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WordPress is the most famous Content management system in the current scenario. It is easy to understand stage, therefore its has portion of advantages and disadvantages. There is a touch of learning for fledgling engineers that they need to do before they begin editing. For the most part, when an developer will in general make the edit, issues emerge.

This blunder message frequently becomes disappointing. However, fortunately, this blunder can rapidly be settled by following a few easy steps. Whenever you comprehend the reason for the issue, it gets simple to determine the issue.

Notwithstanding, for each mistake, there are sure things that you can do to determine the blunder. Here is your opportunity to deal with the issues and errors you could look at in your WordPress site. To identify the issue you should hire expert PHP developer.

Whenever you previously go over this mistake, it very well might be baffling or concerning. In any case, we will attempt to assist with demystifying the interaction. To begin, this PHP mistake is basically saying that the code of your WordPress site is searching for a specific expansion of MySQL, yet can’t find it. This for the most part happens in light of the fact that the site is utilizing more established code that is not generally upheld by the current rendition of PHP.

For one thing, it’s essential to comprehend that keeping your WordPress and PHP updated is basic for the security of your website. To keep it secure from hackers keep it updated every time, PHP form, plugins, and themes. All things considered, how about we plunge a piece further into this specific WordPress bug and attempt to see how it creeps up when one of these WordPress or PHP is outdated.

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What does this error mean?

One of the situations can be that your PHP installation on the server misses the mark on required MySQL expansion which is vital to interface your WordPress site to the MySQL database.

WordPress code contrariness with the current PHP form could be another justification for why you’re seeing this blunder message. This happens when the PHP code on your site is contrary to the PHP form of your site. Because of certain issues, WordPress blunders might not have the MySQL extensions. You can fix a large number of them by performing refreshes as a WordPress administrator.

How to fix the error?

How to fix error

1. Firstly try changing PHP version

The initial step you should take is to redesign your PHP adaptation. PHP form 7.3, 7.2, 7.1, etc. is toward the finish of life and deplored. You ought to try not to utilize these PHP forms because of safety issues and execution issues, Instead move up to PHP 7.4 or to the most recent PHP 8.0 which likewise gives extra execution benefits.

2. Update Your WordPress Installation

The first and least complex answer for fixing this mistake message is to overhaul WordPress to the latest rendition. To do this, sign in to your dashboard and select Updates.

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3. Then configure MySQL Extension Properly

On the off chance that the above advances haven’t worked, go to the subsequent stage, where you need to guarantee that your MySQL extension is introduced. To check whether the MySQL extension is introduced appropriately, explore the phpinfo. php record that we have made before. Search for a part named either MySQL or MySQL. On the off chance that you can see a number close to the Client API library form field then your MySQL extension is installed.


WordPress is one of the most well-known publishing content to blog stages and CMS for independent ventures. Assuming your PHP establishment seems, by all accounts, to be feeling the loss of the MySQL augmentation, this can cause issues with WordPress and other substance the board frameworks.

WordPress is viewed as profoundly dependable and strong programming, yet it’s not without its intermittent error. We’ve laid out a couple of ways that you could fix the issue above, however, the best arrangement is to contact your server’s specialized help group to see what should be possible.

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Furthermore, you can find a way to keep away from this blunder, for example, consistently refreshing your WordPress establishment, utilizing alerts while introducing modules, and supporting up your site prior to updating WordPress.

These means will assist you with getting your WordPress site fixed, notwithstanding, on the off chance that you have investigated these means and are as yet incapable to fix the issue, certainly are here to contact our Support Team 24×7. Feel free to reach us out.