About the Client:

Muvi is a fascinating Video sharing platform for leisure activities like movies, series, and much more. Users can enjoy unlimited entertainment stuff at a nominal price. This Video sharing platform provides access to movies and shows from every region of the world. In addition, it offers the users a prime membership offer. With this offer, users can enjoy unlimited access for one year. 

The Founders of the app wanted to provide a theatre-like experience at home, to their users. This pandemic has changed the scenario and transformed the world to maintain distance. In this way, most people feel anxious about not enjoying themselves enough. To get rid of this anxiety, Muvi brings a jackpot of happiness with it. Now the user can get a theatre-like feel anytime and anywhere. 

Features of Muvi Video Sharing Platform

For GraffersID, it was a great challenge to present a theatre-like feeling at the home. But with years of experience in designing and development, things become smoother. The brainstorming ideas with the expert team and better understanding of the audience enabled us to accomplish the task before the expected date. Take a glimpse at the features that we have enforced on the site of Muvi. These features can take the game to another level in the market.

1. Wishlist

Muvi App Wishlist - video sharing platform

A Wishlist assists the visitor to save the stuff for later usage. Whenever visitors are fascinated with the series/movies online then they prefer to save them to rejoice with it later. Similarly, this feature enables the user to save the series/movies/dramas online in their Muvi profile account. With this feature, visitors can add on infinite stuff instantly without the suspicion of losing it. All saved items are available for a long time till the user does not manually remove them from the Wishlist. It is designed in an ethical order to get the stuff within a second.

2. Technical Assistance

As everything is forwarding online, it’s important to keep yourself ready to resolve technical dilemmas. To get rid of this kind of situation, we enable the feature of 24/7 technical support for users. This feature guides the users in every aspect and also safeguards the mobile and desktop from trouble-creator bugs.

3. Automatic play of videos

Muvi App Automatic play - video sharing platform

Visitors prefer to take a glimpse of accessible videos on the site. With our creative team, this feature is embedded in the site. As the visitors land on the homepage, then all videos automatically move on without hitting the ball. In this way, users can select any of them which they wished for.

4. User-generated reviews

This is another feature embedded in the site to give reviews over the performance of the site. It’s required to discern the overall user experience with the site’s, offers, services/products, and more. Hence, it’s important to in-build this kind of feature measure the metrics online. Furthermore, it gives a chance to share the experience of visitors. After completion of any show/movie, it is asked to the user for suggesting the experience on the site.

5. Multi-language Assistance

People from all over the world can use Muvi to watch movies and TV shows. To make the site’s content understandable for people from different countries, GraffersID’s development team implemented Multi-language assistance on the site. After attribute the action, instantly the whole layout of the website will appear in that particular language that a visitor wants to see. Furthermore, users can select the movie or any shows available in their country with their language. And this Video sharing platform contains all shows, movies, dramas, and news from every region.

6. Get rewards

This is one of the incredible platforms where people can earn money with leisure activities. To bring momentum in traffic and visitors, we are providing a jackpot of awards on the website. For getting a premium membership offer, users have to do referrals with their friends. With the particular limits of referrals, the visitors will get to win the prime membership offer. Including the cash gifts on every referral too.

7. Reduce the usage of data

Most people worried about the consumption of data on the devices more than anything else. That’s the reason they prefer to avoid further application on a mobile phone. Our Entertainment app developers team has reduced the consumption of data with advanced technology. And develop an app with this feature to enjoy unlimited time without worries of consumption of data. While watching the movie, the background application stopped to avoid excessive usage. And also users can turn on the setting of “low usage”, this will not cost them leisure time.

8. Turn off the auto-play option

While watching the movie, the autoplay of the videos avoids sticking to one movie. This autoplay sometimes consumes a lot of data. To reduce the data consumption, GraffersID’s development team has added the option to turn off Autoplay in Muvi. In this way, users can save their data and avoid getting disturbed when one starts automatically.

9. Skip and dark mode option

The development team conducted a lot of research before starting on building the platform. During this research, they found that many viewers got irritated by watching the introduction video of a show again and again with every episode.

When you hire Entertainment app developers, It will provide your team the idea of adding a Skip Intro button to the platform. With this feature, users can resist time eating stuff and go straight to the point. On the other hand, if a visitor is willing to save the battery then they can select the “dark mode” option to reduce the consumption of battery life.

10. Parental control setting

Kids are the future of the world and the developer of the new world. So this is required to display relevant things to boost the mindset towards goal, passion, and skills. With this in mind, our team has decided to bring such a feature that can prohibit access to inadequate content for kids. That’s why the “parental control” option in the setting can restrict access for the decided age group. It’s crucial to have control over the content which can boil the ocean of a kid’s mind.

11. Access for multiple accounts

Muvi app Access for multiple accounts - video sharing app

It may happen to visitors and their companion gets fascinated with two different variations of stuff. But it’s not possible to get access to both of them over one profile. That’s the reason this feature is inbuilt in the system to deal with these hurdles. This feature was a relatable situation with one of our teammates. From that point, we have decided to develop such kinds of features which can be worthwhile for users.

After using this feature, users can create multiple portals for multiple users. With every single portal, there can be further separate portals for users who are willing to enjoy together.

12. Multiple shows at one time

Muvi video sharing App Multiple shows at one time

This is another advantageous feature when a user doesn’t have to worry about losing one show along with another. Users don’t need to miss their favorite shows. The reasons behind developing this feature are – to make the user comfortable by utilizing the time to enjoy all the shows at a time.

Users can invite their friends if they are willing to see both of the shows together. And after allowing this option, things become straightforward and stress-free. Users can take advantage of both the stuff at the same time with the same quality.

13. Captcha feature

In every online site, securing the data of users is fundamental to a brand. And that user will be self-reliant with this thought. The momentum of chances for getting more visitors will be upgraded on the site. This captcha feature looks interesting, and after hitting on the captcha opt google gets aware that the visitor is a robot or genuine person. It builds authority with the user and genuine people for the brand.

14. Privacy policy page

Nowadays, people are very conscious about their privacy. And that’s the reason most people prefer to avoid access applications. Some applications may leak the information of users. As a result, users confront the huge loss due to this matter. We have used the feature of “privacy policy page”, where users can obtain all the information that – why is the system inquiring for the data? To build credibility among the audience, this is a crucial feature of the system.

15. Unique identity number

Several visitors arrive on the site regularly. To get awareness about the newcomers and conventional users, this feature is embedded on the site. With this feature, the fresh visitors get assigned to a unique code or number. On the other hand, it can help to make things done effortlessly. Like we can recognize the fresh and usual visitors individually.

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16. The Hamburger Menus

On any site, there may be multiple application menus for the users. Due to this, users are unable to understand where they should go. To get rid of this problem, we have designed the ” hamburger menus” feature on the site. It will help the visitor by taking them directly to the place where they want to go. This feature is implemented on the site to make the user experience satisfactory. The purpose of developing this feature is to make the navigation process effortless for users. After developing this feature, we can assure to retain the users for a long time at one site.

17. FAQ ( Frequently Asked Questions)

This feature helps to keep the visitors aware of the questions they have in mind. Related to performance, quality, device compatibility, data usage, cookies, and much more. In the FAQ feature, users can take the balance of multiple questions related to the site. We have done a reset arch for the catalog of questions with the help of surveys, quizzes, and feedback from former visitors. It was time-consuming for us but it is beneficial for the visitors to be aware of where they are landing.

What did the client say about Mivi – Video Sharing Platform?

Working with GraffersID was an amazing experience for us. It seems troublesome to create space in the market due to rigid problems. But today we can proudly say that – choosing GraffersID for this project was the right decision for us.

The team of GraffersID is an expert in solving rigid problems with in-depth solutions. They have solved the problem and also recommended ways to deal with future complications. Along with the design and development services, they provide an offer of free consultation to be aware of the pain points and purpose of creating a project.

Above all, we are highly satisfied with the efforts GraffersID had put into the project. We recommend them to all kinds of businesses that want to achieve peak results and consistent growth.

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