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Have you ever wondered why global giants like Google and Microsoft are led by Indian personalities like Sundar Pichai and Satya Nadela? And, Why Outsourcing Software Development Projects or hiring an offshore development Team in India is a Success? We will unravel the mystery right here.

No doubt, favorable government policies, and a superior work ethic make India one of the preferred destinations for outsourcing. But, this is not all when it comes to outsourcing development to India or establishing an outsourcing team in India. The crucial reason why India is becoming the top choice for outsourcing software development is the availability of resources in abundance.

Apart from lower cost and easy accessibility, the sheer volume of Engineers that India produces every year accounts for more than 1.5 Million. According to the World Economic Forum, India produces 3X the number of Engineers produced in Europe and the USA combined. 1.5 million Engineers produced every year give rise to an unmatched talent pool that can serve N number of Software development projects every year.

Why is India the preferred destination for outsourcing software development?

India’s market share in the global services outsourcing industry is 56% which is the highest in the world. The present revenue of the Indian IT industry is above $150 billion, and it aims to touch a gigantic $350 Billion in revenue by 2025. Also, India still leads in terms of software developer base and has the fastest-growing concentration of software developers in the world.

The above stats make it obvious why India is the preferred choice for outsourcing your projects.

With demand comes supply, and when it comes to software development companies in India that enable you to hire dedicated remote developers, there are a plethora of options. Hence, is tedious to decide which are the best offshore software development outsourcing companies where you can put your money. Here is all you need to know about setting up the offshore development center.

Now let us understand this in detail with simple points as to why India is a preferred outsourcing destination and what makes India stand out globally.

Read Also: Hire Dedicated Developers 

1. Whopping 1.5 Million Engineers:

It would not be wrong to say that IT engineers and India go hand in hand. Around 0.5 million software graduates are employed by India-based IT companies every year which results in 98% of young and skilled developers in the age bracket of 18-35. With such an enormous size of talent pool catering to the software development requirements become easy.

Hiring resources from India not only resolves your software development issues but also reduces the project management burden from your shoulders. Top outsourcing companies in India have project managers who hold hands-on experience in dealing with end-to-end design development and offering clients QA testing.

When you sign up with India for your software development projects you are in for a complete 360-degree experience.

2. Cost-effective

Software development cost is the cheapest in India as compared to other global countries. This is a well-established fact for many years but the cheap price does not mean any compromise on quality. What’s interesting here is that in recent years the cost-to-quality ratio stands in equilibrium.

So exactly how much does it cost?

Hourly Rates quoted by a top outsourcing software development company in India start as low as 12 $ per hour.

Say, a React-based project requires at least three developers. Now let’s understand how this project can be managed in India on a low budget. Most companies in India will distribute the React project in a hierarchy of 1 senior developer, 1 junior developer, and 1 Intern. Since the wages In India are very low as compared to the US/Europe it becomes easier for companies to distribute the cost. Quality is not compromised as the most complex task is taken by the senior developer and the regular task which doesn’t require much expertise is distributed to the Junior Developer with the supervision of the project manager.

This cost reduction helps the companies to cut down the hiring and infrastructure cost as they don’t have to worry about all this while outsourcing software development to India.

Read Also: Hire Temporary Remote Developers

3. Strong Communication skills:

India is the second-largest English-speaking country in the world second to only the United States, which gives you an idea about the language proficiency of the country. Right from kindergarten until the time a student graduates the medium of communication is strictly English in several schools and colleges in the country.

India was recently ranked second in English proficiency by the EF English Proficiency Index. Companies look for developers with fluent spoken and written English skills as the IT industry across the globe operate in one single language. Several companies already started choosing India as an outsourcing partner without facing communication challenges.

This kind of command and application over a foreign language in a country is truly remarkable, and that’s why over the years people have trusted India as a one-stop solution to global outsourcing problems, especially software development.

4. Friendly time difference with Europe/Asia/United States.

India has got a competitive advantage even when it comes to location with countries that are looking to outsource software development projects. The time difference of :

  • India is 3 hours 30 Minutes ahead of Eastern Europe and 9 hours 30 Minutes ahead of the USA
  • Singapore is 2 hours 30 Minutes ahead of India
  • Australia is 4 hours 30 Minutes ahead of India

With this time zone difference, Indian companies provide round-the-clock support and turnaround time for catering to project development needs.

As along with cost, time plays an important role and acts as a competitive advantage for companies working round the clock and wanting sync-ups and conference calls.

It is also advantageous for companies who are looking for both in-house as well as an offshore team to work together in such a situation time plays a vital role.

Want to Outsource software development to India? Consult us 

India: The Global Software Development Hub

India has emerged as a global leader in the software development industry. It has garnered a reputation for excellence, reliability, and innovation. Here’s why India is the go-to destination for software outsourcing:

  • Skilled Workforce

India’s education system produces a vast number of IT graduates every year. This ensures a steady supply of highly skilled developers, programmers, and engineers.

  • English Proficiency

English is widely spoken in India, making communication seamless for international clients. Effective communication is crucial in software development projects, and India excels in this aspect.

  • Time Zone Advantage

India’s time zone is strategically positioned to overlap with both European and American working hours. This facilitates real-time collaboration and faster project turnaround.

Benefits of Outsourcing to India

Outsourcing software development to India offers a multitude of advantages that contribute to its success. Let’s explore some of these benefits:

  • Cost-Effective Solutions

As mentioned earlier, cost savings are a significant benefit. Indian firms offer competitive rates without compromising on quality, making it a cost-effective choice for businesses of all sizes.

  • Quality Assurance

Indian software development companies adhere to international quality standards and best practices. They prioritize delivering error-free and reliable software solutions.

  • Scalability

India’s vast talent pool allows for easy scalability. Whether your project requires a small team or a large workforce, you can quickly find the right resources.

  • Technological Expertise

Indian developers are proficient in a wide range of technologies, from web and mobile app development to artificial intelligence and blockchain. This expertise ensures that your project is in capable hands.

How to Choose the Right Indian Software Development Partner

Selecting the right partner is crucial for a successful outsourcing experience. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you make the best choice:

  • Define Your Requirements

Clearly outline your project’s objectives, scope, and requirements. This will help potential partners understand your needs better.

  • Research and Shortlist

Conduct thorough research to identify reputable Indian software development companies. Seek recommendations, read reviews, and assess their portfolios.

  • Evaluate Expertise

Evaluate the expertise of the shortlisted firms. Ensure they have experience in your industry and the technologies relevant to your project.

  • Communication and Collaboration

Effective communication is key to project success. Choose a partner with strong communication skills and a willingness to collaborate closely with your team.

  • Cost and Contracts

Request detailed proposals and compare costs. Pay attention to contract terms, including pricing, timelines, and intellectual property rights.

Here are the differences between front end, back-end development, additional notes:

Language Front-End Development Back-End Development Additional Notes


Essential for structure and style of web pages Used for styling and layout Basic building blocks of web development


Core language for interactive elements and dynamic content Node.js for server-side scripting, Express.js for frameworks Fundamental for client-server communication


Often used with frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js Django, Flask for web application development Versatile language with extensive web development libraries


Android app development, front-end frameworks like JavaFX Spring Boot, Hibernate for server-side development Strongly typed language with enterprise-level support


Ruby on Rails framework Ruby on Rails framework Convention over configuration approach in Rails


Widely used for server-side scripting Laravel, and Symfony for frameworks Commonly used in content management systems like WordPress


Superset of JavaScript adding static typing and other features Can be used with Node.js for back-end development Provides enhanced tooling and error detection

FAQs about Outsourcing Software Development to India

1. Is India a safe choice for outsourcing software development?

Absolutely. India has a proven track record of delivering secure and reliable software solutions. With stringent data protection laws and a commitment to cybersecurity, your project is in safe hands.

2. How can I ensure effective communication with my Indian development team?

Most Indian developers are fluent in English, ensuring smooth communication. Additionally, you can use collaboration tools and regular video meetings to bridge any communication gaps.

3. What industries benefit the most from outsourcing to India?

India caters to a wide range of industries, including healthcare, finance, e-commerce, and more. The versatility of Indian software development companies makes them suitable for almost any sector.


When it comes to outsourcing IT projects, India has the upper hand with almost 70% of the revenue of the company coming from the export of IT services. This contributes to around 7.2 percent of the country’s GDP.

If software development is not your competency and you want to thrive in the IT segment, then India is the best option to outsource your IT project. Hiring India will free your money, energy, and time, along with ensuring world-class development solutions at the same time.

Outsourcing web applications have helped many small companies in accomplishing major objective and achieving success. In addition to this, partnering with software outsourcing companies also opens up a new environment to upscale the business.

Outsourcing web development in India means less investment, exposure to the latest technology, lesser project complexity, unwavering support, and top-notch services.