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Bringing an idea to execution, engaging target users, and driving profit. Isn’t the app in development is more than a tough task?

Developers strive to develop challenging applications that can lure the tech-savvy generation, however, in most cases their product backfires due to the wrong choice of the technology stack.

The competition in the mobile market is rising to the next level, and coming up with an off-putting and buggy application that is built using an outdated tech stack is a bad idea. This will not only hamper the reputation of the firm but also make your competitors succeed.

To prevent any danger to your brand value and deliver an outstanding experience, it is crucial to choose the right technology stack for mobile app development. The right technology stack will not only give life to your project but will also make it scalable and committed to the functional requirements. In addition to this, a wisely chosen technology stack results in lower costs and less time for mobile app development. 

Here are the top technology stacks that can you choose to create a top-quality application:

Native App Development

Native App Development includes using platform-specific software development kits, programming languages and other tools provided by operating system vendors. As a result, building native applications requires you to employ separate mobile app development technologies for each. Popular applications like Pokemon GO and Lyft utilize the native approach.

Technology Stack for iOS Apps in 2023

Here is a mobile app technology stack for building a native iOS application

Programming Languages

Objective C

Based on C, Objective C is a High-Level Language, developed for building iOS applications before the inception of Swift. This superset of C language is used by several app development companies to build applications for Mac, iPad, iPhone, Apple Watch, and more devices.

Some of the reasons which make Objective C the reliable option are:

  • Easy use of private APIs
  • Compatibility with C++
  • Massive community support
  • Plenty of third-party libraries
  • Highly approved
  • Simple and accessible to Apple technologies

Swift, a widely-used programming language for building top-notch iOS and OS X applications, is a multi-paradigm open-source language. A recent survey by Stack Overflow shows that Swift is the highly preferred language by the professional developer community.

Here are a few reasons why Swift is in the focus of attention:

  • Faster and better performance
  • Compatible with Objective C
  • Multi-device support
  • Dynamic libraries
  • Active community support
  • Safe and less prone to errors.
Toolkit: Apple Xcode:

If you are using Swift as the programming language for developing the native application, then you will need Apple Xcode as the toolkit. The full-featured development environment offered by the Apple Xcode toolkit lets you create mobile as well as desktop applications. Xcode comes with instrumentation and debugging tools, integrated support for Git repositories, a graphical editor to build user interfaces and integrated documentation.


The iOS SDK includes an API that serves as a link between software applications and their platform. APIs can be built in several ways and include helpful programming tools.

Technology Stack for Android Apps in 2023

Here is the mobile app technology stack for building native Android application

Programming Language: Java

For Android App Development, Java is always at the top of the list. Java is an object-oriented programming language that comes with rich libraries and tools that make it easy to craft top-quality mobile applications. Here are some of the reasons which make Java one of the preferred languages to craft Android applications:

  • Portable and scalable
  • Highly secured
  • Automatic memory management
  • Multi-threading capability
  • Huge open source support ecosystem.

Programming Language: Kotlin

When compared to Java, Kotlin is new and came into existence in 2011. The language is a perfect solution that combines simplicity and power. 

Kotlin is not only a popular OOP language but also supports high-order functions and lambadas. It increases speed and makes it easier to perform day-to-day development tasks.

Here are the benefits of using Kotlin:

  • Language is concise and safe
  • Extension functions
  • Multi-platform
  • Active community
  • It helps to reduce bugs.

Toolkit: Android Studio and Android Developer Tools

Android Studio comes with performance tooling, code editing, flexible and instant build/deploy system. It helps you in building high-quality and unique applications.

Android Developer Tools offers Android-specific coding support and let developers use emulators, graphical UI builder, on-device debugging tools, and scriptable test automation support.

SDK: Android SDK

Android SDK uses components that can be downloaded separately. Third-party add-ons are also available for download.

Both Apple and Google provide app developers with interface elements, development tools and SDKs. 

Cross-Platform App Development

This approach means developing a mobile application that can be used flawlessly on multiple mobile platforms. A cross-platform approach allows developers to build an application using a single code base, which can run on different platforms simultaneously.

React Native + Javascript:

React Native is a Javascript framework, used for writing mobile applications that look native on both Android and iOS. React Native uses the same fundamental UI building blocks as Android and iOS apps. 

React Native introduces a radical, novel, and highly functional approach to constructing the user interface. With React Native, your application logic is written and runs in Javascript, and the application User Interface is completely native. The perfect examples of such applications are Skype and Instagram. 

You can also use the Typescript language to build a cross-platform application. Typescript provides excellent features for quick and easy error detection when writing React components. Generic components are of great benefit in the TypeScript toolbox. They provide an extra level of safety when tightening the feedback loop, writing components and helping you find errors quickly.

Looking for Dedicated Developer


Xamarin is a tool for cross-platform mobile app development, which uses C# as the main-language for cross-platform development. C# is a statically typed language with IDE support and mature tooling. Apps written in C# are cross-compiled to native iOS and Android binaries. It’s even possible to use functionality from within C## code and device-specific APIs. For example, applications like Slack and Pinterest are built with Xamarin.

Hybrid App Development

Hybrid App Development makes use of web technologies such as HTML5, CSS and Javascript. The shared

Technology Stack for Hybrid Apps in 2023

There is a different framework for cross-platform app development. Here are a few of them:


Apache Cordova is an open-source framework that is mainly employed to run Javascript-based applications. The functionality of Native devices is exposed via HTML-based applications and JavaScript APIs and hence access device-specific functionality like cameras and sensors. 

Developers mainly rely on CSS and HTML to build the user interface as PhoneGap supports libraries such as Angular JS, jQuery and Knockout.js.

While using Cordova, developers don’t rely only on HTML and CSS to build the user interface as it supports numerous frameworks and libraries such as Angular JS, jQuery and Knockout.js.


Ionic is an Angular JS-based framework, which is why it supports the community with a famous framework and shares a whole set of advantages. The critical ability to make hybrid applications have a native look is also well implemented with Ionic. 

With Ionic, you just need to design an application once and you can deploy it across Android, iOS, and Windows devices. The key benefits of using Ionic include:

  • Supports robust development
  • No need to code everything from scratch
  • Several ready-made plugins
  • AngularJS compatible
  • Engaged community

Which backend technologies are suitable for mobile app development projects?

There are several backend technologies suitable for mobile app development projects, each with its own strengths and use cases. The choice of backend technology depends on factors such as the complexity of the app, the team’s expertise, scalability requirements, and the specific features you need to implement. Here are some popular backend technologies used in mobile app development:


Node.js is known for its event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, which makes it well-suited for real-time applications and APIs. It’s often used with frameworks like Express.js to build RESTful APIs and handle server-side logic.

Ruby on Rails:

Ruby on Rails is a rapid development framework that promotes convention over configuration. It’s great for startups and small teams looking to quickly build and prototype their backend.

Python (Django or Flask):

Python is a versatile language with frameworks like Django and Flask that are commonly used for backend development. Django provides an extensive set of features for larger applications, while Flask is more lightweight and flexible.

Java (Spring Boot):

Java remains a popular choice for enterprise-level applications. Spring Boot, a framework built on top of the Java Spring framework, offers a robust ecosystem for building scalable and maintainable backend services.

PHP (Laravel):

PHP, despite its age, is still widely used for backend development. Laravel is a modern PHP framework that emphasizes elegant syntax and developer-friendly tools.


Firebase is a comprehensive backend-as-a-service (BaaS) platform provided by Google. It offers a variety of services such as real-time databases, authentication, cloud functions, and more, making it a great choice for startups and projects with rapid development cycles.

AWS (Amazon Web Services):

AWS provides a range of cloud services that can be used as the backend for mobile apps. Services like AWS Lambda, DynamoDB, and API Gateway allow you to build scalable and reliable backends.

Microsoft Azure:

Similar to AWS, Microsoft Azure offers a suite of cloud services suitable for building mobile app backends. Azure Functions, Azure SQL Database, and Azure App Service are commonly used services for mobile app backends.

Google Cloud Platform (GCP):

GCP provides services like Google Cloud Functions, Cloud Firestore, and Google App Engine that can be used for building mobile app backends.

Custom Backend:

Depending on the complexity of your project and the specific requirements, you might consider building a custom backend using programming languages like Go, Kotlin, or C#. This gives you complete control over your backend’s architecture and features.

Ultimately, the choice of backend technology should be based on your project’s needs, the skills of your development team, and your long-term goals for the mobile app. It’s important to consider factors like scalability, security, ease of maintenance, and the availability of third-party libraries and integrations when making your decision.

How important is it to optimize mobile apps for performance?

Optimizing mobile apps for performance is highly important for several reasons:

User Experience:

Performance directly impacts user experience. Slow-loading apps, laggy interactions, and delays can frustrate users and lead them to abandon your app. A smooth and responsive experience enhances user satisfaction and engagement.

Retention and Conversion:

Users are more likely to continue using an app and make in-app purchases or conversions if the app performs well. Poor performance can lead to higher bounce rates and lower retention rates.

App Store Rankings:

Both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store consider app performance as a factor in their rankings. Apps that provide a better user experience are more likely to receive positive reviews, higher ratings, and better visibility in search results.

Resource Efficiency:

Mobile devices have limited resources such as processing power, memory, and battery life. Optimizing performance helps minimize resource consumption, leading to longer battery life and better overall device performance.

Competitive Advantage:

In a crowded app market, delivering a high-performance app can give you a competitive edge. Users are more likely to choose and recommend apps that offer a smooth and seamless experience.

Global Reach:

In some regions, internet connectivity might be slower or less reliable. Optimizing your app’s performance can make it accessible to users in areas with varying levels of network quality.

Device Diversity:

There’s a wide range of mobile devices with varying specifications and capabilities. Performance optimization ensures that your app works well across different devices, leading to a larger potential user base.

App Size and Download Speed:

Optimized apps are often smaller in size, which means faster download and installation times. This is crucial, especially for users on slower connections or with limited storage space.

Updates and Maintenance:

As your app evolves, new features and updates can introduce performance issues if not managed properly. By prioritizing performance optimization, you can mitigate the risk of degradation in subsequent releases.

Developer Productivity:

Well-optimized code tends to be more organized and maintainable. This can lead to improved developer productivity and faster debugging, as performance-related issues are minimized.

To achieve optimal app performance, consider techniques like code optimization, efficient memory management, asynchronous operations, lazy loading, caching, and minimizing network requests. Regular performance testing and profiling can help identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement. Keep in mind that while performance is crucial, it should be balanced with other considerations such as functionality, design, and user needs.

What Makes Mobile App an Efficient Marketing Tool for Your Brand?

Gone are the days when advertising was considered as the prominent marketing to promote a brand. With rapid transformations in the digital landscape, having a strong presence over the mobile phone has become an essential element to thrive. Mobile apps have emerged as an effective marketing solution, which not only automates the business but also provides better customer service. Thus, brands are hiring dedicated remote developers for developing mobile apps for their businesses.

The brands with the right application at their behest, do not face a struggle in establishing themselves, instead, app enables them to foster a deep connection with netizens of all demographics and age groups.

Why brands should think about building an app?

According to a recent study, people spend 70% of their time on a mobile phone, out of which 90% of the time is spent on applications. People have their smartphones in hand wherever they go, which implies that you can reach your target audience almost anytime and anywhere through a mobile app. 

Brands have realized the power of mobile applications and that goes simply beyond selling any product or service. Apps have opened up new marketing avenues, and provide businesses with an opportunity to engage in creative ways and turn them into customers. 

Desktop internet usage is dropping and internet usage over the mobile phone is growing significantly. It is estimated that by 2021, there will be more than 7 billion users worldwide. Mobile apps are an excellent marketing channel for brands. It helps companies convey brand messages, connect with the audience, keep users engaged, and build customer loyalty in a crowded marketplace.

What Makes Mobile Apps- An Efficient Marketing Tool?

There are countless ways for mobile apps to help in the growth of businesses. They humanize companies, improve the interaction between brands and customers, and increase sales.

Here is what makes a mobile application, an efficient marketing tool:

Enhances Brand Awareness:

Business often tends to find ways through which they can reach their customers and market their brand. Apps enhance visibility and brand awareness and strategically increase the customer base. 

Once, your prospective customers have installed applications on a mobile device, users will come across the brand frequently, which will improve visibility and awareness. The more often the user interacts with the brand’s application, the more are the chances of them buying your products and availing the services offered by you. 

If you want to get users talking about your app, then you must try to include features that your target audience is looking for.

The app should be highly interactive and keep users coming back to it. Push notifications also play a crucial role in bringing users back to their app. The more people are interacting, the more chances of them purchasing your product.

Boosts Engagement:

Engaging with your customer is crucial if you want your brand name to pop up as soon as they think of purchasing something which you offer.

Regardless of the type of application you have, invest in personalized in-app content. One way to make sure that happens is to study the customer personas to better understand the type of content that works for the audience.

Another effective strategy to boost engagement is Push Notifications. With compelling one-liner sent through push notifications, you can capture user attention and make them check what’s new in your application. Push notification must be of benefit to the user, even if it is a copy or a promotion. Make sure you don’t overdo the competition as it might irritate the users.

Collects Data

An effective strategy revolves around analyzing customer behavior. If your app matches up with the user’s requirements, then they will likely share the data with you.

You can make your mobile application as a brand marketing channel to monitor users, engagement levels, locations, mobile app usage, their shopping behavior, favorite hours and much more.

This aids you in collecting valuable user insights, understand the needs of the customer, and improve product accordingly.

Here are a few ways to collect user data:

Onboarding: Set up a list of the basic questionnaire, which includes pertinent information about preferences, age and more.

In-app Behavior: Keep track of the marketing process by analyzing and monitoring user’s in-app behavior. Apps make it easy for the brand to collect user data based on the reviews and purchases of the product.

By offering bonuses: Bonuses are an ideal way to swap bonuses, discounts or special offers as a reward for filling the details or completing the questionnaires. 

Using this data, you can evaluate user behavior and change the brand development strategy. It is also crucial to include the review/feedback section. This will bring into your notice what customers want from your app.

Increases Customer Royalty

It is a great marketing strategy to reward frequent customers. Getting customer loyalty is challenging for brands. A mobile application is the right tool to improve customer loyalty.

With the aid of geo-targeted push notifications, location-based brands can send specific to the target audience. Location-based call to action via region appears to be personalized to the user, grow target audience and drive more sales.

Increases Sales Ratio

Applications enhance customer experience by making the purchasing process convenient, intuitive and simpler, thereby increasing the sales ratio.

It is not necessary to offer purchases to boost sales, it can also do by offering loyalty programs and other additional services.

Opportunity for Social Marketing

Mobile connectivity has become crucial and synchronizing your app with social networks provides you an opportunity to disperse the content and go viral. Mobile apps enable users to share the brand’s content across various social channels.

Mobile App is considered as the brand’s own marketing channel. It aids in establishing a direct marketing channel, thereby enabling marketers to reach a wider audience. If you are still not using a mobile application as a marketing channel for your brand, then you are lagging. It is the right time to explore new marketing opportunities and jump on the wagon with a mobile app for your brand.

10 Mistakes to Avoid While Developing a Mobile App in 2024

According to recent data by Statista, mobile apps are expected to generate a gigantic revenue of $ 188.9 billion by the end of the year 2020. This data clearly shows the enormous growth that mobile application development is growing to receive. The number of mobile applications is expected to rise to 258.2 billion by 2022; hence, it is quite evident that businesses can gain huge benefits through mobile apps.

While there is considerable growth in the usage of mobile app businesses, not every app out there achieves success. In a recent survey by AppsFlyer, it has been found that around 30% of applications get uninstalled within 30 days of being downloaded. This means out of 10 installed apps, 3 get uninstalled. Another survey by Localytics shows that around 80% of mobile app users stop using an application within three months of its download.

Number of Apps with Over a Million Downloads vs Total Number of Apps

The above stats clearly show that although the mobile industry is booming, not every app is appreciated by customers. After all, there are 5 million total applications in major app stores, but only 32K apps reach the mark of 1M downloads. To make sure that your app covers the steep difference in the number of total applications and the number of successful applications, it is important to avoid some mistakes.

Here is a list of mistakes to be avoided to make sure that your application is not among one of those apps that users forget to open:

1. Not identifying the needs:

This is one of the biggest mistakes while bringing an app into existence. Not doing an analysis of the market and needs of your target audience is the same as serving Sausages to vegans-nobody is going to eat it.

You have a great app idea, but you simply put your money into it without understanding the need of your audience and doing market research. App development requires a big investment, hence it is recommended to take things slow.

No matter whether you are a startup or an established brand, the first step to follow while going for app development is to recognize the pain point of customers. Identify the pain point of customers and then develop an application that cures this pain.

In this oversaturated market of mobile applications, realize the real needs of the customer and then devise a plan for the application. This will make you stand out from your competitors.

2. Outsourcing your project to the right app development company:

Just as there are different types of applications in the market such as Educational apps, eCommerce apps, Dating apps, Financial apps, and more, there are categories of mobile developers also. And, all the mobile app development companies also differ from each other.

Benefits of Outsourcing Mobile App Development
Benefits of Outsourcing Mobile App Development

Before choosing an iOS/android app development company, you need to fix the budget, the complexity, the platforms, and the domain of your app. After this, research for the right company to outsource app development. Here is how to find and hire the right app developer.

3. Underestimating the Total Budget:

As mentioned above, app development incurs a big investment. So, before you begin the app development process, make sure to understand the detailed scope of the resources and budget that you would require in the complete process.

Determining the overall budget of app development includes evaluating development hours, material, space, marketing, overheads, operation team, etc. In other words, these aspects require a considerable investment. Hence, it is crucial to estimate your overall budget beforehand to make the app development smooth and error-free. Make sure you also divide your budget for App marketing too.

4. Ignoring the importance of MVP:

Making an MVP is a beneficial idea that can save your app from being a disaster. An MVP or Minimum Viable Product offers you a chance to test your product in real-time market conditions, where you have daily users to evaluate the performance of the app.

Why Develop Minimum Viable Product?

With MVP, you will be spending as few resources as possible to engage your first users, get feedback and understand your target market. It is important to note here that MVP is not synonymous with a primitive or unfinished product that is created in a hurry. By creating an MVP, you can better understand the needs and expectations of your audience, and design an app that fits it. It is also important to choose the right platform for building an MVP.

5. Building a Poor UI:

One of the biggest mistakes to avoid while developing an application is not paying close attention to developing the UI of your application. The user interface is the face of your application, which will be held responsible for pulling the attention of users.

Since there are a plethora of applications available for accomplishing the same task; users are highly impatient while deciding to keep an app on their mobile devices.

A good UI is the user retention key for your mobile application. Effective UI/UX design aids in winning the consumer’s confidence and making them use your application for finding what they are looking for. The number of users you are getting on your application can measure the success of UI/UX.

Components of UI/UX design
Components of UI/UX Design

For a small venture or start-up, UI and UX hold great importance as the first impression lasts long, and using UI and UX design can break or make the recognition.

While designing a UI, make sure to:

  • Never start designing an app without an App flowchart
  • Pay attention to the resolution
  • Avoid making an animation for into, because an unskippable into can make them uninstall the application
  • Use things that keep users engaged.
  • Add a Gesture-based interface.

6. Overcrowding the app with features. 

Thinking that by adding more features, you can make users appreciate your app is one of the biggest mistakes. Many app developers and businesses strive to make their applications “feature-rich” and in this process, they feed their app with excessive features. This is one of the most common mistakes that app developers and businesses make.

On the other hand, if we go by the user feedback, adding too many features to an application makes it cumbersome, without adding much value to the user experience.

It is better to have limited and highly targeted features to make your mobile purposeful and easy to understand. In addition to this, having too many features makes the app bulky and adds to the load time. This way you can preserve the time, effort, and resources that get wasted in adding these extra features.

For example, if you are planning to create a dating app, here are some of the essential features that your app should possess:

7. Not Having Cross-Platform Strategy:

Not developing an efficient cross-platform strategy is another mistake that is needed to avoid. Gone are the days when you require developing an application for only a single platform.

Cross Platform Framework
Cross Platform Framework

Today, there are a number of cross-platform app development tools, through which users can build applications for both Android and iOS devices. Developers can use a single source code to deploy an application on multiple platforms. PhoneGap is one such tool that can be used for building cross-platform applications.

Although there are some drawbacks to developing a cross-platform application, however, when you have a limited budget, it is the most viable option.

8. Communicating Unclear Briefings:

It is important to communicate your expectations clearly at the beginning itself. 

The best way to avoid miscommunication is to explain clearly what features you need within the application and better to convey your message with the help of visuals. Start by creating diagrams, flowcharts, and sample sketches of the screens so that designers and developers can get an idea.

Explain each element in detail, what should happen when a person clicks a button, where the call-to-action buttons should be placed, which screen should appear after a particular activity, and more.

This will aid you in setting up a realistic budget as the developers know exactly what is required to be accomplished and how much it would take to achieve the goals.

9. Not doing the testing:

Users out there always look for an application that can provide them with glitch-free performance. A flawlessly performing app is required to make sure that user retention is high. 

Apart from simple testing of an application, it is crucial to test it over a wide range of devices to ensure a good first impression. It is better to know what are strategies your web development company follows for testing.

It is also important to note here that when it comes to testing an application, the task should be performed by the professional app-testing team.

10. Unplanned market launch of the app:

One of the biggest mistakes in mobile development is made during the Market launch of an application.

Following are the important steps to follow before launching your mobile application:

  • Validate your MVP before investing in a launch. This will provide you with an idea of what changes are required to be made.
  • Use professional help for optimizing the App Store
  • Pay extra attention to the onboarding process
  • Never neglect a good User Experience

Mobile app development mistakes can significantly affect the success of your mobile application. Take a cue from the common but some of the blunder mistakes stated above and make sure to avoid these mistakes while pursuing the app development process.

Keep in mind that app development is all about engaging with the customers in a way that will help you grow your business and get the desired return on investment. Therefore, it is crucial to pay attention to aspects like requirement analysis, need identification, customer testing, app launch, app testing, etc. The feedback you get from here will help you reach new heights in your business.


The aforementioned are the trending technology stack for mobile app development. You can choose the one which aligns best with your vision and the needs of your project. The informed choice will not only make a dominating presence in the web world but will also help you hit the moon.