Reading Time: 27 minutes

Offshore is all over the place! The expression offshore software development appears to have acquired a foothold with time all over the world. Onshore and offshore are fundamentally cut out of the same cloth named development.

You would believe that with many independent commercial centers offering you a large number of candidates, discovering a product advancement specialist will be speedy and effortless.

I apologize for blasting your air pocket admittance to numerous assets doesn’t ensure a quick and powerful hunt. The other alternative is recruiting dedicated programming developers abroad through re-appropriating and outsourcing organizations.

Offshore development is the new typical for building programming items. Hiring an offshore development team gives organizations admittance to gifted assets at a reasonable cost. The market for recruiting experienced seaward engineers is blasting as a result of the appeal for programming items.

Rethinking is the new standard for developers to construct programming items. The immense change of the far-off work plan of action has constrained organizations to rethink. Recruiting overseas programmers gives organizations admittance to cost-effective qualified assets.

Building an offshore development group can be a test. There are a few angles like area, nature of assets, accessibility, abilities, and substantially more than swaying your choice to employ an offshore development organization.

Overviews show that over 70% of organizations are inclined toward outsourcing the work instead of the headache of recruiting in-house developers for items.

By rethinking the improvement project, organizations will get qualified experts, a huge ability pool, the most recent innovation advancement, and quality-arranged arrangements. Because of the appeal of programming items, the market is blasting to broaden seaward improvement groups.

Ways to Hire Offshore Developers

Ways to hire offshore developers

  1. On-Demand Our offshore development group for recruiters is strong and has the mastery to take on any venture.
  2. Part-time– Recruit a group or pick a couple of our accomplished, committed engineers to work.
  3. Project Basis– Recruit our offshore development group on a task premise and let our group know what your assumptions are.

For what reason do organizations outsource their IT operations offshore?

Exertion Lots of time, and capital go into concocting imaginative and inventive programming answers for organizations that need to stand apart from their rivals.

Organizations that are incapable of employing the most skilled volunteers are left with less qualified designers who will be unable to do their jobs successfully.

At the point when technology organizations need to scale their product development, it’s acceptable practice to investigate various alternatives.

Yet, when these organizations employ a committed improvement group, they free themselves from the deterrent of discovering five-star staff while additionally guaranteeing they get the best programming arrangements conveyed to them at all measures of time.

How to Hire an Offshore Developer?

How to hire an offshore developer

1. Accumulate Requirements

To comprehend the pitch of your thought, accumulate however much data that you can Analyze your rivals.

Your inclinations Technical documentation, Design models, Analyze your rivals. If the acquired data will be wanted and you will not have the option to respond to questions, think about beginning the Discovery Phase with your possible seller.

This interaction will assist you with learning these things and foster an activity plan.

2. Spot your Requirement bring in the perfect spots

There are a large number of software engineers and their groups that you can employ. The significant thing is to track down the one generally appropriate for your necessities.

Assessing aptitude is certainly not a simple assignment and requires a colossal measure of testing. The beginning stage is a quality pool of ability. Putting a call for recruiting in the correct spots is significant.

Want to know how to hire an expert WordPress developer? 

3. Admittance to the Code

Guarantee that you enlist developers who will give you admittance to the code. It is suggested that you ought to be the administrator of all connected records at GitHub, cloud, and other comparable stages.

4. Freelance workplaces

Working with consultants may be an advantageous and cost-effective answer for every individual who needs programming improvement yet needs house abilities.

There exists an assortment of independent labor force correspondence models that assist in setting up proficient collaboration between the customer and the rethink abilities.

5. Sort your competitors

Individual meetings assist with bringing down the last barely any potential groups, and your decision becomes more straightforward.

At this stage, you can dive into better subtleties and attempt to see how each group would deal with your task and what they bring to the table.

Evaluating their capacity to think rapidly, adjust, and convey forward the task is vital to settling on your official conclusion.

Want to know what POC is in software development?

6. Enquire about their work process

Discover how they associate with their customers and assign their activities. Inquire as to whether they are adaptable, and can bear the cost of more engineers whenever needed during the undertaking.

On occasion, the work process doesn’t exactly measure up to their requirements, so it is great to know this before you enlist seaward designers.

Why Hire Offshore Developers for Your Start-up?

In a start-up there can be countless situations of building the item – those can include adding or killing highlights in a truly brief period of time or turning the entire business and attempting to get into an alternate market.

There are such a lot of pressing factors in building an item in a restricted time that it tends to be a test to do that in-house.

An optimal answer for an issue like this will employ a seaward programming improvement organization.

Check out the step-by-step cost estimation of app development cost? 

Above all else, on the grounds that as a start-up, you probably won’t have the option to discover and recruit programmers in your neighborhood. The recruiting cost may be excessively high for an independent venture like yours, and the entire employment interaction can require months, if not a year.

Notwithstanding, then again, there are a lot of individuals out there on the planet who might readily take up such a task and work as a far-off group for your new business.

Now that you understand what is the need for offshore developers the question arises of how to setup an offshore development team or which country we can get the best offshore developers. India, Sri Lanka, China, and the Philippines, are the most perceived Asian nations when it comes to offshore development.

Also Consider where you have a decent harmony among cost and nature of ability Eastern Europe is normally a generally excellent area.

Advantages of Hiring Offshore Developers for a Start-up

1. Cost Savings

There are chances you don’t have a wide pool of engineers and planners in your space contending with each other for the best rates.

Less contest implies more exorbitant costs, however, groups working universally are in rivalry with the entire world.

Seaward designers can manage their job over the Web and most likely a couple of calls to a great extent as can offer quality assistance at more moderate rates.

2. Fast, smart growth

It’s a decent issue to have a business blasting, and you can’t keep pace. However, sooner or later, you need to staff up to be prepared for those new clients and give a superior grade, and on-time work.

Staff increase is an incredible arrangement when you need a completely reviewed, first-class group primed and ready.

3. Business from anyplace

The cloud engineering of Salesforce is one of the fundamental benefits for a business. Seaward Salesforce engineers can care for your business successfully, paying little heed to the area, just by getting to data distantly.

4. The Top Tier of Technology

Because of the wide degree in this field re-evaluates need to put away energy and money on the most recent innovation and on representatives preparing to get a forceful edge on others.

By rethinking in explicit locales, you are ensured of getting the most useful administrations and latest imaginative ability within that particular capacity.

5. Admittance to Superb Talent

Seaward advancement organizations can recruit the best architects and designers since they are not limited by the actual requirements of a specific area.

They can enlist on a worldwide level since they are set up to oblige worldwide cycles and correspondence. This converts into better assistance for you, the customer.

With the present innovation, you can work with a group of specialists with key individuals on various mainlands and feel like you are working with someone directly down the corridor.

6. Time-region advantage

Most Western nations re-appropriate their advancement errands toward the Eastern nations. For example, an endeavor in a North American nation will doubtlessly move to a firm in an Asian country.

When a functioning day in a Western nation begins, the eastern district element’s engineers would have finished their jobs. This extensive time distinction between the two landmasses fills work productivity.

7. Diminishing liabilities and setting aside more space for new freedoms

With another business dispatch or intending to extend the business, it accompanies a tremendous obligation. When working with an in-house group, they are answerable for everything directly from creating and taking care of an ideal update.

At times you need to surrender some business openings since you have too much going on and fear are not able to convey the undertaking on schedule.

8. Partnership Distribution

While income-creating undertakings are significant, you can enlist a seaward group to monitor your CRM stage. This saves time and energy, so you can anticipate your business development and deal with the high-need errands.

Don’t get worried about How to find a developer for your startup, here are some of the points you can consider.

  • Find a Developer in Students Competitions
  • Look for Developers in Job Boards
  • Social Networking
  • Freelancing Platforms
  • Remote Staffing Agency
  • Hiring Marketplace to Find Developers
  • Local Recruitment Agencies

Common Challenges When Hiring Offshore Developers

Hiring overseas developers can be a game-changer for your business, offering access to specialized skills, cost-effectiveness, and a broader talent pool. However, it’s not without its hurdles. Let’s explore these challenges and find strategies to address them effectively.

  • Cultural and Language Barriers:

One of the primary challenges when hiring offshore developers is dealing with cultural and language differences. Effective communication is the cornerstone of successful software development, and misunderstandings due to language barriers or cultural differences can lead to costly errors, project delays, and frustration for both parties. To overcome this challenge, companies can invest in effective cross-cultural communication training for their in-house teams and offshore developers.

  • Time Zone Differences:

Offshore developers may be located in different time zones, making real-time collaboration and communication challenging. Coordinating meetings and ensuring seamless communication can become a significant hurdle, potentially causing project delays. To address this issue, businesses can establish clear communication protocols, utilize project management tools that cater to different time zones, and establish overlapping working hours.

  • Quality Control:

Ensuring the quality of work delivered by offshore developers can be a persistent concern. Companies might worry about the remote team’s commitment to maintaining high-quality standards. To mitigate this challenge, it’s crucial to have a robust quality control process in place. Implement code reviews, automated testing, and regular project updates to monitor progress and maintain quality.

  • Intellectual Property and Data Security:

Protecting intellectual property and sensitive data is a paramount concern when working with offshore developers. Ensuring data security and complying with legal regulations may be more complex when dealing with offshore teams. To address this challenge, companies should have robust non-disclosure agreements, clear data protection protocols, and perform thorough due diligence when selecting an offshore development partner.

  • Lack of Control and Visibility:

Companies may struggle with the feeling of losing control over their projects when working with remote teams. It can be challenging to have the same level of oversight and visibility as with in-house teams. To tackle this issue, companies should implement agile project management practices and use collaboration tools to maintain transparency and control.

  • Different Development Practices and Standards:

Offshore developers might follow different development practices and coding standards, which can lead to compatibility and integration issues. To overcome this challenge, it’s essential to establish a common set of development practices, coding standards, and project management methodologies. Regularly review and align these practices to ensure consistency.

  • Unpredictable Legal and Political Environment:

Offshore development can be influenced by unpredictable legal and political changes in the outsourcing country. This can result in contract disputes, disruptions, or changes in regulations that affect the project. Companies can address this by working with reputable offshore development providers and staying informed about the political and legal environment of the outsourcing location.

  • Hidden Costs:

While cost savings are a significant driver for outsourcing, hidden costs can arise, such as additional management overhead, communication expenses, and the need for more extensive testing and quality assurance efforts. To avoid this, companies should conduct thorough cost-benefit analysis and include all potential expenses in their budgeting.

  • Staff Turnover:

Offshore developers, like in-house teams, may face staff turnover. This can disrupt project continuity and require additional onboarding efforts. To mitigate this challenge, companies can work with offshore partners who have a stable and experienced team and ensure they have knowledge transfer processes in place.

What collaboration tools are necessary when working with offshore developers/programmers?

1. Slack

Slack logo

In the event that you work for an enormous enough organization, or for an association with any distant representatives or specialists, you can send messages, pictures, web connections, recordings, and the sky’s the limit from there.

According to stats, in 2018 Slack had around 9 million weekly active users that have grown to 12 million daily users, and we can see some new changes in the next few years.

They’re intended to make correspondence between representatives consistent and supplant a considerable lot of the capacities that email once overwhelmed.

2. Jira

Jira Logo

It is a cloud-and membership-based issue following instrument yet in addition intended to deal with group coordination in nimble programming improvement too.   It offers an exhaustive set-up of bugs following all through the whole programming improvement lifecycle.

This product makes groups pursue a shared objective and works with arranging, following just as the arrival of the product. Starts with accumulation and arranging, this task of the board programming permits you to lay out the whole undertaking progress.

According to report, there are more than 3500 apps in the Atlassian Marketplace in the Project management category for Jira Software.

3. Microsoft Teams

Microsoft has revealed another design for Teams gatherings considering clients of Teams Rooms. The first line design moves the video display to the lower part of the screen and encompasses meeting content with data like plans, errands, and notes.

The gathering visit additionally gains better permeability for members in an actual Teams Room or working distantly. Microsoft has likewise presented a lot of cooperation apparatuses in Teams. Clients of Team visits have acquired the capacity to stick messages in a talk for different clients to discover later.

4. Skype

skype logo

It is remarkable. Anybody can download it, and utilize it to visit up close and personal or settle on a normal voice decision. According to the Data, skype has 200 million+ users with 40 million daily active users. It’s not difficult to utilize, and the best part is that it’s free.

Skype permits clients to settle on phone decisions over the web to other Skype clients for nothing, or to landlines and PDAs for an expense. Extra highlights incorporate texting, record moves, short message administration, video conferencing, and its capacity to evade firewalls. With this module, you can settle on video decisions, send records, talk, send SMS, and use Skype cast with your associates.

5. Trello


It’s an astoundingly reasonable board-base business, the executive’s apparatus. Through a product project, there are a few assignments that need to be done and these are allocated among colleagues. Trello presents a simple-to-utilize interface to figure and appropriate assignments, track progression, and plan runs. You can appreciate how the obligations are created and what needs to be made.

Where to Find Overseas Developers

When it comes to finding experienced overseas developers, you have several options:


Graffersid is a well-established IT company specializing in providing offshore development services. They have a team of experienced developers and a proven track record of delivering successful projects. Consider them if you’re looking for a reliable partner for your software development needs.


Upwork is a renowned platform that connects businesses with talented freelancers worldwide. It offers a wide range of skilled professionals, including developers, designers, and project managers. You can browse through profiles, check reviews, and hire the best fit for your project.


Freelancer is another popular platform where you can find overseas developers. It operates similarly to Upwork, allowing you to post your project and select from a pool of freelancers with different expertise.


Toptal is a platform known for its rigorous screening process. They claim to connect you with the top 3% of talent in fields like software development. While this exclusivity may come at a higher price, you’re almost guaranteed to find highly skilled developers.


GitHub is a unique platform where you can discover developers by exploring their open-source contributions. This method allows you to assess their coding skills and contributions to relevant projects.


LinkedIn is a valuable tool for professional networking. You can use it to search for overseas developers and connect with them directly. Make sure to review their profiles and endorsements carefully.

What criteria should I consider when evaluating offshore developers or companies?

Choosing the right offshore developer or company is a critical decision that can greatly impact the success of your project. In this section, we will explore the essential criteria to consider when evaluating offshore developers or companies. By carefully assessing these factors, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your project’s goals and objectives.

  1. Technical Expertise

One of the primary criteria when evaluating offshore developers or companies is their technical expertise. It’s crucial to verify that the team has the skills and experience necessary to complete your project successfully. Here’s what to look for:

  • Portfolio: Review their previous projects and case studies to gauge the depth of their technical skills and the variety of projects they’ve handled.
  • Technologies: Ensure that the offshore developers are well-versed in the programming languages, frameworks, and tools relevant to your project.
  • Certifications: Check if the developers have industry-recognized certifications in the technologies they claim to be experts in.
  • Team Composition: Evaluate the composition of the development team, including the roles and responsibilities of individual members. This will help ensure a balanced skill set within the team.
  1. Communication and Language Skills

Effective communication is a cornerstone of successful offshore development. When evaluating offshore developers or companies, consider the following factors:

  • Language Proficiency: Confirm that the offshore team is proficient in English or the language of your choice. Effective communication is vital for clarifying requirements, addressing issues, and providing updates.
  • Time Zone Compatibility: Consider the time zone difference between your location and the offshore team. A small time difference can improve real-time collaboration and issue resolution.
  • Communication Tools: Ensure that the offshore team is well-versed in popular project management and communication tools such as Slack, Jira, or Trello.
  1. Quality Assurance

Quality assurance is paramount in software development. To ensure your project’s success, assess the offshore developers’ quality control measures:

  • Testing Processes: Inquire about their testing methodologies, including unit testing, integration testing, and user acceptance testing. A robust testing process ensures the delivery of high-quality software.
  • Bug Tracking: Check if the offshore team has a robust system for tracking and fixing bugs during development and after deployment.
  • Code Review: Verify that they conduct code reviews to maintain code quality and consistency.
  1. Security and Data Privacy

Data security is a top concern in today’s digital landscape. Ensure the offshore developers or companies follow strict security protocols:

  • Compliance: Check if they comply with industry-specific security standards, such as ISO 27001 or GDPR for data protection.
  • Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs): Sign NDAs to protect your project’s sensitive information.
  • Data Access: Understand who will have access to your data and ensure it’s only accessible to authorized personnel.
  1. Pricing and Cost Structure

Cost is a significant driver behind offshore development. Evaluate the pricing and cost structure to determine whether it aligns with your budget:

  • Transparent Pricing: Seek clarity on the pricing structure, including hourly rates, project estimates, and any additional costs.
  • Hidden Costs: Inquire about potential hidden costs, such as software licenses or infrastructure expenses.
  • Payment Terms: Discuss payment schedules and terms, ensuring they are reasonable and flexible.
  1. Cultural Compatibility

Cultural compatibility plays a crucial role in the success of offshore development collaborations. To ensure a harmonious working relationship:

  • Cultural Sensitivity: Be aware of cultural differences and ensure both sides are culturally sensitive and adaptable.
  • Shared Values: Align core values and work ethics to create a cooperative and productive work environment.

Selecting the right offshore developer or company is a decision that can profoundly impact the success of your software project. By carefully considering the criteria mentioned in this blog post, you can make an informed choice that ensures technical competence, effective communication, and a commitment to quality and security. Remember that thorough due diligence and clear communication are key to building a successful partnership with your offshore development team.

Best Practices for Managing Offshore Development Projects and Teams

Managing offshore development projects and teams has become a common practice, allowing organizations to access expertise, reduce costs, and accelerate product development. However, the success of offshore development projects hinges on effective management practices. Get to know the best practices for managing offshore development projects and teams to ensure efficiency, productivity, and seamless collaboration.

  1. Selecting the Right Offshore Partner

The foundation of a successful offshore development project lies in choosing the right partner. When selecting an offshore development team, consider factors such as their experience, technical expertise, cultural compatibility, and communication skills. It’s essential to conduct thorough due diligence and ask for references to ensure you’re working with a reputable organization.

  1. Clear Communication and Collaboration

Effective communication is the cornerstone of offshore project management. Establish a robust communication strategy that includes regular meetings, video conferences, and instant messaging tools. Overcome time zone differences by scheduling meetings at overlapping hours and maintaining clear and concise written documentation of project requirements and progress.

  1. Define Clear Project Objectives and Scope

Before diving into the project, define clear and well-documented project objectives, scope, and deliverables. Make sure both your in-house and offshore teams have a shared understanding of these requirements. Use tools like project management software to track progress and milestones.

  1. Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity

Cultural differences can influence the dynamics of an offshore team. Promote cultural awareness and sensitivity to foster a collaborative and inclusive environment. Encourage cross-cultural training and team-building activities to bridge cultural gaps and build a cohesive team.

  1. Time Zone Management

Time zone differences can be a challenge, but they can also be leveraged to your advantage. For example, consider setting up a “follow-the-sun” model, where one team hands off tasks to another as the workday progresses around the globe. This can lead to 24-hour productivity and faster project turnaround.

  1. Effective Project Management Tools

Utilize project management tools and software like Jira, Trello, or Asana to keep track of tasks, deadlines, and progress. These tools provide transparency, accountability, and real-time updates that are crucial for managing offshore teams.

  1. Establish Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Define key performance indicators and metrics to measure the success of your offshore development project. This can include factors like project completion time, code quality, and defect rates. Regularly assess these KPIs to ensure the project is on the right track.

  1. Quality Assurance and Testing

Quality assurance and testing are critical components of offshore development projects. Establish a robust testing process to ensure that the final product meets the desired quality and functionality. Consider involving dedicated QA teams to perform thorough testing.

  1. Security and Data Privacy

Address data security and privacy concerns by implementing strict security protocols and ensuring that your offshore partner complies with relevant regulations and standards. Protect your intellectual property and sensitive data through secure communication channels and contractual agreements.

  1. Regular Site Visits

When possible, plan occasional site visits to meet the offshore team face-to-face. In-person interactions can strengthen relationships and improve collaboration, trust, and understanding between onshore and offshore teams.

Why hire a remote team for your software development project?

If we believe in the statistics, a reportshows that the Information technology outsourcing development has reached over 64 million estimates. It implies that the rate at which this realm is growing is indeed fast-paced. But have you ever wondered why the need for remote team is even required?

Today we are in the realm of custom software development. And, the demand for the best developers is ever increasing. In such times, people are no longer willing to stick to an office building.

The development of the software solutions has expanded to constraints of a time zone, and even demographics.

Here are 5 Advantages and Challenges of Hiring Remote Developers

The majority of the top and renowned companies today are working in close collaboration with remote teams. But, what is exactly a remote team, and why there is a need for the same?

That all thing we have described in the paragraph below-

What is a Remote Team?

A remote development team is which is known to have a well-developed team of developers who can help us in creating impeccable IT solutions.

Usually, a remote team may work in collaboration with the in-house staff or under them. Whatever may be the requirement, a remote team helps in creating unified and state-of-art solutions which are further a best fit for the clients.

Want to know how to hire temporary Remote Developers

Arguments based on assigning a project to the remote team-

It was believed that the outsourcing option was considered quite daunting as well as risky. In such cases, they thought that the overall mapping of opportunities and the risk management can be quite difficult. But, to the given advantages, this was no longer than a misconception.

Today, the companies have understood the reasons to hire remote developers or development team.

Therefore, they are considering it as a new normal. If you wish to know what causes a company to hire outsource website development company or remote team, then stay glued to this page and keep reading!

Benefits of hiring dedicated developers

1. Better Productivity-

We guess this was quite simple to interpret and analyze. The more the number of experts working on your project the better is its rate of success. For instance, if an in-house developer forgets a thing to add than it can be seen and corrected by the remote team developer. And, this, in turn, reduces the chances of errors.

There are several Design Development Tools for Remote Teamto boost their productivity.

When the above mentioned happens, we know that we are reducing the overall costs of re-works and correction and thus saving our time all together.

2. Access the world best talents, and create your dream team-

When you hire a team of remote developers for your startupyou are getting access or free card to the global talent pool. Today, the companies have expanded their workforce and they are no longer restricted to the four walls of the office.

A remote team will work with your in-house team in a way, that they help you create an ideal workforce environment. And, when this is done, your employees may be efficient to tick all the boxes, required to thrive and grow.

Today, over 20% of the companies are working with a remote team. And, in the coming years, this statistic data may increase to a number of 26%. It is widely due to the reason that hiring a remote talent may help in increasing the overall productivity of the team.

Here is Step by Step Guide to hire ReactJS Developers

3. Diversity-

One of the best things about hiring dedicated developers is that they are diverse. They belong to different background, cultures, countries as well as nationalities.

When this happens, you have an advantage- a new perspective. What if a project was done in this particular way is useful and easier to complete? What if they are trained in a technology that can provide you with a plethora of benefits?

In simpler terms, the diverse team you employ helps you to deliver a near-to perfect solution. Moreover, a remote developer may have the skill you have been looking for a long time.

know the cost to hire WordPress Developer

4. Around the clock services-

When you are developing a project, you need to be careful of the time taken. In simpler terms, the amount of time required to build a project has always been an important criterion.

And, when you assign a remote team than their working time may not be similar to yours. They might be working when you are awake or sleeping.

Here are benefits of hiring dedicated developers

5. Strong and better service offering-

The logic is simple and that is when you employ different expertise on your project case, you are working to make that project a success.

The diverse culture, background and even thinking can help greatly in problem-solving. It is because we get a different perspective.

The different viewpoints can be considered as an asset that helps in the brainstorming of better ideas. The experience, as well as their skill, set a diverse company brings to your table can be a great help in avoiding the oncoming loopholes.

Here is the cost to hire mobile app developer

6. Getting rid of the talent shortage-

It was reported that an average 41% of the employers face much prevalent issues such as talent shortage when it comes to hiring a developer.

At times, a company is willing to pay high and large to a developer with skill in niche technology. But, they are not easy to find. In such cases, you can increase getting high profits if you are willing to invest in a remote talent pool.

7. Experienced developers who are working remotely are more motivated-

Motivation and determination are the qualities or traits everyone says they posses but it is hardly seen elsewhere other than the paper. The experienced developers if provided with an objective can work greatly in remote conditions because they have no pressure.

You can track their work by the means of tracker tool such as Jira, communication channels such as Zoom and slack, time tracker like time doctor and regular calls can help you to stay connected with your remote team.

In simpler terms, these tools can be an aid to manage your remote team.

Here are 5 ways to hire the right app developer

8. Planning for the future-

The future stands for a more remote team coming in action. And, it means you don’t require a swanky place to make your employees sit and work. Your employees can work from home, saving you the additional office costs. And, you can incorporate the extra costs in your overall working.

9. Cut the extra cost-

When you are working with a remote team, you only have to pay them on an hourly basis. It will save you from the additional chunks such as office costs.

Once you are persuaded why you need to employ an offshore outsourcing website development company, you will face another set of questions.

And, to solve such questions you can read the following tips –

  • Make sure your remote team have all the collaboration software required-
    To start with the work, you need a tool that can help you communicate with the team, it can be hangouts or just Skype. Another tool for meetings such as Zoom screen sharing and slack, and you can also incorporate a tool that tracks their daily activities such as time doctor. This along with the regular calls can keep your remote and in-house development team to be on the same page.
  • Regular and organized sync-up calls-
    Regular calls where you can discuss the current projects you have been working on or the projects you need help can be discussed via the means of the calls.
  • Track Productivity-
    While employing a remote team you need to track the work regularly. It will be a great aid when it comes to determining an efficient development process.
  • Keep the Security in check-
    When working remotely, you should ensure that your data is well protected. And, for that, every developer on the team remote or in-house should be informed about the BYOD policy. A BYOD policy is a popular abbreviation for bringing your own device policy. These are set of rules that govern IT departments and their corporate level of support for their smart phones, PCs as well as tablets.

If you are looking for an acclaimed remote development company for your next big IT project, then look no more and contact Graffersid.

It is a renowned name that helps its clients with providing impeccable offshore IT-based solutions such as  IT Staff Augmentation Company. In case you need to know more, you can visit their website.

How Should Startups Hire Their First Web Developer in 2024?

How Should Startups Hire Their First Web Developer

Hiring your first web developer in a startup in 2023 is like a Marriage. Where the developer wants to run wild, get cozy and drop the guard while the founder should be able to be a strong pillar and guard the other’s back.

I have been on both sides of the tables. While I was working, I had offers from some of the best MNCs while the startups were offering up to 100% hike. And as a bootstrap solo founder, I have hired some extraordinarily talented people at market standards rates.

I will give you the gist of what I am about to explain next. Really talented people are motivated by ideas, dreams, and confidence rather than money. Of course, everyone expects a decent package to justify their career projections.

Let’s first understand the Challenges of a Founder:

  • You have a money crunch,
  • You want a developer who is an expert in his domain so that you don’t have to repeatedly cross-check or explain things,
  • Web Developer should take ownership of things and reduce your burden,
  • He/She should be fast, proactive and understanding,
  • Someone you can trust (since you may or may not be technical and you don’t want to lose your code),
  • He/She should understand the product inside-out and be able to suggest improvements and find loopholes.
  • Basically, you want a CTO without an Equity, High Salary or too much commitment.
  • Hiring takes a lot of time, consultants take a lot of money, finding organic candidates takes a lot of effort. Hence you want to hire them asap.
  • Also, because you are going crazy thinking about the idea, and what all you can do to grow it and the excitement of how the market is going to react to your product/service is uncontainable.

Well, all points are valid and you feel you have all the right reasons to be able to deserve the best developer suited for the role.

Now, let’s enter the shoe of a web developer to see their challenges: (assumption the developer is good)

  • The candidate is registered on very limited job sites, which he visits rarely,
  • He/she has too much work (as a hobby or official work) to dedicate in searching where is that great idea that could excite him,
  • He/She doesn’t want to be just an employee or be overpowered, rather all they want is respect and acknowledgment.
  • They know they can always get good offers.
  • The biggest risk for them is that the startup may shut down in some months or a couple of years. An early job change will affect their resume.
  • They have worked too long on the tech and always want to push forward in learning new things and implement something challenging.
  • Not having a tech senior means that there will only be self-learning and it might be slow.
  • Can he/she learn something by being with you that can help him/her in her career going ahead?.

What is a web developer looking for:

1. Security:

The developer wants to look into your eyes and feel the confidence that the startup is not shutting down any time soon.

2. Respect and acknowledgment :

They hate politics and unnecessary hierarchy or bootlicking. They want to be acknowledged for the work they do and the quality they bring on the table.

3. Leader:

They are employees because they need someone to guide them. Someone’s shadow to work in. Hence in the discussion, they will always look if you are someone with whom they can drop their guard and focus core-ly on working and technology.

Some Platforms to Help you Meet Your Candidate:

1. Indeed: Free + paid, Feature to filter candidates based on custom Questions (Very useful), Has own Database of Developers, Give organic reach, gives a public URL that can be shared on other platforms, Great Dashboard to review applications and manage profiles.

2. AngelList: Free, No custom questions, Has Own Database, Gives Organic Reach, Gives Public, Not a great dashboard, Gives you open access to developer Database to filter the one you like

3. Naukri: Paid Only, No custom Question, No Organic Reach, No Public Link, Management Dashboard is good, After paying Gives access to the Developer database where you can find your developer. (Not recommended for startups).

4. LinkedIn Jobs: Paid Only, No Custom Questions, Paid Reach to candidates, Decent Management Dashboard, you can find food candidates here.

5. Consultants: A decent consultant will charge you 6% of the annual CTC and a good consultant will charge you 8.33% (Roughly 1-month salary). And you have to pay only if you hire a candidate referred by the consultant.

6. Social Media: Another common practice is to do a job post on any one of the above free portals and share its link in a post on the social media like Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, and WhatsApp with compelling content on why a candidate should join your startup.
Here is a great example.

How to ensure that the web developer is the right fit and convince them to join:


Problem: You don’t understand the technology that well and are unable to judge if he is the right candidate. Possibly you might as well just show your reluctance towards talking about the tech aspect.

Effect: Developer feels insecure.

Solution: Don’t interrupt and just hear what he has to say. Talk more about his past work and the features he has implemented rather than the technology he used.

2. Salary:

Problem: You don’t have a lot of cash to spend and yet you need a good developer fast. Due to which you show weakness by being too over-powering or being too needy.

Effect: If you show neediness they will never join you. If you try to be too over-powering they will push you more on salary bracket.

Solution: You need a friend, not an employee to show them that you understand his need and you acknowledge that they are good in their domain. You can give them a six-month raise offer or a future commitment for the same while meeting their base expectations.

3. Motivating them to accept the offer:

Problem: It is a common sight to see developers not join a company even after all the demands were fulfilled. There are multiple problems while doing this.

Solution: It is a human tendency to be a part of something big, to be a part of something important. You need to open up and tell them what your vision is, what change do you want to bring. How is your idea going to stand out, what have you planned for the next 2 years?

4. Test Before you hire: (Applicable for Non-Tech Founders as well):

Problem: Resumes can be a bluff, people can manipulate the information or exaggerate the tech and project they have worked on. The test is not always about coding, it is also about work ethics, approach to a problem, commitment and delivery and for that, you don’t need to be technical.

Solution: Design a small problem like a review and rating portal (which is hardly 4 pages: List of Company,   Review List Page, add Review and Add Company) and allocate a time like 3 days or 4 days for the candidate to develop it.

1. Timely delivery means they value time and stick to words.

2. Proper communication/updates mean they are professional.

3. Asking questions means they take ownership and is good at management.

4. Adding elements or enhancing the given features mean they are proactive, talented and have a good experience.

5. If they ask for more time that shows that they are honest.

A good web developer will always value the dream, vision, and learning more than the money. Because he knows that he always be able to find a better and higher-paying job. A candidate who is motivated by money can never be a good fit for any startup. Hence you can never buy them with money, you have to rather motivate them with the goal.

Hiring in 2023 is more about finding the best fit rather than the best coder. Teaching someone how to code is easier than teaching someone the work ethic.

Filtering the right candidate always gives them a small task. Find the most critical tech part of your idea and give it as the task applicants. Based on how they approach the task will tell you all the things you need to know about hiring your first web developer. Again the one completing it or doing it fastest may not always be the best choice.

Where are the best countries to hire offshore developers?

Offshore development offers access to a global talent pool, allowing businesses to tap into expertise from around the world while minimizing overhead costs. But where are the best countries to hire offshore developers? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore some of the top destinations for outsourcing your development needs.

  1. India: 

    India has long been a powerhouse in the world of offshore development. With a vast pool of highly skilled developers proficient in a wide range of technologies, India offers cost-effective solutions without compromising quality. Cities like Bangalore, Hyderabad, and Pune are renowned for their thriving tech ecosystems and abundance of IT talent. The country’s favorable time zone differences also make it an attractive option for businesses in Western countries, enabling round-the-clock development cycles and faster time-to-market.

  2. Ukraine: 

    Ukraine has rapidly emerged as a preferred destination for offshore development, thanks to its highly educated workforce and competitive pricing. Cities like Kyiv, Lviv, and Kharkiv are home to a burgeoning tech community, with developers proficient in cutting-edge technologies such as blockchain, AI, and machine learning. Moreover, Ukraine boasts a favorable business environment, with supportive government policies and robust intellectual property protection laws.

  3. Poland:

    Poland has earned a reputation as a top destination for outsourcing software development within Europe. With a strong emphasis on quality and reliability, Polish developers are renowned for their professionalism and adherence to best practices. Cities like Warsaw, Krakow, and Wroclaw are thriving tech hubs, attracting businesses from across the globe. Additionally, Poland’s geographical proximity to Western Europe ensures convenient communication and collaboration, making it an ideal choice for European companies seeking offshore development partners.

  4. Vietnam:

    Vietnam has emerged as a rising star in the world of offshore development, offering a winning combination of affordability and high-quality talent. With a young and dynamic workforce, Vietnam boasts a growing tech scene fueled by government initiatives and foreign investment. Cities like Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi are home to a vibrant community of developers skilled in various programming languages and frameworks. Moreover, Vietnam’s cultural affinity with Western countries and proficiency in English makes it an attractive option for businesses seeking seamless collaboration.

  5. Philippines: 

    The Philippines has long been a preferred destination for business process outsourcing (BPO), and it’s now gaining traction as a hub for offshore software development as well. With a large pool of English-speaking developers and a strong cultural alignment with Western countries, the Philippines offers a compelling option for businesses seeking cost-effective solutions. Cities like Manila and Cebu are home to numerous outsourcing companies and tech startups, providing access to a diverse talent pool with expertise in various technologies.

Looking for Dedicated Developer


Working with virtual groups is a reality. Whether you outsource software development projects to a company with an offshore base of the activity or you choose to recruit an expert in an alternate city. It is a regular situation for several organizations in the world.

Albeit the advantages of gathered assets are notable and perceived, organizations are normally searching for the best software development partner for a task.

Those individuals might be on the opposite side of the nation or the opposite side of the world. It comes down to cost anyway, don’t let that Blindside you. Less expensive doesn’t generally mean better time in exertion you would go through with less expensive ability. It can be so exceptionally exorbitant to have done yourself.