About the Client

Desi Butler is an online ordering website with a global vision and global shipment methods. Different from other online eCommerce websites, Desi Butler has an idea of delivering rich quality foods to every part of the world. Taking the Indian culture to countries across oceans shows the love of this culture everywhere.

It was important to take the values of Indian culture together while designing the website. Being tightly connected with Indian culture, the landing page was supposed to cater to an international audience.

Clients wanted to use the blend of themes to showcase the products in a simple yet attractive way. Desi Butler was one of the unique ideas in the market and hence attracted people of different countries.

With an award of best UI/UX design and development award, Desi Butler also got attention from the world’s top investors.

Features of the Desi Butler Landing Page

With an Indian look, Desi Butler also wanted to make it simple, easy, and familiar for people of other nations to order things from it. Colors for the landing page was chosen after doing research over the global businesses already existing in the market.

Understanding customer behavior and generalizing a user workflow made it easy to wireframe the website and work over it. The landing page performed pretty well in the beta test and it ensured that the launch was also successful.

The CTAs were placed in the proper position and it helped in boosting the conversion rate from the website. 

1. Custom Icons and Illustrations

To be consistent with the originality of the client’s business idea, the look of the landing page also needed to be original. Hence the website development team decided to use custom icons and illustrations designed by the UI/UX team. 

All these illustrations were designed keeping in mind the value proposition and services provided by the client. Further, the design team carefully chose the placement of these elements to create maximum impact on the visitor.

2. Product Catalogue

As the client business Desi Butler offers shipment of Indian products to people residing outside India, the landing page needed a separate section for the catalog of these products.

To help the users to identify their product easily the team has used high-quality photos and graphics related to these products. Also, the section is equipped with a special zoom feature that lets the user see a zoom-in picture of the product on the size when they hover the cursor over the photo.

3. Custom Designed Buttons

As a website development company, we know the important role buttons play on a landing page and website. They act as a connection between the front end and the backend of a page and it is one of the main goals of a digital marketing strategy to make the user click the desired CTA button.

This is why the design team has given utmost attention to the design and effects of these buttons to attract visitors. Further, the backend team has ensured the proper functioning of these links with their efficient code.

4. Messenger Connect

The whole business idea of the client centers around connecting with their potential customers through messenger like WhatsApp. Hence the UI/UX design team has designed a custom messenger icon for the page and has placed it at an optimum position.

On the other hand, the development team has worked on a smooth transition between the messenger app and the landing page to make the user experience better.

5. Consistent Design Layout

Consistent Design Layout

Following the guidelines provided by the client, the design team has created a synergy between the overall approach of the brand with the layout of the page.

The team has used the color scheme of the brand’s logo to create the overall color scheme of the website. This has provided an overall design consistency to the landing page with all other digital presence of the client.

Further, this system makes it easier for Desi Butler to form an image of their business in the minds of the visitors.

6. Attractive Typography

As an experienced UI/UX design company, we at GRAFFERSID understand the importance of typography in enhancing the presentation and readability factor of the content.

Having a good readability score not only attracts visitors but also helps in the SEO rankings on the search result page. To make this possible the team has used fonts that fit well with the approach of the business.

Additionally, the team has also looked into factors like typesetting to ensure that the user experience is smooth and hassle-free.

7. Navigation Bar

Every landing page with varied categories of content requires a point from where the user can access the different parts easily. To warrant this the design team has created a navigation bar that provides links to different parts of the landing page.

These links are put up in the form of buttons whose performance is enhanced by the efficient code by the backend team.

8. Shipment Tracker

shipment tracker

The client business is mainly focused on the shipment and delivery of different products from one place to another Hence the landing page required a dedicated shipment tracker that lets the user track the position of their shipment and estimated time for delivery.

This was made possible through the collaborative efforts of the frontend and backend team which collaborated to create a dashboard that allows the customers to use the tracking feature.

9. Search Bar

The landing page contains a plethora of content that can interest a user and it also has catalogs of various categories of products. To make it easier for the users to find these particular products and services, the landing page is equipped with a search bar that provides results to user queries.

Also, it comes with an auto recommendation feature that helps the user with related phrases while searching for a particular product or service.

10. Responsiveness

The development team at GRAFFERSID has worked on both projects relating to website development and mobile app development. However, for a website, it must be flexible and adaptive for devices of different sizes.

This is because a large number of visitors access the websites via their smartphone or their tablets. That is why the developers have used technologies like Bootstrap and Javascript frameworks for ensuring that the page looks the same on all the devices.

11. Notification and Alerts

A site carrying out e-commerce activities requires that it is always connected with its audience. To make this possible, the team of dedicated developers has integrated a swift notification and alert system that informs the users about the status of their orders.

Besides, it also notifies the user on the messenger integrated with the landing page at the time of order however this is only done when the user grants permission to the system.

12. Payment Gateway Integration

It is quite obvious that a business with e-commerce activities would require a system that lets them receive and pay money online. Hence the landing page is laced with a simple yet effective payment gateway.

This lets the user pay through various options such as bank transfer, UPI, and much more. Further, the payment gateway uses a secure socket layer network protocol that encrypts and protects all the banking data of the users.

13. Social Media Integration

social media integration

To expand its existing base of customers the client heavily uses social media for promotion campaigns. Hence the UI/UX design and development team has warranted proper integration of the landing page with the client’s social media presence.

This is done through the placement of custom-designed icons of social media sites at the footer of the landing page. These icons contain links that make it easier for the user to reach the social media pages of the client.

14. Review and Ratings

To maintain the standards of products and services on the page, the customer must have some kind of assurance. To fulfill this need the page is laced with a smart review and rating system, this lets the buyers rate the products they have purchased.

Later these reviews can be referenced by new users. Also, the algorithm working underneath warrants that there are no fake or misleading reviews regarding the products on the page.

15. Analytics Dashboard

Working without essential data is like finding something in dark without a torch. To make any improvements to the page or to implement any new strategy regarding the landing page, a quality set of data is a must.

Thus the page contains a special analytics dashboard for the administrator to see quantitative information relating to the behavior of the customer. This provides new insights to the client for making better business and marketing plans.

16. Security

Containing crucial data relating to banking and analytics, the landing page needs to protected from cyber-attacks and malware. That is why the backend developers have laced the page with security protocols like HTTPS.

This encrypts all the data traveling between the servers and the page, making it accessible only to the authorized administrator of the page.

Further, the security notification system gets immediately activated whenever there are any breaching efforts from any unwanted third party.

17. Site caching

The speed of a landing page is a crucial factor in keeping the user experience at its best. Additionally, it also helps in reducing the bounce rate and increasing the SEO rankings of the page.

Thus the developers have employed the site caching approach to make the page perform faster. Here the responses to general queries are already stored in the server RAM which saves both time and effort for the server instead of doing it all manually.

18. Thumb Zone Compatibility

As mentioned earlier that a large number of users access websites with their phones and hence the navigational simplicity on touch devices becomes significant. Thus the design team at GRAFFERSID has leveraged the concept of thumb zone compatibility from their custom mobile app development experience.

Under this design approach, the elements are placed in such a manner that they are easily accessible to the user’s thumb which is used commonly to scroll the web pages.

What did the Client say about the Collaboration?

We knew that our idea is unique and therefore we needed an experienced team to work on it. GRAFFERSID worked as per our expectations and we were able to get the deliverables at the time.

We are very pleased with the quality of work, the website is working fine and is able to handle traffic at peak times. GRAFFERSID is one of the best in the industry when it comes to customer experience.