About the Client

Startup Monk is one of its kind startup, which is enabling an ecosystem that acts as a platform for startups and investors to come and collaborate. Bridging the gap between budding startups and experienced professionals in the same industry, Startup Monk supplies the much-needed guidance platform to ambitious startups.

Becoming the first-ever Startup Ecosystem that has a country-wide reach, Startup Monk is now an important part of the journey for startups. Helping more than 2000 Startups with its consulting, guidance, and support services, Startup Ecosystem has acquired 2 more growing startups.

Growing over the years, Startup Monk has now an angel network of investors that is nourishing the startups of the country with valuable knowledge. Development of the website of Startup Monk was a comprehensive effort of the GRAFFERSID team.

Understanding the requirements to create a landing page that showcases their services, upcoming events, network access and also allows startups to list themselves was huge. 

Features of the Startup Monk Landing Page

Developing a website with dynamic databases and all the features required use of modern tech-stack with powerful data management capabilities. GRAFFERSID selected the technologies with proven results in the past for ensuring all round performance of the website.

Putting users in the center and developing the User interfaces around that has made our process result-oriented. 

1. Search Bar

The client has provided a platform for various participants of the startup community. Hence it hosts a directory of various organizations and events. 

To ease the process of the search for budding and established entrepreneurs, the website development team has laced the landing page with an “all in one” search bar. This lets the visitor search events while having the option to filter the location and time of the event.

2. Artificial Intelligence

Handling a large traffic flow and then entertaining them with the content that is particularly useful for them is an arduous task. Hence the dedicated developers’ team recognized this gap and integrated multiple Artificial Intelligence APIs within the landing page. This lets the site collect user data and suggest content to the visitors based on their previous behavior.

3. Glass Morphism

glass morphism

The UI/UX designing team has taken a unique approach to the design and presentation of the page. Instead of the plain design, the landing page is adorned with the Glassmorphism effect. The design provides a transparent frosted glass effect using background blur.

The Glassmorphism effect uses vivid colors to highlight the blurred transparency and gives a subtle, light border on the translucent object providing an engrossing look to the page.

4. Custom Icons

custom icons

Making the landing page unique requires the developers and designers to pay individual attention to important elements. Icons have been one of such elements, the design team instead of using generic icon packs worked on custom ones.

This has helped in reconciling the brand appeal and the look of the landing page. Further, the developers team ensured that the effects and proper functioning of these icons are at their optimum level.

5. Optimized code

It is only because of the dedicated developers’ team that GRAFFERSID has been able to become the top website development company. This has been evident in the service provided to the Startup Monk landing page.

The code for the page is carefully optimized to ensure maximum output and efficiency with minimum code. This has also helped in making the landing require minimum maintenance from the client-side.

6. Unique Typography

Forming a crucial part of the user interface design, the typography on a page is not just restricted to the font type and color on the page but also includes the readability factor. Unique typography adds to the brand recognition of the company owning the website.

The design team has chosen the typography for the landing page carefully based on the brand personality and performance of the content.

7. Scroll Trigger Animation

scroll trigger animation

Among the various available animation effects, one of the most efficient ones is the scroll trigger animation. However, integrating it with a website requires highly experienced UI/UX design and development experts.

Sensing the need, the designers at GRAFFERSID pitched this idea and was later ratified by the client company. Under this, the animation effects relating to various elements such as graphics, photos, and videos are triggered as the user scrolls down the page.

8. Cursor actions and hover effects

While surfing the landing page, the cursor forms the connecting point between the user and the page. However, the cursor can further be leveraged for providing better looks and more interactivity to the page.

Knowing this very well, the development and UI/UX development team designed custom effects relating to particular cursor actions. This includes color change and a temporary drop-down list on the navigation bar while hovering over the icons.

9. Modular Dashboard

Despite having a large set of data and features within the page, the team needed to ensure a minimal UI for the user. This adds to the usability factor as well as decreases the unnecessary load on the servers.

To make sure of this, the content within the page is ordered within the modular dashboard in card forms. In addition to improving the visual appearance of the page, it greatly enhances the navigational ease for the visitors.

10. Responsiveness

Considering the digital marketing goals of the company, it was necessary that the landing page ranked higher on the search engine rankings. However, a major portion of this goal depended on the performance of the page on devices with different dimensions and operating systems.

With its optimized code, the backend development team ensured that the page had a similar appearance on mobile phones as well as personal computers.

11. Speed

The cornerstone of every successful SEO strategy is always speed. You may have the most attractive content and still be ranked lower on the results page by the search engine due to lower page speed.

With extensive A/B testing, the developers team identified issues that affected the speed of the page. Further, the design team optimised and used visual elements efficiently to ensure that the site delivers the highest speed output.

12. Cross Browser Compatability

The Internet is full of different software and technologies and the same is with browsing software. These are programs that interpret the code of the website and show it to the visitor in the form of a landing page.

However, every browser has its differences, and to ensure that the page looks the same on every browser, the testing department has done multiple cross-browser compatibility tests with the landing page and made further improvements.

13. Search Engine Optimisation


The whole web development process has an important role in deciding the search engine ranking capability of a landing page. A search engine algorithm prefers sites with better speed and navigational ability.

Consisting of developers who are familiar with trending SEO practices, the GRAFFERSID team designed the whole code structure of the page in a way to assist the client in ranking the site. The page is designed by carefully considering SEO factors like speed, readability, and navigational ease.

14. Voice Search Integration

As the field of web development grows even further, new technologies like IoT become more important to consider. According to a statement by the search engine Google, the volume of voice search has been increasing rapidly.

The developers at GRAFFERSID  have made sure that the page remains up to date with this change. The IoT experts with us have used programs that allow voice search within the landing page as well as listening to the blogs through smart audio devices.

15. Social Media Linking

The social media profiles of an organization and their landing pages form a close connection as both of them are an important part of the social media marketing plan.

That is why the design team has created custom illustrations and icons for the social media buttons to make them more appealing to visitors. Additionally, the frontend team has placed them on the page where they are visible and most clickable.

16. Google Analytics

Having predefined KPIs placed already, it becomes easier for an organization to get insights about the performance and results of their strategies. But setting up good KPIs requires the company to have analytical data about the page. Hence, the landing page has been integrated with the widely popular Google Analytics program.

This provides the management with important data regarding the traffic, their location, and the activity they perform on the page.

17. Plugin Integration

As a UI/UX design company, we have worked on landing pages of different kinds and for different industries. Though still some gaps are created with time as new development comes in.

Plugins are a great way to deal with these problems, the landing page has been integrated with plugins relating to design and SEO to let the client make further improvements and tweaks within the landing page.

18. Chatbot

The demand for chatbots and their developers has never been higher than now. As businesses have understood its efficiency they are being actively leveraged to grow online businesses. The backend development team at Graffersid has been working on chatbots with long experience.

The Startup Monk landing page has a static chatbot icon floating on the side. Here the bot can initiate the visitor towards the lead capture form and also answer some basic queries while also being able to record a conversation for future reference by the client.

19. Site Caching

Getting a landing page and site to act faster requires swift transaction between the page and the server, thus the landing page uses site caching to increase its efficiency in handling data.

Instead of manually processing each query from the visitor, the servers send back preset data. The faster speed is possible because the static cached files load faster in comparison to dynamic database queries thus lowering the load on the host server.

What did the Client say about collaboration with GRAFFERSID?

Working with GRAFFERSID has been a pleasant experience for us. Their understanding of the Startup dynamics and needs of a startup. Their team has an amazing culture of making any project successful.

The technology expertise helped us make the website complete with all features. I would like to thank Sidharth Jain for his amazing all-round support and help us build a website within our timeline.