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When it comes to 3D graphics in web development, React Three Fiber and Three.js are two prominent libraries that developers often consider. Both offer powerful tools to create immersive and interactive 3D experiences on the web. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the differences, advantages, and use cases of React Three Fiber and Three.js. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting your journey into 3D web development, this guide will help you make an informed choice between react three fiber vs three js.


3D web development has gained immense popularity in recent years, allowing developers to create stunning visual experiences. React Three Fiber and Three.js are two libraries that facilitate 3D web development, but they differ in various aspects, making them suitable for different use cases.

In recent years, 3D web development has gained significant traction, enabling developers to create immersive and interactive online experiences. Two popular libraries for building 3D web applications are React Three Fiber and Three.js. These libraries empower developers to bring 3D graphics to the web, but they have different approaches and use cases. In this article, we will compare React Three Fiber and Three.js to help you choose the right tool for your 3D web development needs.

What is Three.js?

Three.js Icon

Three.js is a JavaScript library that provides a high-level API for creating 3D graphics on the web. It is a powerful and versatile library that allows you to work directly with WebGL, the technology that underpins modern 3D web graphics. With Three.js, you can create 3D scenes, animate objects, and handle user interactions easily.

Here are some key features of Three.js:

  1. Low-Level Control: Three.js gives you fine-grained control over every aspect of your 3D scene. This makes it suitable for complex 3D applications where you need to manage every detail.
  2. Large Community: Three.js has a large and active community of developers, which means you can find extensive documentation, tutorials, and third-party extensions.
  3. Performance: Since Three.js works directly with WebGL, it offers excellent performance for rendering 3D graphics.

What is React Three Fiber?

React-three-fiber icon

React Three Fiber is a library that bridges the gap between React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, and Three.js. It allows you to create 3D scenes using familiar React concepts, such as components and state management. React Three Fiber abstracts many of the complexities of Three.js, making it more accessible to web developers who are already comfortable with React.

Here are some key features of React Three Fiber:

  • React Integration:

If you are already familiar with React, React Three Fiber provides a smooth transition into 3D web development by allowing you to use React’s component-based architecture.

  • Declarative Approach:

With React Three Fiber, you can describe your 3D scenes in a declarative manner, making it easier to understand and maintain your code.

  • Component Reusability:

Like React, React Three Fiber promotes component reusability, allowing you to build complex 3D scenes by composing smaller, reusable components.

When to Use Three.js

Three.js is the right choice for you if:

  • You Need Maximum Control:

If you require fine-grained control over your 3D graphics and want to work directly with WebGL, Three.js is the better option. It’s ideal for complex 3D applications and games.

  • Performance is Crucial:

When performance is a top priority, especially for rendering complex scenes or animations, Three.js, with its direct WebGL integration, offers the best performance.

  • WebGL Knowledge:

If you have a solid understanding of WebGL and want to leverage that knowledge, Three.js provides a more direct interface to the underlying technology.

When to Use React Three Fiber

React Three Fiber is the right choice for you if:

  • React Familiarity:

If you are already proficient with React and want to create 3D web applications without a steep learning curve, React Three Fiber is an excellent choice. It leverages your existing React skills.

  • Rapid Prototyping:

For projects where speed is essential, React Three Fiber’s declarative approach and component reusability can help you prototype and develop 3D scenes quickly.

  • Team Collaboration:

If your development team includes both React and Three.js experts, React Three Fiber can be a bridge, allowing both teams to collaborate effectively.

Difference Between React Three Fiber vs Three.js

Feature React Three Fiber Three.js
Ease of Use Provides a declarative API for creating 3D scenes within a React environment, making it easier for React developers to integrate 3D graphics. Requires direct manipulation of WebGL and JavaScript, which can be more challenging for developers accustomed to React.
Component-Based Approach Leverages React’s component-based architecture, allowing developers to create reusable and composable 3D components. Not inherently component-based, although developers can organize their code in a modular way.
JSX Integration Seamlessly integrates with JSX, enabling developers to use familiar syntax for creating and managing 3D scenes. Not integrated with JSX by default, but JSX can be used with the help of libraries like react-three-renderer.
Performance Optimizes performance by using React’s reconciliation algorithm to efficiently update the 3D scene based on changes to state or props. Offers high performance but requires manual optimization for complex scenes and animations.
Abstraction Level Provides a higher level of abstraction, simplifying complex tasks like handling camera controls, lighting, and animation. Offers low-level access to WebGL, allowing for greater control and customization but requiring more manual setup.
Learning Curve Suitable for React developers with some familiarity with 3D graphics. May have a lower learning curve for those already proficient in React. Steeper learning curve, especially for developers new to WebGL and 3D programming concepts.
Community Support Growing community support within the React ecosystem, with an active community contributing tutorials, libraries, and resources. Mature and extensive community support, with a wealth of documentation, forums, and third-party libraries available.
Ecosystem Provides a smaller ecosystem compared to Three.js but includes essential tools and libraries for common 3D tasks. Offers a vast ecosystem with a wide range of plugins, extensions, and tools for various 3D applications and industries.
Development Velocity Can potentially accelerate development for React projects by leveraging React’s development tools, ecosystem, and developer familiarity. May require more time for setup and learning initially but offers extensive capabilities for custom 3D applications.
Popularity Growing in popularity among React developers, particularly for projects requiring integration of 3D graphics with React applications. Widely adopted across industries and domains for building interactive 3D experiences on the web.
Use Cases Well-suited for integrating 3D graphics into React applications, such as data visualization, gaming, virtual reality (VR), and augmented reality (AR) experiences. Suitable for a wide range of 3D applications, from simple animations and visualizations to complex simulations and interactive experiences.

Pros and Cons of Three.js


  • Full Control:

Three.js provides developers with direct access to WebGL, allowing for fine-grained control over 3D graphics, making it suitable for complex and custom 3D applications.

  • High Performance:

Thanks to its low-level nature and direct interaction with WebGL, Three.js offers excellent performance, making it ideal for rendering intricate 3D scenes and animations.

  • Large Community:

Three.js boasts a vast and active community of developers, resulting in extensive documentation, tutorials, and a wealth of third-party extensions and plugins.

  • Versatility:

It is a versatile library that can be used for a wide range of 3D projects, from games and simulations to data visualization and creative web experiences.


  • Steep Learning Curve:

Three.js can be challenging to learn, especially for those who are new to 3D graphics or WebGL. It requires a solid understanding of mathematics and computer graphics concepts.

  • Verbose Code:

Building complex scenes in Three.js often involves writing a significant amount of code, which can become verbose and hard to maintain as the complexity of the project increases.

  • No Built-in UI Components:

Three.js primarily focuses on graphics, so it lacks built-in user interface components. Developers need to integrate additional libraries or create custom UI elements separately.

Pros and Cons of React Three Fiber


  • React Integration:

React Three Fiber seamlessly integrates with React, leveraging the component-based architecture and making it accessible to developers already familiar with React.

  • Declarative Syntax:

The library promotes a declarative approach to 3D scene creation, which makes the code more readable and easier to maintain.

  • Component Reusability:

React Three Fiber encourages the creation of reusable components, facilitating the construction of complex 3D scenes through composition and modularity.

  • Easier Learning Curve:

Compared to Three.js, React Three Fiber has a gentler learning curve, especially for developers already experienced with React.


  • Abstraction Complexity:

While React Three Fiber abstracts many complexities of Three.js, it may limit low-level control, which can be a drawback for projects that require intricate customizations.

  • Performance Overhead:

React Three Fiber introduces some performance overhead due to its abstraction layer, which may be noticeable in highly demanding 3D applications.

  • Less Direct WebGL Access:

Developers who need to work directly with WebGL may find React Three Fiber less suitable, as it abstracts much of the underlying WebGL complexity.

  • Smaller Community:

While React Three Fiber has gained popularity, its community is not as extensive as Three.js, which means there may be fewer resources and third-party plugins available.

In summary, the choice between Three.js and React Three Fiber depends on your specific project requirements and your team’s familiarity with the technologies. Three.js offers maximum control and performance but comes with a steeper learning curve and more code verbosity. React Three Fiber, on the other hand, provides a smoother transition for React developers, promotes code modularity, and is well-suited for rapid prototyping and team collaboration, but may introduce some performance overhead and limit low-level control.


Choosing between React Three Fiber and Three.js ultimately depends on your project’s requirements and your familiarity with the technologies. Three.js is a powerful library that provides maximum control and performance, making it suitable for complex 3D applications. On the other hand, React Three Fiber offers a smoother transition for React developers and is an excellent choice for rapid prototyping and team collaboration.

In many cases, the decision may come down to a trade-off between control and ease of development. Whichever you choose, both libraries enable you to unlock the world of 3D web development, bringing immersive and interactive experiences to your web applications.

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