About the Client

Certain moments in the life of a person are better than others. Founders of the Virtual Mobile Bar app wanted people to cherish moments more and help them leverage the power of digital. This app was primarily focused on digitizing the process of buying drinks.

But the unique part is giving the feeling of a Virtual bar to the uses through creative UI/UX design and development. After the Mobile App development process was completed, the beta users gave exceptionally amazing reviews by calling this app an Experience of their lifetime.

This made a buzz before the launch which resulted in massive user acquisition within the first week of launch. The total number of users after a year of this app was 1 million with the highest retention rate in the category. 

About the App and Website

While starting the work on Website Development of the idea, our creative design team was focused entirely on increasing the retention time of the user on the screen. To give the look and feel of a Bar, UI/UX design team of GRAFFERSID used high-quality illustrations to design graphics. 

Illustrations were inspired by the real scenes of the people and friends in the real bar which consistently gave the feeling of being inside a bar to a user.

Features of the mobile bar app

Bars are the places that are meant to provide relaxation to an individual against all other stresses of life, yet the method of ordering a drink and enjoying it was laced with problems of their own. To address this, GRAFFERSID created the MobileBar app and strapped it with the necessary and exclusive features to ease out the bar-going experience.

1. Easy Login

To retain first-time users it is important that they are provided with an easy signup system. To ensure this, GRAFFERSID not only included the traditional social media and email login but also the unique login with the help of biometrics like fingerprints.

But wait, what if the user does not want to give up personal information just after installation? This is a pretty common scenario, that is why it included the option of Guest login, through which the users can see the basic feature and working of the app without actually logging in first.

2. Virtual Bar

Virtual Bar

The most attractive feature of the app is the option to manage a personal virtual bar, all with the help of a smartphone, where the user can select liquor from the various bars and reserve them via the app.

On the virtual bar dashboard, the user can see all the bottles and remaining quantities of liquor in them.

The app also gives the option to refill or transfer the bottles to someone else. This makes it easy for users to maintain their liquor collection without having to maintain any physical bar.    

3. Wide Range of Bars

To remove the hassle of physically searching for bars for a favorite wine type or brand, the app also works as a bar aggregator that gives the freedom to choose from a wide variety of pubs, bars, and clubs.

Here the user can reserve passes for exclusive events and be updated by interesting happenings near them, while also being informed about various offers and discounts.

To make this happen GRAFFERSID created a separate dashboard for the bars to register themselves with the app and register themselves to collaborate with the app.

4. Search and Filter

Search and Filter

Manually searching for a product among a variety of others can be pretty hard. That is why the search bar lets the users search for different types of wines and alcoholic beverages to see where they are available and at what price. But what makes it practically more useful is the advanced filter options.

Through this option, the user can filter out various products based on factors like price, ratings, availability, and ratings assigned by other users to make better buying decisions.

5. Payment-less Transaction

GRAFFERSID made sure that the app has a swift payment system but actually, it is something much more than the payment system. The app allows the user to have a cashless experience at the partner bars. It is a common problem for the bar-visitors to face problems like miscalculations and overpayment at the end of the drinks.

Here the users can reserve the liquor and pay from the app itself, and later enjoy the booze without worrying about the payment issues. 

6. Gift To People

Among other things, the app is also focused on letting people interact on the platform and outside it to make stronger connections by sharing drinks. To retain the wholesome experience of drinking, GRAFFERSID worked out the “Gift” feature that lets the user to Gift some drinks from their virtual bar to other users.

What makes it really easy is that the person doesn’t necessarily need to have an account to receive the gift, the gifts can be transferred just with the help of an email address.

7. Earn Liquour

To ensure that the app remains useful, yet at the same time offers a fun experience to the users, it is important to put out an incentive system. The app is integrated with various gamification features to let the users earn various loyalty points and coupons, one of the examples is the referral system, in which the user can refer the app to someone and earn some points. These points can later be used to get discounts while making purchases later. 

The mobile app development team of GRAFFERSID made a well-thought plan to execute the Integration of the referral system. Referral link was generated uniquely for every user. It helped in tracking the user and rewarding them with points. 

8. Exclusive Deals

The deals page of the app offers and shows the best available bargains on alcoholic beverages to the users. This is done with the feature which lets the bars and liquor brands display various offers and discounts on the deals page as banner ads.

This serves two purposes, first, the user experience is not hindered by the ads as the ads are only restricted to one page, on the other hand, this integration also lets the app earn advertising revenue from various brands and bars. 

9. Online Delivery

Whether it is clothing, food, or medicine all of them can be now ordered online thanks to various aggregation platforms. To help the app with a similar idea, GRAFFERSID added the necessary configurations to the app to make it able to also work as an e-retail store for liquor. 

Users don’t necessarily need to physically go to the bar to savor their liquor, the app allows the user to place an order right through the app for delivery to their address.

10. Bar Locator

To make it easier for the user to find the bars from which the liquor is reserved, the app is integrated with google and apple maps. This integration of the app serves multiple purposes for the users. It firstly serves as a bar locator, where the user can find the nearby establishment plus it can also assist as a delivery tracker within the app.

Here the user can check various bars with their addresses and even their status whether they are opened or closed.

To make the task easy and quick for users, bar locator is embedded with search filters and sorting algorithms. Users can type the name of the bar or just a few letters of the bar would make the desired bar appear at the top of the search resutls. Users can mark some of the bars as Favorite and they don’t need to search them again and again.

11. Connect With People

To resemble the experience of camaraderie while drinking, the app gives the option to the users to connect with fellow drinkers around and also helping them informing communities of various like-minded people.

This also assists people to share their passion for various wines and talk about topics like wine collections and bar experiences.

12. Statistics Dashboard

It is crucial that the user is updated with all the data relating to his spending on the app and consumption data. For this, the statistics dashboard provides all the quantitative information regarding the user’s previous transactions made with the app.

Along with this, it also provides data related to refills, the expiration period of reservations, and delivery orders made through the app. GRAFFERSID included a bar counter-like UI for the statistics dashboard to maintain an aesthetic experience for the user.

13. Exclusive Memberships

To let the app maintain its financial viability it is included with an Exclusive Membership option. The feature is subscription-based and is well assisted by the payment system created by GRAFFERSID. Under this, the user can subscribe to the exclusive memberships of various types by paying a certain amount of subscription.

After the subscription, the user can get different exclusive offers and specialized features that are only available to the subscribers.

14. User Reviews and Ratings

The review and rating feature helps in providing an authentic and quality service by the app. It allows the users to rate the bars and liquors with the help of a ranking meter which also assists other users in making their next purchases.

Though, to ensure that there are no false reviews, GRAFFERSID has incorporated a special algorithm that helps in weeding out any false rating by checking whether the products or services were actually availed or not.

15. Cab Booking

Drink and drive accidents are a serious problem, to address this the app is integrated with a third party online cab booking service to help users refrain from drinking and driving. The feature lets the user ensure the safety of the users.

It has an option of one-touch booking where the address is automatically filled for the user from the previous record to avoid any hassle.

What does the client say about the partnership with GRAFFERSID?

Working with a team of  GRAFFERSID has been extremely amazing for us. At every step, GRAFFERSID was ready with ideas and solutions to our problems. We never felt compromised with our idea and features.

They have got a really good team of Website and Mobile App Developers, which is proven and tested. I would recommend GRAFFERSID as the best technology partner for growing startups and challenging development.