About The Client

The growth of digital platforms pushed every industry to transform its processes. Education Sector had plenty of opportunities with traditional processes having numerous flaws. Founders of this School Parent App created a board of consultants filled with Professors, School Teachers, Staff Members, and Administrative people.

With this experience, every process was well-thought, planned, and implemented under the monitoring of experienced developers and industry experts.

The successful launch of the app was reflecting in the gained number of users within the first month. Once the school used the app, parents followed them to be able to track and monitor the growth.

Top 5 schools of the country appraised the working of the app and features used to support teaching staff in maintaining the growth of students throughout the year. Reviews of parents were highly positive and encouraging for the Founders.

Parents love to have control of their child’s growth and are able to check it anytime without having to come to school and give so much time. 

Features Of School Parent App

The mobile app development process began with a highly engaging Requirements Gathering. With the involvement of so many experts, this step took most of the time. Going ahead, since this app also had Children as one of the user bases, the UI/UX Design and Development required special attention.

The team of GRAFFERSID had the experience of developing apps focused on children and it helped us to quicken the process and reduce time to market efficiently. 

1. User Login

User Login 

One of our major concerns while developing an app is to offer an easy login process, as it gives the first impression of the application to the users. Initially, both parents and teachers need to select their domains.

After completing this, they can easily create their profile just by filling in their personal information and following the steps to reach the dashboard.

This leads you towards a dashboard where you can save your personal information, select your language, and themes and can customize it according to your needs.

2. Attendance Management for classrooms

The attendance sheet helps the teachers and parents to track the regularity of their students. This can save time as well as manual efforts of teachers and ensures that unbiased attendance reports are generated in a single click.

We have included a feature that enables parents to know about their child’s absence with regular alerts. This keeps the parents aware of their child’s performance without putting in extra effort or time. 

3. Calendar and scheduler

Calendar and scheduler

This feature is meant to create a school event planner, it keeps the students and parents updated about the upcoming events, holidays, examination dates, monthly newsletters, and several other activities.

Teachers can use this feature to manage their classes and can coordinate with other teachers to share the space of substitute periods.

The scheduler displays the list of upcoming classes and homework submission dates on the student’s dashboard. When working on group projects, students can upload their individual reports to avoid last-minute confusion.

Most importantly, it helps the teachers to keep a track of the progress of individual students on the group projects.

4. Assignment and Homework Management

This feature helps the students to increase their retention rate and stay organized with their homework. It allows the teachers and parents to keep an eye on the completed syllabus of each and every subject. Students will learn to manage their time and focus on each subject equally while completing their homework.

They are provided certain deadlines for completion of their homework and they will receive homework reminders in case they miss completing their homework.

Being a website development company, we are well aware of your concern related to your child, keeping this in mind we have added a feature of monthly homework analysis, this can help you to track your child’s completed homework and assignments to measure his progress.

5. Multi-Language support

According to research, only 25% of internet users are English speakers and the left out 75% are comfortable with their mother tongue.

If your app is offering content in multiple languages then you are expanding your reach to a wider audience this can increase your user base and lead you towards higher profits.

Having a multilingual app offers assistance to the parents as many of them might not be comfortable with English as a language. Along with this, it can build your brand image and offers you an edge when compared with your competitors as a multilingual app represents sophistication, elaborateness, and professionalism.

6. Dark & Sepia themes for eye comfort

Apple says that dark mode “makes it easier to stay focused on your work.” Microsoft says dark mode can “reduce eye strain and improve battery life.” Google says it “improves visibility for users with low vision and those who are sensitive to bright light”.

We are very sure that you would have understood the importance of dark modes. One of the major advantages of this mode is that it prevents the students from getting their eyes dry, itchy and keeps them lubricated.

GRAFFERSID being a UX/UI Design Company is dedicated to developing apps that are visually effective and have no impact on long-term watching.

We have provided the option of Dark Mode and Sepia Mode for users which manual control so that they can change it anytime they want. 

7. Staff Directories with One Touch Calling

This feature helps the parents to stay in touch with the teachers of their kids with a single click. It is an internal communication tool through which they can call the teachers after school hours to clarify their doubts and discuss any issues that they are facing regarding the studies of their child.

Apart from teachers, parents can talk to any staff member of the school to seek some help.

8. Private or Direct Messaging

With these features, parents can have one-to-one interactions with teachers and other school authorities to discuss their child’s behavior, syllabus, results, and performances. It is a cost-effective and reliable medium to improve care and coordination between the teachers and parents.

On direct chats, parents can discuss and resolve the doubts or issues their child is facing privately. In addition to this, students and teachers can form separate groups of each subject to offer notes, important questions, and study materials.

9. Student leave Dashboard

This dashboard facilitates the teachers to access the student’s attendance records along with the total approved leaves. Students can file leave applications and wait for the response of their teacher. Teachers can either accept or reject your leave, all this depends on your past attendance and the reason for leave.

Once your leave is approved a flash message is displayed on your profile, else you have to attend the class on that particular day. In case of medical emergencies and urgent leaves, you can send your application directly to your teacher in order to keep them informed.

10. Push Notifications

Push notifications reach everyone in a single go, they make the entire process simpler for teachers as well as parents. Instead of navigating within the complex UI/UX designing and multiple pages, push notifications to offer direct access to the page in which their action is required.

GRAFFERSID is a mobile app development company, committed to developing budget-friendly applications. Push notifications are easy to develop or customize, are cheaper and convenient when compared to SMS.

This feature can also be used by teachers to send push notifications for events, emergencies, urgent announcements as well as real-time updates.

It offers these push notifications :

  • Events – Students are alerted by push notifications for any regular or surprise event according to the school calendar.
  • Attendance – Parents, and students are notified using push notification for their child’s absence in any subject.
  • Fees – Reminds the students and parents about new installments, fee collection last date, fees due, and late fees amount.
  • Announcements – Very helpful for students, parents as well as teachers in order to stay updated with the latest news
  • Exam reports – Informs the parents and students immediately when the exam reports are uploaded.

11. Student Progress Tracker

Student Progress Tracker

This is one of the most important features of application development, through which parents can track the progress of their children. These detailed analytics are in the form of year-by-year graphs that displays the progress reports of particular subjects.

It helps the parents to keep an eye on the grade point and average performance of their child across all disciples. Strong as well as weak subjects of your child are highlighted. Additional comments of all the subject teachers are present at the end of the progress card.

This motivates the student and encourages the students to do better in the next exams or upcoming sessions.  

12. Online Courses and Personal Growth Activities

Digital gives the power of learning at your own pace and whenever you want. Getting this freedom, teachers were excited to introduce their students to several new courses for personal growth.

We created a library of Videos and Guides where teachers can publish their courses or share it from anywhere in the web. Interested students can like, comment, and share the courses of teachers and appraise them through ratings and reviews.

Teachers with high expertise in specific domains were able to publish their papers without any constraint. Allowing the school to share the processes in social media helped this app 

13. Payment Gateway Integration

Using this feature parents can easily fill the fees of their child in seconds without any paperwork. The amount has to be directly credited to the school bank account once you complete the cashless transaction by entering an OTP.

This not only keeps the entire process cashless but also helps to maintain the records of every transaction. All this saves your time, efforts and provides instant fee receipt.

In order to keep this process simpler, our payment gateway accepts payments through multiple modes like Credit cards, Debit cards, Netbanking, UPI, different types of online wallets, etc. 

What did Client say about work done by GRAFFERSID?

It looked pretty simple at the beginning but the number of improvisations we needed was tough for any company to handle and manage within a limited Timeframe. GRAFFERSID has a big team with a lot of experts who helped us in various stages.

Their experience was absolutely spot on and reduced our time to market by 30% almost. Very thankful to Sidharth and his team for building a magnificent app. 


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