to the users to save products in various categories for later reference.

In addition to this when a shopper adds a product to their wishlist in the virtual store, it notifies the user regarding such interests. The wishlist feature also assists the interactive chart feature regarding data relating to the most popular products.

15. Interactive Charts

To make the app more aesthetically appealing to the users in terms of looks and responsiveness, the UI/UX design and development team included the interactive chat feature in the app that lets the users see the data and analytics in interesting animated charts.

Further, the app allows the user to share the various charts in their excel files and other spreadsheet applications, making the in-app data portable for the user.

16. Messenger Integration

Messenger apps such as WhatsApp and Telegram are crucial role players for the generation of new leads. Knowing this fact, the GRAFFERSID  team put out a reliable and secure integration of various messenger apps with the virtual store.

With this integration, the shoppers can easily visit the virtual store from the links shared in the messenger app plus the user can also choose to receive the messages from the messenger apps within the virtual store inbox.

17. Store Creation

In times where digital products and services are expanding like anything, why should the business be done only through offline means? With this thought, the dedicated developers’ team of GRAFFERSID created the ‘Store Creation’ feature.

It is one of the most important parts of the app. Through this feature, the users can create their own customized e-commerce store capable of displaying products, receiving orders, and much more.

18. Inbuilt Graphic Designer

Essentially, the app is created by keeping in focus on small and medium retailers. Many of these retailers don’t have any lead generation resources. The app offers a solution for this problem with its subscription feature in which various tools such as logo and business card creator are offered free with the subscription of the virtual store.

Here the user can edit and create logos, business cards, pamphlets, and much more. Further, it also includes the option to buy premade designs from the in-app design store.

19. Custom Domain

In addition to the app and messenger integration, for any online business, a fast and reliable website is a must. Being an experienced website development company, GRAFFERSID took the suggestion from various members of the website development team to add the ‘custom domain’ feature.

With this the user can instantly have an online store with a domain name, this domain name can later be accessed through any browsers by the user and shoppers. 

What did client say about the Efforts made by the team GRAFFERSID?

Our vision was to help the business owners with the simplification in understanding the technical details and insights of the users. There had to be the development of so many new features that were absolutely unique. I am full of appraising for the efforts of the team in making our idea a reality and help us bring results.